Every Story Has To End Somewhere

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As the night drew in things became quieter. Connie wandered around the cabin wrapped in a thick jumper. "Come on baby, let's get you to sleep." Grace smiled leaning into her mother's hold. She yawned making Connie laugh as they got into the bedroom.

Jess and Amy were already laying down in bed looking rather warn out. Grace climbed in while Connie kissed both Amy and Jess. "Right you, sleep please not talk until midnight about boys." "Muuuum!" Connie laughed kissing Grace's forehead before moving to the door. "Night girls..." "Night."

She sighed wandering across the hall to another door where Jacob was perched on the floor between the beds. "... And one day you're gonna find someone as amazing, beautiful, clever, and funny as your Mummy. You're gonna have your own family, and your own memories with them... You'll grown old watching them laugh and cry but you'll always be proud, always. Just like I am of you." He ran a hand through Charlie's hair before leaning up to kiss his cheek. "I love you little man."

Looking up he saw Connie watching him. "Gorgeous-" "Handsome..." She sat across his legs with a smile as his hands wrapped around her to lay over her tummy. Connie leant her head back against his shoulder with a smile. "How's he grown so much?" She released a breath shaking her head. "I don't know-" "And we have it all over again." Connie nodded looking to Jacob. "That we do muscles."

Cal leant against the side of the cot looking down to a sleeping Amelia. "Night sweetheart." Alicia smirked hearing him talk to her before running her hand back through Daisy's hair. "Sleep tight-" "Love you lots-" "Don't let the bed bugs bite-" "See you in the morning tots." Alicia turned to Cal with a raise eyebrow. "Tots?" "What it rhymed?" He shrugged as she rolled her eyes wandering out of the bedroom with him following.

Outside Emilie, Charlie, Ethan and Lily were sat around the fire that was burning gently. There was enough warmth produced to keep them cosy as they sat tucked under blankets on the porch. Cal and Alicia came outside sitting beside Emilie leaning back against the pillows stacked against the railings of the porch. "Con not come out yet?" "No, checking on Jacob and Charlie."

They were still sat on the floor with one another watching their son sleep. "He still reminds me of you-" "Really? I can't help but see you in him still sweet cheeks. His big blue eyes, and the slight curls definitely come from you." She smirked resting her hands on top of his relishing in his touch before jumping up. "Come on, or you'll know what they'll accuse us of-" "Let them, I won't feel shy at that thought!"

Connie smirked letting his lips brush against hers as he backed her down the corridor into the living area. "Ja-Jaocb." She laughed as he continued to kiss her before his hands caught her waist stopping her from falling. "This mine too?" His hands held the sides of her jumper as she looked up at him slyly. "Noooo-" "No?" She smirked kissing him once more before taking his hand joining the others.

"Charlie okay?" Connie nodded letting go of Jacob so he could sit down. She sat down across his lap leaning into his embrace as his hands drifted to her hips and stomach again. Tracing gentle patterns across her in a soothing manner. She took a breath shivering slightly before he wrapped a blanket around them properly, placing a kiss to her temple.

They chatted the evening away, just enjoying the peace and serenity the cabin gave them. Quiet times were rare in their lives with all the children about but it was times like these they were thankful for everything they had.

After an hour Jacob had moved inside with Cal getting everyone a few drinks while the girls chatted. "I so don't want to return to the ED next week, this has been so nice." "Tell me about it, at least you haven't got the paperwork to deal with." Alicia shrugged as Lily smiled. "But you have the office to ignore everyone-" "True." Connie smirked accepting the mug of hot chocolate from Jacob.

"What is there vodka in that or something?" Connie scoffed shaking her head. "No-" "So while everyone's drinking you're on the easy stuff... Go careful grandma-" "Less of that!" She glanced to Jacob who just shrugged from behind everyone. "I'm freezing, and know that in the morning there'll be six screaming kids. Adding a hangover to that? No thank you."

They all settled back down again, Connie giving Jacob a funny look as he tried to ignore her gaze. Lily and Ethan had been sitting quietly for a while before Jacob looked towards them. "Everything alright, you two seem quiet?" "Yes... Actually there's something we wanted to tell you all. Lily and I are going to move in together."

Ethan looked to her with a smile as everyone grinned around them slightly shocked. "That's amazing, oh my god Lily how did you not tell us?" Alicia gushed before feeling Cal's elbow in her side. "Well you're not exactly hot up on telling everyone the truth are you?" She looked to him, her eyes lighting up which didn't go unnoticed by everyone else.

"Alicia?" Connie eyed her suspiciously before she looked around at everyone. "Cal asked me to marry him, seeing as we're on the topic of being truthful." Connie widened her eyes moving forwards to embrace her tightly. "Congratulations mate!" Jacob shook his hand before Cal pulled Ethan into a hug.

Emilie looked across at the pair cuddled together happily. "We were going to tell you first Mum, but seeing as everyone's here." "I-I'm so happy-y for you... B-both of you m-make me s-o proud." She was a little overcome with emotion as they smiled over at her. Charlie rolled his eyes looking to Connie in a joking manner. "Don't go telling me you're expecting again..."

Jacob looked across the group staring straight at Connie as she sat frozen to the spot, a gentle mischievous grin on her lips. When there were no words from the clinical lead Alicia spun to her. "You're pregnant!?" "Two months..." Connie surrendered knowing it'd be no good to lie to them after they'd bought it up.

Charlie shook his head before looking to Jacob. "Congratulations-" "Thank you..." Connie was bundled with questions from Alicia and Lily as they shuffled about the porch. "That explains soooo much-" "What!?" "Oh come on, you know you're awful at hiding this sort of thing." Connie laughed as Jacob sat behind her wrapping his arms around her waist.

After the bumps in the road that they had come to in the last two years, they'd all made their way over them. Despite the detours they had taken, some more than others, they had finally found themselves where they had always wanted to be. Happy.

Charlie smiled lifting up his glass. "To the happy ending that this place has been needing for far too long." Everyone copied his stance toasting to the same. "To a happy life together in our house..." Ethan smiled towards Lily before Cal spoke. "To marrying the most incredibly lady in my life besides my girls." He leant forwards pressing a kiss to her lips gently. "To being ridiculously stupid and having another of his children!"

A few laughs came from around them before she shook her head. "No, really... To having a family with the only man I could ever want." Jacob laughed holding her tighter against his chest before pressing a kiss to her neck. "I love you sweet cheeks-" "I love you too muscles." She lay her head back to his shoulder taking a deep breath. "And I love this little one just as much." His hand covered hers as they sat wrapped with one another, in the company she had grown to appreciate more than anything. Her family.

AN - Another very cheesy ending from me here... I wanted to finish it happy for those who have enjoyed reading this as I was finding it hard to continue writing without some sort of disaster hitting 😩😂 Hope you enjoyed it, my others will still be updated for now and I'm sure it won't be long until something new is about. Thank you! xox

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