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Connie had ensured that Alicia was finished with work at 34 weeks. She had witnessed far too many things in her life to allow Alicia in the ED heavily pregnant. "Connieeeeeee-" "Alicia?" She glanced across the garden to where she was laid sprawled out. She had to lift a hand to her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

"This isn't funny, just because you're not pregnant anymore-" "Ooh try having three kids and then tell me it isn't funny to watch someone else." Alicia rolled her eyes letting her head roll back to look up at the sky. "Can I ask you something?" Connie looked up from Daisy who lay asleep on her lap. "Mmm" "How do you know?" "Know what?"

Alicia sat herself up rubbing a hand to her bump. "When you're in labour." Connie rolled her eyes leaning back as she sighed. "Well you'd get pains unlike anything you've had yet, the whole waters breaking normally is a huge sign of labour too-" "Funny." Alicia pushed up from the floor pacing back and forth across the garden. "Anything else I should watch out for?" "You're way too worked up about this... But I guess you should know that you could be in labour for hours before your waters actually break."

She nodded seeming to take it all in before bracing her hands against the small climbing frame. "Well in that case, Connie I'm in labour-" "What!?" She tried not to wake Daisy as she looked to Alicia who was gradually looking worse and worse. "I thought it was just normal this morning, but it's been about 3 hours and it's getting stronger."

Connie got up laying Daisy in her chair before hurrying to Alicia's side. "Okay, just stay calm. It could be nothing." Alicia nodded as Connie placed a warm hand to the small of her back before feeling her tense. She watched as Alicia shut her eyes briefly before turning to Connie. "Definitely not nothing..." "Ah, right."

Alicia watched as Connie picked Daisy up carrying her carefully inside. "Gracie!?" "Yes Mum?" She appeared at the bottom of the stairs seeing Daisy asleep in her bouncer. "I need you to watch Daisy, I've got to get Alicia to hospital." Amy had appeared beside Grace, a huge smile on her lips. "Is the baby coming!?" "Yes, promise me you'll both be good. I love you, see you soon."

Before Grace really had a chance to say anything Connie was gone out of the door with Alicia. The journey to the hospital was interesting as Alicia's moans continued to get louder. Connie on the other hand just began to panic a little more with each new complaint. "I thought you were the doctor-" "Not when my friend is about to give birth in my car." Alicia laughed before wincing in pain once again causing Connie to speed up.

They got to the hospital pretty quickly catching the attention of several people. "Mrs Bea-" "I need a wheelchair over here please!" Iain disappeared quickly returning to see Alicia leaning on Connie. "Nice of you to visit us-" "Shut up." Both women snapped at the same time causing Iain to smirk. "Upstairs?" "If you don't mind."

Iain pushed Alicia leaving Connie to grab her things from the car. She rushed inside after them before Jacob caught sight of his wife looking flustered without his children. "Con!?" She rushed up to him as he held his hands out having missed seeing Alicia. "Everything okay?" "No... Call Cal!" She turned on her heel as she spoke, walking backwards before dashing to the lift joining Alicia. Jacob followed to the lift doors. "What's-" "Alicia's in labour."

Jacob turned around scouting the department not seeing him anywhere. He had been due in for his shift now yet he hadn't arrived yet. Jacob set about finding him leaving Connie with Alicia. "You're going to be one of those that cries aren't you?" "Excuse me, I vividly remember you having Charlie... All the problems in the world with yo-ah."

Connie smirked feeling Alicia's fist in her side. "Ow-" "You're not meant to laugh at me!" Connie bit her lip trying to hide the smile as Alicia groaned dropping her head to her hands. The doors opened onto maternity which was surprisingly quiet. "Iain take her through their, I'll find someone."

He nodded going one way down the corridor while Connie went the other. She looked to the empty reception desk before catching sight of someone. "Duffy!" "Connie?" "Alicia's gone into labour, she thinks she has been for a few hours." She nodded putting everything she'd been holding down to follow Connie.

Iain had helped Alicia on to the bed before stepping back talking to her. As they entered the room she was laughing at something he had told her causing Connie to frown at them. "Okay Alicia, I hear someone's ready to make an appearance for us?" Connie stood beside Iain before he disappeared to help get Cal up here.

"He's going to miss it isn't he? I always knew he would. Idiot." "Okay for once I have to back him here, he wasn't aware this was happening today." Alicia smiled as Connie came forwards taking her hand. "I'm here, you're gonna be fine... Who knows, this could take hours anyway." Connie caused a groan to escape Alicia's lips as she let her head drop backwards. "Ooookay, not helping..."

Duffy smiled helping Alicia undress into a gown before examining her. "Good and bad news... The good news, Cal might make it. The bad, Connie was right this may take a while." Alicia sighed looking up at the ceiling, her eyes glazing over. This could be a long day after all.

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