Sore Loser

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Day 5 ~
Luckily for them, the weather had cleared up the next day. The fresh Spring air blowing through their hair as they stood watching the scene unfold.

"This will only end badly and you know it." "Come on sweet cheeks, you doubting me?" She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow as Jacob looked at her. "I'm saying you will hurt yourself."

Cal began making noises under his breath before getting louder. "Uncle Cal why are you making chicken noises?" "Well Charlie, your Daddy is-" "Nah, nah, nah I didn't say I wasn't taking part."

Connie had an unimpressed look on her face as Cal looked to her before turning back. "Alright but know she's probably right, you've been out the game for a while. Sure you can take it?" Jacob scoffed with a smile. "Please. Against you, I could do it with my eyes closed."

Connie dropped her hands rolling her eyes walking away. She sat down at the picnic bench where Charlie was with a smile. "You know he's doing it to prove a point-" "I know. And he'll prove mine soon enough."

Charlie placed a hand on Connie's arm causing her to smile as Alicia joined them. "Bets on who hurts them self first-" "£10 says Jacob." Connie didn't hesitate at making the bet with knowing how likely it would be.

They'd left the cabin and walked through the forest coming across a woodland park with a small agility course. Charlie, Grace and Amy had all gone into the park and were sitting on the sings watching.

Cal had challenged Jacob to a competition of who could get across the course quicker, however after the rain the previous night everything was still pretty wet and a disaster waiting to happen.

Connie had her arms folded tightly across her chest refusing to listen to Jacob as he tried to reason with her. "Seriously sweet cheeks I'm not going to hurt myself-" "Whatever, do not expect me to help when you do."

Charlie looked to Jacob with a smile as he wandered away to Cal. "Alright then let's get this started shall we? Last one back here loses."

They were counted down before both running across the leaves towards several beams at different heights. They jumped over each one in turn, Jacob getting a slight lead on Cal.

Grace and Amy were shouting from where they sat encouraging them both. When Connie turned to look at them they'd made it around most of the course.

They'd jumped all the beams, moved across the stepping stones, swung themselves across the monkey bars and were rushing towards a net.

Jacob was first to the top but managed to get his foot caught at the last moment allowing Cal to overtake him. He quickly pulled free falling to the floor, losing his balance slightly but carrying on.

He ran as fast as he could catching up to Cal forgetting how wet the floor was. Just as he was about to pass him on one of the thin beams he lost his footing and plummeted to the floor.

Connie's hands shot up to her mouth as she watched him hit the ground. When he didn't get up straight away she got up and moved quickly towards him. "Jacob! Are you okay?" "I'm fine sweet cheeks, don't-"

She punched his chest as he sat up causing him to retract from her with a stern look. "Ow-" "I told you you'd get hurt but no you just ignore me." Connie placed her hands on his ankle but he shook his head. "Con, I'm okay-" "Just let me look. Who's the doctor?"

He looked at her not saying a word causing her to sarcastically smile. "Exactly." She straightened his leg out beginning to move it around slightly. He winced slightly as she carried on. "I thought you weren't running to help me-" "Shut up Jacob. Unfortunately I love you and couldn't sit there watching you."

Jacob caught her hands in his after hearing the anger in her voice. "Con, I am sorry. It was just fun-" "Yeah and you could've broken that or worse." She tried pulling her hand back but he laced his fingers through hers. "I guess it's okay then?"

She pressed down on his ankle once more causing him to moan. "You've just sprained it." Connie moved to stand up but Jacob wrapped an arm swiftly around her waist bringing her to his level. "I love you-" "Mhmm..."

Jacob mimicked one of her expressions by raising an eyebrow looking to her. Connie's eyes remained fixated on the ground until he gave her hand a pull so she fell to his lap. As she looked about to argue he pushed his lips onto hers.

He forcefully kissed her as he let his hands manoeuvre up her body and into her hair. She found herself unable to resist him as she let her hands push against his chest, her knees straddling his lap.

Jacob ran his tongue across her bottom lip before she parted her lips letting him deepen it. They were bought apart by Charlie's coughing somewhere in the back ground. "I think it's about time we got back."

Connie pulled back from Jacob's lips but didn't let her eyes move from his. "You gonna be okay to walk?" Jacob smiled running a hand across her face. "Of course I will sweet cheeks." Connie pushed herself up from the floor before offering her hands out to Jacob who took hold of them gratefully.

Connie slipped an arm behind him, offering him some small support. "Do not think this means you get away with bed rest for the rest of this. You did it to yourself-" "Hey I'm injured and you're supposed to treat your patients nicely."

She glanced at him sideways knowingly. "You are not a patient. You are my husband, unfortunately." Jacob acted hurt before wrapping his arms around her waist lifting her up. "Jacob! Jacob! This is not good for your ankle!"

Connie let out a screech as she was thrown over his shoulder before laughing uncontrollably. "Put me down-" "Sorry sweet cheeks no can do." She continued to laugh as he walked with the slightest hobble carrying Connie back to the cabin.

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