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Day 13 ~

After most of the cabin sleeping until the early afternoon they'd spent the day watching films or sitting about talking. As the night drew in everyone had sat down outside around the small heater on the porch.

Charlie had been getting restless from being up so late most nights of the week. Jacob carried him outside to everyone who looked up to him. "I'm going to go sit with Charlie and read him something, little man's been knocked right out by everything."

Connie smiled standing up watching as Charlie buried his head into Jacob's neck. She placed her lips to his head rubbing a hand against his back. "I love you baby." She looked up to Jacob and placed a quick kiss to his lips before turning back and sitting with Alicia again.

"Say night Charlie." No words came from the youngster but everyone responded as Jacob carried him off inside. "He's not the only one run down from these last few days." Connie laughed as Alicia slumped down beside her. She placed a hand to her hair running her fingers through it. "Awww does someone else need their bed?"

Alicia looked across at Connie with a smile before sitting back up. "I wish I could... I need to tell Cal." Connie returned her gaze to Alicia knowing what she was referring to. "You sure you don't want to wait until we're home?" "No. At least this way I have you here if it doesn't go well." Connie placed a friendly hand on her shoulder smiling. "It's going to be fine. I know it."

Amy and Grace were curled up together with headphones in watching a film on her iPad in the corner chair of the porch. Cal was sat at the opposite end on the swing when Alicia moved from where she was to join him.

By the time Jacob stepped back outside everything was quiet. Connie sat with her legs beside her and Charlie on the chair next to her. "Mind if I join you?" Connie smiled moving her legs as he took a seat. "Did he go off okay?" She lay back placing her head on the arm of the chair while her legs lay across his lap. "Perfectly, as he always does for Daddy."

He placed his hands on her leg before turning to talk to Charlie. Alicia smiled at Cal as she leant against the side of the swing. "Hey-" "Hey." She slowly wandered around the front and sat down beside Cal who quickly pulled her into his side. A smile crossed her lips before it quickly disappeared.

She'd planned it out so many ways in her head, thought of all the things she had to say to him and how to say it but it all disappeared in that second. "I wanted to talk to you about something." Alicia sat up with a frown as Cal turned to face her. That was what she was supposed to say, what could he possibly need to talk about.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong... It's just, well I guess I'm thinking about when we get home. How different it's going to be to all this." Alicia nodded as Cal placed his hand on top of hers, his eyes falling to where their hands met. He sighed deciding to just come out with it. "I want Amy to live with us, be a proper family."

Alicia sighed causing Cal to bring his eyes back to meet hers. "You don't want her to?" "No it's not that, of course I want her to. It's... There just might not be the room for us that's all." Cal smiled with a frown. "What do you mean? We've got the room she stays in when she's over, we could redecorate it. Make it her own and turn it into a proper home for her-" "I'm just saying I think we're going to need that room."

Cal laughed watching Alicia. "Why could we possibly need that room? Tell me you haven't got more clothes hidden away somewhere that you have to move in? We were moving your stuff for hours before we came away." Alicia laughed nudging Cal before the worried expression returned. "Caleb-" "Caleb? Wow, this must be serious-" "I think I'm pregnant."

Alicia had dropped her gaze to the floor avoiding seeing his response assuming the worst. "Really?" Her eyes met his hearing the hope in his voice as he spoke. "You think... You mean... I could be a Dad?" Alicia smiled with a nod before a smile broke out over his face. "Really?" Alicia laughed nodding again. "Really."

Cal pulled her into a hug as she closed her eyes leaning against him. She let go of a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding as she hugged him back. "I love you Alicia." She sat up as he rest a hand against her cheek. She closed the space between them pressing her lips to his. "Oi you two! Children around still at this hour."

Alicia pulled back laughing as they both glanced to Jacob. "We know-" "Excuse you? Have you spent the last two weeks with you guys?" Connie threw a pillow across the porch Cal's direction before she leveled her eyes at him. "Everything okay over there?" "Why wouldn't it be?" She shook her head shrugging. "Never mind."

Connie engaged in a conversation with Charlie while Cal turned back to Alicia pulling a face. "She knows doesn't she-" "I might have sort of gone to her about it..." It didn't stop the smiles on either of their faces as Cal lay down pulling Alicia to lay beside him. "Thank you-" "For what?"

Cal ran a hand across her cheek. "For making me happy, all the time. For being an amazing role model for Amy, giving her a positive woman to look up to. Being there for her when her Mum isn't. You're incredible Alicia and I don't tell you enough." She lifted her head to his chest as he wrapped an arm around her, gently swinging with the breeze outside.

Connie and Jacob retired inside making Grace and Amy pack up now too. "Amy, could we talk to you before you go in?" Connie lifted her head to see a smile from Alicia. "Come on you, lets get you settled." Her arm moved around Grace's shoulders before she placed a kiss to her head. "Night guys-" "Good night."

Amy moved across to where Cal and Alicia were sitting before they parted making space for her between them. When nobody spoke she started. "Is this about when we go back home?" Alicia looked over her head to Cal wondering if she'd already overheard them at all. "I guess so, yeah-" "Because I don't want to go back to how it was."

Cal smiled lifting Amy up and sitting her on his lap. "You know both me and your Uncle Ethan love you don't you?" She looked down at her lap nodding. "Well I'll have to speak to him, but how would you feel... About living with me and Alicia?" "All the time?" He smiled nodding. "All the time." "Really?" "Really."

Alicia laughed as Amy went to talk. "Do not say really again. Please." The pair laughed before Amy nodded eagerly throwing her arms around Cal. "There is something else you should know too though before making up your mind sweet heart..." Cal hadn't been sure about telling Amy but Alicia needed her to know before making her feel settled with them.

"Uncle Cal and I, we think we're having a baby." Amy smiled looking at both of them. "Well?" "What's wrong Ames?" She continued to look between them both before Alicia rolled her eyes assuming why she hadn't said anything. "Go on..." "REALLY!? You're really having a baby? I'm really going to have a baby cousin-" "No."

Both Cal and Amy looked back to Alicia. "Alicia I thought?" "Just shut up a minute Cal." Amy laughed before stopping paying attention to Alicia again. "Amy you're going to have a little brother or sister and I couldn't think of anyone better than you to be a big sister." Amy's smile grew as she moved from Cal's lap to hug her. "Despite the many times you just said really."

Amy laughed as she held onto Alicia. "I love you Auntie Alicia-" "You know I love you too Amy, always will no matter what happens." "And I'd love to live with you both too." Alicia and Cal smiled to one another before the three headed inside for the evening with large smiles.

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