Being Boss

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Connie's heels echoed around the department as she strolled through cubicles. Her head was held high as she carried the patient notes towards the nurses' station. "Morning Charlie-" "Morning." She walked around the desk signing something in the file before placing it on top of the rest.

Charlie continued to watch her strange behavior. "Everything alright?" "Other than a screaming CEO everything's fine." He smiled watching as she looked up at him returning the friendly grin. "What?" She placed a hand on her hip as she looked back at him. "Something I said?"

He shook his head with a shrug walking with her as she moved towards resus. "More like what you didn't... Robyn was stood right next to you gossiping and you said nothing. Cal and Alicia were talking away and you just smiled." Connie rolled her eyes continuing to walk away. "See you later Charlie."

She entered resus heading for her patient where Rita was already beginning to treat them. "Right my name's Mrs Masters, can you tell me what happened?" "Fell from the balcony. Let's just say I'm not the luckiest guy in the world right about now." Connie smirked taking the stethoscope from her neck. "Alright, take a deep breath for me... And breath out."

Rita watched on amused by the change in attitude from the last few days. Everyone had been feeling the pregnant, hormonal wrath of Connie but today was different on a whole new level. "Okay, I want to order a chest x-ray to be safe and have regular obs. Can we get 10mg of morphine too please?" "Of course."

Connie placed her stethoscope around her neck holding it for a second. "I'll leave you in the capable hands of Nurse Freeman. I'll come back when we receive your results." "Thanks doc." Connie placed the chart back down at the end of the bed before wandering out of resus.

Rita was standing beside the counter as Ethan, Robyn and David watched Connie leave. "Did she just complement you?" "I have no idea." They all stood bewildered before hastily returning to work as she came back into resus. "Nurse Miller I'm sure there is no reason for you to be in here... Well?"

Robyn cowered nodding with her apology before walking out of resus as Connie turned on her heel. Stopping by the nurses station she watched as Elle strolled into the department. "Don't bite-" "I don't know what you're talking about Nurse Fairehead."

Charlie smiled across the desk at her as she kept her eyes on his. Elle wandered up to them stopping leaning against it. "It's mad out there, looks like world war three is about to erupt in reception-" "Wouldn't be the ED if it didn't." Charlie watched as Connie commented without looking to Elle. He was surprised when she didn't make any snide comment.

Elle seemed struck by her reaction as she smiled towards Connie. "I guess not... Morning Charlie-" "Morning." She turned walking to the staff room leaving Connie reading through some notes. "Now what was that?" "What was what?"

Charlie closed the patient file before her leaning closer. "You know what... What are you up to Beauchamp?" Connie laughed rolling her eyes. "Nothing Fairehead, now let me get on with my job like I suggest you do!"

She strutted away as he returned to cubicles still amazed with how she was acting. A few hours later Connie was coming out of her office seeing Jacob messing around with Grace by the nurses' station. She hung back watching them for a while leaving them as they were.

Charlie was returning from a break noticing Connie staring into the distance before seeing Jacob and Grace. "Tell me you're not about to carry on with asking me questions." "No no. They make you happy don't they?" Connie moved her eyes to Charlie. "No, they fill me with anger-" "Now there's the sarcasm I'm used to, was beginning to think you'd gone soft."

Connie glared at him as he walked away from her happy with her response to him. Jacob was laughing as Grace jumped up trying to grab the sweets back from him. He reached his arms around her tickling her as she fell into him laughing. "Dad... Dad stop, please!" Grace's laughter made people stop around them smiling as they went by.

When Jacob had finally stopped, Grace sat up onto the desk while Jacob leant on it looking up at her. Connie finally left the doorway of her office to walk up to them. "Hey-" "Morning handsome, what are you both doing here?" Jacob straightened up letting Connie walk into his arms.

