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The rest of the week had been just as bad as their last full conversation. Connie had reinstated herself as Mrs Beauchamp at the ED and was taking control of the department again in a way that was preferred by everyone except her staff.

She'd worked all hours avoiding the awkwardness of home life. She tended to get home mid afternoon while Jacob worked to spend some time with Grace and Charlie before feeding them and putting them to bed, returning to the ED for the night shift.

There were no words transferred between the pair as they barely spent long enough in a room together to require it. No matter how annoyed or bothered Jacob was by the whole situation, he couldn't stop caring for her. He'd lay awake at night waiting to hear the familiar sound of her heels on the floor before feeling comfortable knowing she was safe. He'd wait until she'd fallen asleep to tuck her in properly and kiss her head before drifting off himself.

Every morning he made sure to kiss Charlie and Grace before leaving to work, never wanting them to feel that neither him nor Connie didn't love them. During the long shifts that Connie would work Jacob gave Charlie a bottle of water and something to eat to give to Connie knowing she'd take it from him without any argument.

Jacob would always watch over her during the shifts even if they didn't talk. Just because they were fighting didn't mean he could forget about her or their unborn child's health. He would do anything to straighten things out with Connie but he struggled to understand how she could be so cold with him at work, changing her name and returning to the Ice Queen they once knew.

The way she was working wasn't good for anyone but the moment he said something there would just be another argument. It seemed that that was all they were good at now. Shouting until one of them gave up not having the energy to carry on. Alicia, Charlie and Lily were the only ones at work lucky enough to see a warmer side to Connie. What they knew on the situation he had no idea but he hoped she was talking to someone about it, even if it wasn't him.

Connie sat in her office finishing some emails as Jacob stood by the nurses' station watching her. Alicia and Cal wandered out of cubicles together seeing Jacob standing about doing nothing. "I'll catch up with you..." Alicia smiled as Cal walked away leaving her to wander towards Jacob. "She's hurting too you know, doesn't show it and likes to think none of us can see it but she is." Jacob sighed never letting his eyes leave her.

As she worked at her computer she could feel someone's eyes on her through the window. Risking a look up Jacob had turned to Alicia talking. Connie bit back the tears as she looked at him, how tired he looked. It wasn't what she was used to seeing from him. Turning her attention back to her desk she bit her lip subtly trying to maintain her composure.

"She doesn't say a word to me, all week it's like we don't exist anymore." Alicia looked into the office as Jacob followed her gaze. "Tell me that looks like a woman who doesn't care Jacob." He looked at how she sat slumped in her chair, her head now in her hands. They couldn't see the tears that rolled down her cheeks as she was no longer able to hide them. "Don't write yourself off yet." "Just make sure she's okay for me, she listens to you."

Jacob moved away from the window returning to work trying to forget about Connie while Alicia watched him go. Sighing she looked to Charlie who shrugged slightly with a saddened smile. She mimicked the expression before getting back to work.

Connie had sorted herself out returning to the paperwork she had to do. After a few hours she disappeared from her office and into the department, offering her assistance in resus. As she left she bumped into Alicia who smiled warmly. "Sorry, everything okay?" "What he tell you to check up on me now?" Connie stared coldly at her before moving past her towards the nurses' desk. Alicia watched in shock before catching up to her.

"No, Connie everyone's worried about you-" "Well Dr Munroe I don't need everyone's worry. Just get on with your jobs, it seems I'm the only one round here that does that." Connie stormed away leaving Alicia lost for words as she looked after her. Cal stepped beside her placing a hand to her back having witnessed everything. "I don't know what to do anymore-" "There's nothing more you can do... You've just got to let her get on with it, you've done all you can. Come on."

Connie slammed her office door once again placing a hand on the handle to balance herself. Her head span before she regained her balance moving to the desk. She reached for the bottle of water that Charlie had given her earlier that day before someone knocked at the door. "Mrs Beauchamp you're needed with a patient." She put the bottle back down unopened returning to work again.

The next time Jacob saw her she was clearly unwell. She was pale and clammy but of course she wouldn't listen to him. He walked away from the desk following her as she exited resus. "Connie..." She ignored him but he continued to follow after her. "Connie." He reached forwards grabbing her wrist to turn her around.

As she turned she lost her balance almost falling to the floor before Jacob's hands went around her waist. "Woah Connie, is everything alright?" "I'm fine." Standing back up she took a breath before moving to her office. "Con you almost collapse and I'm meant to believe you're fine-" "I'm not your problem Staff Nurse Masters."

Jacob stopped as she entered her office alone. He turned around walking away annoyed that he'd showed her he still cared yet all she could do was walk away ignoring him. As soon as Connie made it inside she wandered around her desk but before she could sit down she fell to the floor unconscious without anyone knowing something was wrong.

As the shift carried on the department was calming down after a hectic day. Jacob had avoided seeing Connie again for the rest of the day but when he realised how relaxed everything was he knew that nobody else had seen Connie for some time. "Alicia have you seen Connie?" "Haven't seen Mrs Beauchamp since she yelled at me to back off." Jacob caught wind of her bitter tone before looking about the department with worry.

"Jacob? What's wrong-" "She was funny earlier on, I haven't seen her for a while. Charlie!?" Jacob moved across the department standing before a bewildered nurse. "Have you seen Con-" "Er no, not since she stormed into her office earlier."

He turned around looking through the window not seeing anyone in there but something told him to check. Jacob jogged across the department finding the door unlocked and let himself in. It was only when he scanned the room briefly that his eyes fell to her on the floor. "Connie!"

Jacob ran across the room dropping down beside her as Charlie and Alicia ran inside. "I'll get some help." Alicia disappeared finding Cal and Lily bringing them towards Connie's office. "Con? Come on baby please answer me..." Jacob sat beside her head finding a weak pulse before taking her hand. "Please sweet cheeks wake up." He placed a hand to her cheek but still nothing came from her.

Cal stopped in the doorway seeing Connie. "We've got a bed out here, do you need-" "I've got it." Jacob spoke defiantly scooping her up from the floor causing her to wake. She was drowsy as she rolled her head towards his chest. "It's alright I've got you-" "Jacob?" He squeezed her hand as he lay her on the bed rushing through to resus. "We need to leave them to work-" "But I can't leave her on her own Charlie." "We're here. We've got her Jacob, go." Cal spoke as Alicia nodded trying to reassure him.

Alicia, Cal and Lily began running tests and checking her over leaving Jacob and Charlie to stand the other side of the doors watching without answers. What had happened he had no idea but it was clear she'd been lying about how she was feeling.

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