Wrapped In Pink

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Jacob didn't stop his mumbling the entire journey. Connie leant her elbow on the car door before resting her head watching him. She arched an eyebrow as his words continued to pour out making absolutely no sense. "Oh god... Oh god..."

"Are you quite finished Masters?" "Huh?" He lifted his eyes to her before refocusing on the road seeing the entrance to the hospital up ahead. Connie undid the seatbelt shifting her weight as she opened the door about to get out when Jacob appeared in front of her. "Wait here and I'll get some help-" "No... Jacob!"

He turned around where he was standing having started to rush towards the entrance. "Just hold my hand." He was by her side in a flash letting her firm grip help steady her as she stood. "You're sure you can walk?" "I'm sure." She nodded in an attempt to reassure him as he took the bag from the car throwing it over his shoulder.

They walked as quickly as they could into the hospital, which was nowhere near as fast as Jacob would have liked. "You know this doesn't happen instantly right? She's not going to just drop out of me because I'm not in a bed-" "I know, I know... But I'd feel a lot better knowing you were lying down if she was about to make an appearance."

Connie couldn't help but drop her head and laugh before she felt a wave of pain wash over her. Jacob could tell as her grip tightened, her legs becoming weak. "Woah, careful baby... Come on let's get you upstairs." His arm wrapped around her waist supporting her weight fully as they got inside.

"Excuse me, my wife has gone into labour-" "Okay come this way... What's your name?" "Connie-" "I can speak for myself Jacob." He went quiet as they walked through the open door of the delivery room. "Connie Masters, I'm overdue by 13 days."

As soon as she hit the bed she bent forwards crying out. "Connie?" Jacob's voice showed his fear before Connie stretched out letting her head hit the pillows behind her. "I'm fine Jacob... But we are never having sex again." He smirked letting her hold onto his hand once again as she began taking slower breathes.

The next time the door opened the same woman from earlier returned. "I'm sorry but your midwife is at a home delivery at the moment, we didn't realise you'd be here today-" "And neither did I funnily enough! If I did do you really think I'd have put up with my idiot husband panicking this entire time!?" Connie's voice echoed through the room as the young nurse cowered away. "She doesn't mean it-" "I bloody well do!"

He forced a smile trying to apologise as she quickly left the room. "Everything will be alright-" "How!? I can't deliver my own baby and I'm sure as hell not letting you do it!" Jacob held his hands up refusing to argue with her as yet somebody else came through the door. "Connie..." She let her head fall to the side looking towards the older midwives voice seeing her welcoming smile. "God am I happy to see you-" "Well I heard you from the staffroom and assumed you might need a hand in here."

Connie smirked, relief showing on her face as Jacob looked up. "Lisa Duffin but most people know me as Duffy..." "Jacob, how do you know each other?" "You want a full history right now Jacob?" Connie glared at him as he took a step back from the bed while Duffy stepped in. "Okay Connie, I need you to remain as calm as you can for me... I'm going to take these off and see how dilated you are is that alright?"

She nodded frantically while Jacob looked away briefly. Connie's eyes settled on him before Duffy's tone caught her off guard. "What's wrong? Please, is something wrong with my baby?" "Connie it's nothing to worry about okay, there's just a little blood but it can be completely normal alright. When did everything start?"

Jacob had his arms folded against his chest as he leant against the wall beside the door leaving Connie to talk to the midwife. "About half an hour ago-" "Well, I think you'll be glad to know those extra 13 days seemed to have been exactly what she needed... You're already nearly 6cm Connie." Her eyes widened in disbelief as those words sunk in. Duffy noticed a change in her breathing quickly moving around the bed.

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