"We were bored at home-" "So you thought you'd come and destroy my department instead? Thank you." Jacob laughed as Grace pulled a face. "Oi! Did you just come here to wind me up?" Grace tipped her head to one side considering it before Connie took one of her sweets. "Mum!" "My department, my rules. Don't like it you know where the exit is."

Grace stuck her tongue out before jumping down from the side. "Can I get a latte?" "Err no." Grace frowned at her Mum rolling her eyes. "But you can go to my office so that you're not causing anymore trouble. I need to talk to your Dad for a minute." "Can I go on your computer?"

Connie nodded as she skipped off to the office while Jacob turned to Connie. "What did you need to talk to me about sweet cheeks?" "Come with me." He followed her along the corridor glancing to her office. "What about Grace?" "It's okay, I trust her..." Jacob nodded as they continued to walk the department.

"So then, what's wrong?" "Why's everyone assuming something's wrong today? I just wanted to run something by you is all." Jacob turned to face her leaning back against the wall. "Shoot-" "Okay, well I know we said we weren't going to let 10 13 year olds run riot around the house but-" "But you want to have a party for Grace at home."

Connie bit her lip shrugging as she stepped closer to him. "I just think that she's growing up so quickly and I want to be able to enjoy the last few years of her really needing me... She's begged me for a proper birthday party for years but I've always been working." "Okay." Connie raised an eyebrow looking to him.

"Okay? Really?" "Really. Look babe I only said no before because I didn't want that pressure on you and the baby, if you're good with it then so am I." Connie smiled leaning in to kiss him. He moved his hands to the small of her back as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Wandering back along the corridor Connie saw Grace spinning on the chair by the nurses' station talking to Cal. Connie wandered with Jacob along the corridor when Elle approached the nurses' station. "Dr Knight do you want to stop acting the child and do some work? We're rammed and you're standing here baby sitting... Whose child is it anyway?"

"It's name is Grace and 'it' doesn't like you." Jacob had to stop himself from laughing while Connie strutted towards them. With her arms tightly folded against her chest she spoke harshly. "Dr Gardner. Care to explain why you think it's okay to shout at my staff?" "We're busy and Dr Knight is standing about watching someone's infant for them..."

"Hey Mum, Dad." Elle's face drained of colour as Grace waved to Connie and Jacob. She closed her eyes momentarily beating herself up knowing she was about to get it. "Mrs Beauc-" "Masters. And in the future how about you stick to your own job? Or do you not know what that is? I'm sure Dr Knight could give you a demonstration if that's what you need."

Elle bit her tongue as she spoke. "Won't be necessary Mrs Masters." "Then I suggest you get back to it Dr Gardner, before I think of a reason to send you out those doors." Elle stormed away leaving Jacob, Cal, Grace and the collection of on-lookers stunned. Grace and Jacob were the first to laugh causing Connie to turn on them.

Both threw their hands up in surrender as she glared at them. "Something funny?" "No Con-" "No Mum." Connie watched as Jacob stumbled over his words backing up before nudging Grace. "We'll see you at home, right firecracker?" "Yeah, right... Bye Mum."

Connie bit her lip holding back her smile as Cal folded his arms watching them all. "Jacob." He turned around while Grace ran to the entrance. Connie stopped before him kissing him gently. "Love you." He mimicked her smile before running after Grace leaving Connie to return to work.

"What just happened?" "In short, don't anger her she's the female hulk right now." Rita chocked on her drink as Cal stifled a laugh. "Something funny Nurse Freeman?" "No, nothing." "Good, you can all return to work now... Not you Dr Knight. See having three children at home you gain impeccable hearing."

Cal watched as she neared her office door. "Three?" "Please, you don't count Jacob as an adult do you?" She smirked watching as he leant against the door. "Go, in future I'd prefer not to be compared to a green monster who rips his clothes off when angry-" "Yeeeeah... I hadn't thought of it that way." "Clearly. Goodbye Dr Knight." She shut the door returning to her desk with a smile watching how the department moved quickly around her.

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