New House

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"That's the last one... You guys need anything else while I'm out?" Ethan looked about shaking his head before Connie sat upright. "Can you get me some of those sweets you bought the other day?"

Jacob arched a brow looking to Connie. "I thought you bought them with you-" "I did, but that was over an hour ago... I don't have any left." He rolled his eyes laughing as she smiled sweetly. "I'll be back soon." She nodded with a smile before he closed he front door.

Alicia and Lily began placing thing around the living room while Connie unwrapped the delicate items from the box before her. "This is beautiful Lily." She looked down at a small ornament between her fingers. "It was my fathers."

Connie smiled looking up at her as she passed it over. "My mother said I should have it, I've always kept it away." "You should have it out, it's nice and besides its personal to you." Alicia smiled beside her before she put it in the centre of the mantle piece.

It was a small ballerina made of glass, unlike any Connie had seen before. The three girls continued to unpack the boxes in the living room while Ethan and Cal stood in one of the bedrooms.

"So, what's it like hmm? Moving out and in with your girlfriend?" Cal nudged his brother as Ethan smiled. "Seeing as it's the first night I can't tell you an awful lot. But it will be nice."

Cal smiled as he continued to help put things away wherever Ethan told him to put them. "So... How's my nieces doing?" "Amy started her last year of school last week, and Amelia is in nursery." Ethan looked at one of the photos he had with his brother, sister-in-law and the girls. "They grow up quick-" "Too quick."

Downstairs in the kitchen Charlie was helping put utensils away while Emilie chat to him. "S-sorry I'm not m-much help." "Don't be silly, you're keeping an old man company." She smiled warmly as he turned back to a cupboard.

Jacob had gone to pick the girls up from school, getting Charlie after. "You girls need a drink at all?" "I'm fine thank you." "Not for me." Connie sat up as Charlie looked to her. "Do I even need to ask you? Coffee while Jacob's out, am I right?" She smirked as he began making her one.

"Still being protective?" "Oh I can't complain, he's only doing it because he cares but I wish he'd stop with thinking everything is a risk. I've had three children already, I know what I'm doing." Alicia smirked as Connie moved into the kitchen. "I think you're insane you know?"

Connie looked back through to the living room. "Having another mini Masters, good luck!" She smiled as there was a crash from upstairs causing Alicia and Lily to rush up.

They entered a bedroom to see Cal laying beneath a pile of boxes. "Do I want to ask what happened?" Lily looked to Ethan who was trying not to laugh. Alicia looked down at Cal who waved from beneath the various items. "Hey babe-" "Hey, comfortable?" He nodded with a smirk as she moved to help him up.

They all continued putting things away, Connie resuming her place sitting on the sofa on strict orders from just about everyone. "You know I could help-" "Connie you're almost three months, you can stay right where you are." She held her hands up in surrender before finishing her coffee as the door opened.

She passed the mug to Alicia who ran across the room leaning against the opposite wall. Lifting he mug to her lips she smiled as Jacob came around the corner of the wall.

Amelia, Daisy and Charlie came running in before jumping onto the sofa with Connie. "Hey baby-" "Mum can you tell Dad that he needs to stop treating me like a baby." She arched a brow to the 7 year old as he frowned across at Jacob. "Why is it every time you pick him up he gets like this?" "What!?"

Connie turned back to Charlie placing her hand on his cheek. "You know Dad can be annoying at times, just ignore him sweetheart." Charlie grinned before sticking his tongue out at Jacob who pulled a face in return.

"And how's my beautiful girl?" "Mummy!" She laughed picking Daisy up onto her lap, placing a kiss to her temple. Amelia slipped off the couch rushing to Cal as he entered the room. "Daddy!" "Hey you!" He scooped her up swinging her in a circle before pulling Amy into his side. "Hey Dad-" "Good day?" "Yeah, can me and Grace go outside please?"

Cal looked to Connie who nodded before he agreed. The girls disappeared outside together leaving everyone else inside. "Uncle Ethan?" "Charlie." He turned to the young boy who was now standing beside him. "Can I help you?" "Sure, think you can hold this?"

Connie watched him before Daisy moved to the floor with Amelia playing together. Jacob sat on the sofa beside Connie before slipping his arm around her shoulder. "Feeling okay?" "Perfect." She smiled as he raised a brow. "She knows I didn't believe that coffee was hers right?"

She smirked glancing to a distracted Alicia as Jacob smiled. "We tried-" "You did, it was a good effort..." He smiled nearing her lips kissing her deeply before parting. "Ready for the scan next week?" "Can't wait." Jacob couldn't help the smile as he spoke about their baby.

Emilie watched the pair talking quietly as Charlie leant on the counter beside her. "T-they're happy-y aren't they?" Charlie nodded with a smile. "They definitely are, I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have all these grandchildren." Emilie nodded. "M-me either."

After unpacking boxes, they all say down for a dinner. Scattered across the floor and sofas they laughed with one another enjoying the food that Ethan and Charlie had thrown together for them all.

"Thank you for helping us move in today, we couldn't have done it without you-" "We probably could Ethan, your brother just made more mess." Cal smirked with a nod before Ethan looked to Lily. "But we appreciate your help." Lily nodded as Cal laughed. "To Ethan and Lily and their new home." Everyone raised their glass, toasting to them before returning to their conversations.

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