Back To Reality

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Many hours had passed and everyone was definitely enjoying the final day. Grace and Amy were getting up from the porch about to wander back towards the lake before Jacob stopped them. "Excuse me... Where are you girls going?" "Down to the lake, Mum said it was okay." He nodded folding his arms. "Did she now? Come with me quickly."

Grace frowned to Amy before they shrugged and followed Jacob into the cabin. "WOW!" Connie sighed dropping her head to her hands. "What?" Connie looked up to Charlie, Alicia and Cal. "Come on, this is Jacob and he's just made them react like that... This is not going to be a good thing for any of us."

Jacob was the first to appear outside with a smirk. "Please tell me you haven't done something stupid-" "Course not sweet cheeks... You look hot are you alright?" Connie turned her attention away from him shrugging. "It's called summer Jacob, people get-" before she could finish she felt the contents of what she assumed to be an entire bucket of cold water poured over her. "JACOB MASTERS!"

He glanced to the girls who were laughing before sprinting away. When he went out he had bought several buckets and water balloons for the girls to use this afternoon but he'd decided on a better plan involving all of them. Connie ran down the steps of the porch after Jacob as Cal and Alicia ran down to the lake with the girls.

Within 5 minutes of the bucket incident there were water balloons being thrown all directions. Charlie had a small water pistol, as did Grace and Amy while they ran around the trees. Connie was still chasing Jacob not willing to give up. "Come on baby, you know it was funny really-" "Oh yeah, hilarious baby... You'll regret this, I promise you."

Connie faced him as he stood on the decking watching her. "Jacob where's your phone?" He frowned looking to her not sure of the sudden change in topic. "In the cabin somewhere, why?" "Good." Before he had the chance to react Connie moved forwards pushing him backwards until he fell into the lake.

Grace stood wide eyed with her hands across her mouth as she watched Jacob emerge from below the surface. Connie stood with her hands on her hips looking down to Jacob with a smirk. "You looked hot babe, thought you needed cooling down-" "Oh you're dead Beauchamp-" "Hey! You married me-" "Well right now you're a Beauchamp, so you better hope you're pregnant butt can still run."

It didn't take long for everyone to be soaking wet. Cal ran down to the decking shouting as he jumped. "Cannon ball!" Connie and Jacob were soaked from where they were stood by the water which splashed when Cal collided with the lake. Amy and Grace weren't far behind him as they mimicked his actions.

Connie laughed shaking her head as Alicia jumped in beside Cal. Jacob was waiting for her to go too but could see it wasn't happening. "Right then..." He scooped her up from the floor carrying her over his shoulder. "Jacob!" She screamed at first before every refusal from then on was tainted with laughter. "Jacob!" She shouted the final time before he lowered her from his shoulder jumping into the lake with her.

Charlie ran across the deck before stopping at the edge. "Come on little man." Jacob stood up ignoring the water Connie was throwing towards him. He reached his arms up to an excited Charlie who immediately jumped forwards into the water. Charlie waded out to join everyone else in the lake as they all began swimming around laughing.

The sun was beginning to set in the sky as Jacob moved the final things from the cabin into the car. Grace and Amy talked quickly before they pulled everyone over to the lake. "We need to have something to remember our last day." Connie rolled her eyes letting her daughter take her hand running towards everyone else.

"SMILE!" Amy shouted over everyone causing them all to look forwards. She held her phone up getting a picture of all of them with the lake and cabin behind them. It was the perfect picture to capture the time they'd had these last two weeks. Amy and Grace held onto each other tightly saying goodbye. Despite knowing they'd see each other soon, it wouldn't be quite the same.

Charlie was strapped into the car dozing off to sleep already after the busy day they'd had. Cal and Alicia said their goodbye's to Connie and Jacob before they parted the cabin with Amy.

Jacob checked the cabin once more while Charlie walked down to stand beside Connie. "Everything will be alright you know." She lifted her eyes to acknowledge Charlie as she glanced over the lake again.

"I know, it'll just be hard... Going back to the ED, working all hours, not seeing my children as much, treating Jacob awfully no doubt... I just wish it didn't have to be like that."

He placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to look to him. "Only you can make it not that way Connie, I know you'll sort things out." She turned to face him properly enveloping him into a hug. "Take care of yourself alright-" "Thank you for coming Charlie. This has been perfect with you here too." He stood up smiling still. "Thank you for inviting me, I've had a lovely few weeks."

Charlie wandered back towards the cars as Connie turned to the lake again. Jacob passed Charlie saying his goodbyes before watching him speak to Grace as he left. Jacob finished walking down to Connie who seemed awfully quiet. "Hey, you okay?" He ran a hand through her hair pushing it behind her ear as she nodded. "I'll be alright, just dreading the reality check tomorrow."

He laughed pressing a kiss to her temple. "We'll work it out. We always do." "I know." She pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before taking his hand and wandering back to the car.

Jacob had insisted on driving home seeing how tired Connie looked after the day they'd all enjoyed. "Scratch my baby and you'll know about it-" "Don't you worry, close your eyes and sleep."

The journey home was smooth and relatively traffic free. As soon as the car hit the road Grace was asleep in the back with Charlie causing a smile to fall to Jacob's lips. Connie was watching him quietly as she had her head resting against the window. "I love you." Jacob dropped his eyes from the mirror to Connie. "I love you, more than anything else and I wish I had told you so much earlier because maybe I wouldn't have messed things up as much as I did."

Jacob placed a hand to Connie's thigh taking hold of her hand. She dropped her eyes to their entwined fingers as she continued to talk. "I messed you around so much before. Took everything you said to me for granted, treated you horribly and in return for what you did slept with your friend... I don't deserve even a fraction of what you give me now, but I'll never stop trying to make it up to you. You're my world Jacob and I will always love you."

She finally met his gaze again seeing the sombre smile on his lips. "Connie Masters, you're extremely sleep deprived and pregnant. Close your eyes and get some rest sweet cheeks. Everything you need or want to say can wait, we've got a pretty long time together."

She smiled watching as he focused on the road keeping hold of her hand. Eventually she gave in to the sleep that was trying to consume her letting her head rest back as her eyes drifted closed.

6 hours later and Jacob was parking the car outside their home. Everyone was still fast asleep so one by one he moved them inside. Charlie and Grace were settled in their bedrooms, he kissed them both goodnight before tucking them in and closing their doors. He returned to the car carefully manoeuvring Connie out of the car. She was in a deep sleep as she snuggled into his chest holding onto him.

Jacob put her into bed before wandering out onto the landing staring into the small bedroom that would soon be full with another addition to his perfect family. He closed the door before wandering back through to his bedroom, carefully climbing in beside Connie.

He watched her sleep for a while. He loved being able to just stare at her, undisturbed because he could properly admire every little detail about her without her moaning. She was beautiful and he would never stop trying to get her to see that. Slowly his eyes fluttered shut, full of the images of his beautiful wife before falling asleep.

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