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When Connie had finally got round to calling Alicia it was almost 4 o'clock. "Okay, see you in about an hour." Jacob lay across the sofa propped up on his elbow watching her. "Don't you think you should get dressed? If our children walk in and see you like that, what are they going to think?"

Connie wandered back across the room grabbing his clothes throwing them to him. "They'll think that Mummy can't resist Daddy anymore-" "Mmm, alright then. Nothing to do with Daddy's self control being non-existent." He shook his head with a smile as she leaned against the sofa. "Okay muscles, whatever you say."

She smiled into the kiss feeling him pull her down to him again. "No-" she pushed against his chest despite him pushing his lips to hers again. When she broke away she stood up. "We're not doing it again-" "You weren't saying that an hour ago."

Connie threw a pillow across the room at him hitting him in the face. "Got the message sweet cheeks." He surrendered pulling his clothes back on and moving from the room. Connie lifted a hand to her neck sighing before cleaning the room.

By the time Connie had finished tidying downstairs there was a knocking at the door. She threw the control down to the sofa moving to the front door. "Auntie Connie!" Amy ran forwards hugging her tightly knocking her back slightly. "Hey Amy, Grace and Charlie are upstairs."

She went moving through the house while Alicia and Cal came inside. Jacob wandered into the living room noticing something down the side of the sofa, his eyes widening as he realised what it was. Before anybody came inside he moved grabbing it quickly and pushing it into his pocket.

"Hey Jacob-" "Alright Alicia, Cal." He spun round smiling to them leaving Connie looking at him confused. "Can I get you guys a drink?" Jacob started making coffee while Connie went and asked everyone what they wanted for dinner.

As she was wandering back downstairs Jacob stepped into the hallway closing the door behind him cornering Connie. "What's wrong?" He gently pulled her to one side reaching into his pocket before holding them up to her. Connie grabbed her underwear from his hand as her cheeks flushed red. "Let's just say you're not that great at tidying up."

Connie was looking mortified before Jacob kissed her. "Don't worry I found them before everyone got here." He ran a hand through her hair as she smiled slowly. "I hate you-" "I know, what did they decide on?" She leaned into his embrace laying her head to his chest. "Pizza, surprise surprise... I blame you for that."

Jacob laughed as she wandered back through to the living room with Jacob following. Sinking down into the sofa beside Alicia, Jacob watched from the kitchen. "The girls suggested Pizza that okay?" "Stupid question with her at the moment-" "Hey! I can't help what I want to eat right now."

Connie looked between Cal and Alicia before she explained. "It seems baby is keen on pizza-" "And the rest." Alicia glared at Cal causing Jacob to laugh. "Rather you than me mate..." Connie mirrored Alicia's actions towards Jacob. "On that note I'll go order the pizza-" "Yeah you do that sweetheart."

Alicia laughed as Connie turned back to her. "How was that appointment you had last week?" She nodded bringing her feet up onto the sofa getting comfortable. "Weird... Like it wasn't really happening to me." Connie smiled as she watched Cal leave to stand with Jacob in the kitchen. "I know how that feels."

The girls remained together in the living room talking about all sorts while Cal waited out in the kitchen with Jacob. "How's Connie been doing?" "Yeah she's alright. I know she's still feeling less than herself but she won't admit it. I'm just watching her when I can, make sure she's taking it easy for now."

Cal laughed taking the plates from Jacob. "Connie and taking it easy? Good luck mate-" "Yeah, thanks. She's back to work Monday, I just hope she goes slow." Cal nodded putting everything down. "If it helps I'll do what I can to watch out for her." "Thanks. Anyway, you're becoming a Dad I hear? Congratulations."

Jacob shook his hand causing Cal to laugh. "I tell you, there's nothing quite like the feeling of holding your baby in your arms for the first time." Cal smiled looking through to the girls laughing together as Amy, Grace and Charlie bounded through the doors. "How long til dinner Dad?" "About 10 minutes, how about you go say hello to Alicia."

Grace nodded waving to Cal before running off. Charlie stayed beside Cal who lifted him up with a smile. "How are you doing little man? Your Dad treating you right?" Charlie smiled as Jacob laughed from the other side of the kitchen. "Of course, it's that Mummy of yours we have to watch isn't it?" He winked as Charlie laughed again. "Angry Mummy isn't good."

Cal laughed putting Charlie back down to wander into the living room. "He's learning early, that's good-" "Give it 10 years and he'll be pushing her buttons like nobody else can." Jacob watched as Connie held Charlie in the air above her causing him to laugh.

A few minutes later and there was a loud knock at the door. "Pizza!" Amy and Grace looked at each other shouting as they ran to the door together leaving Jacob to run after them. He got to an open door and baffled looking delivery man as the girls ran back with the boxes. "Sorry, here."

Jacob closed the door shaking his head walking with the last boxes to the kitchen. "Poor man thought he was going to die out there." Connie smirked sitting up before Jacob shook his head. "Stay there I'll sort it Con." He moved back to the kitchen raising his voice. "Everyone take a step away from the food."

Grace and Amy smiled moving away as Jacob began checking everything passing the girls their's. Jacob walked in with Charlie's sitting him beside the girls on the bean bags in front of the sofa's. Cal passed Alicia a plate before sitting on the floor in front of her.

Jacob cleaned the kitchen quickly before carrying his and Connie's food through. "There's me thinking you weren't feeding me tonight muscles." He smiled passing her a plate as she sat up properly making room for him on the sofa. "You'd only eat mine anyway."

Connie nodded settling in beside him as they chose a film to watch. When nobody could agree Jacob took the control from Connie. "Okay, no movie..." "What?" Grace moaned looking to Jacob. "I say after dinner we play a few games, tire you guys out so we can actually sleep tonight."

Grace and Amy smiled before returning to the TV which was now on a music channel. Jacob leant closer to Connie lowering his voice. "If you can keep your hands away from me tonight that is-" "Oh I'm sure I'll manage but can you?" He raised an eyebrow as she smiled kissing him quickly returning to her food.

Soon enough everyone was laughing over the awful dancing coming from Cal and Jacob while playing a game on the Wii. "Mum-" "Yes sweetheart?" "Remind me that Dad is NEVER coming to my birthday parties." Connie continued laughing as Jacob exaggerated his dancing even more. Alicia was struggling for breath beside Connie as they watched the pair carry on.

Before long Alicia and Cal were at the door saying goodbye to Amy for the night. "I'll drop her home tomorrow, don't worry. Have a quiet night, believe me they're rare." Alicia laughed with a smile. "Thanks Connie, see you all tomorrow."

Cal took her hand wandering to the car as Connie closed the door before feeling Jacob behind her. She spun around to see him leaning closer to her. "So then sweet cheeks-" "I can control myself." He watched her with a smile. "That so?" "Yup." She pushed him out the way wandering away leaving him shocked.

He stared at the door scoffing with a laugh before hearing feet moving quickly behind him. As he looked up Connie pressed her lips to his. Jacob wrapped an around her smiling into the kiss. "So much for that-" "Keep it quiet Masters." Connie looked to him kissing him again before walking into the front room with his arms around her waist still.

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