Time Flies

407 18 4

3 months later...

The department was in a state of chaos that morning as people rushed about trying to cover the department. Nurses raised their voices over the hustle and bustle in an attempt to be heard but it was no good in most cases.

Up until now, everything had been running smoothly but day by day it was beginning to slip. Elle stood outside the staffroom sighing before getting on with it. She moved towards the nurses station rallying everyone together. "Okay morning, I won't keep you all long..."

As she was about to continue a single sound drew their attention towards the entrance. The all-too-familiar sound of the classy heels hitting the floor at regular intervals bought a smile to many of their faces. Elle visibly relaxed but tried to hide the relief she felt wash over her.

Good luck today sweet cheeks, not that you'll need it. I love you xxx

When she lifted her eyes from her phone she realised many in the department were stood together watching her, many faces looking quite pleased at seeing her. But it was short lived as she looked about at the department. They noticed her change in expression and quickly broke apart returning to work.

She flicked her hair over her shoulder so that it fell down her back as she wandered past Elle heading straight for her office. Unlocking it she was met with the familiar sight of the place she found security. Connie finally let a smirk come to her face as she ran her fingers across the top of her desk placing her bag down.

Barely two minutes inside and someone was outside her door. "Mrs Beauchamp?" "Yes Dr Hardy?" He had spoken reluctantly almost as though he wasn't sure what name to use. "There's a patient coming in, suspected heart attack." "I'll be right out Ethan." He nodded leaving her to it.

Connie looked out of her office window at the manic department before grabbing her stethoscope from the table strutting to the door. She pulled it shut silencing reception almost immediately as people looked up to her. Connie didn't even glance to them but walked to the entrance to meet the ambulance.

Noel sighed as he looked to Robyn and David. "Well, I guess the fun is over-" "At least it should become easier around here again." Noel nodded taking another look to the reception area which seemed to have quietened already. He wasn't sure how she did it, but it was like her presence in the ED changed everything after a matter of minutes.

Robyn and David disappeared into cubicles leaving Noel to the queue of patients. "Right what have we got?" "Mrs Beauchamp... Good to see you again." Iain smiled receiving a quick smile from her in return before nodding down to the patient. "This is Derek, 68, suspected heart attack earlier this morning. Was found by one of his carers about thirty minutes ago. Nothing given on route as he refused all pain relief."

Connie took the transfer details from Iain walking through the corridor with him towards resus. "Okay bay two please..." The doors to resus closed leaving Cal and Louise stood at the nurses station. "Did I just see Mrs Beauchamp?" "I knew the temperature had dropped in here for a reason-" "Louise... She really isn't that bad you know." She rolled her eyes dropping a folder to the desk. "I'll believe you when hell freezes over."

"I want regular observations, every 10 minutes until these sats begin to rise again. Can we administer 5mg of morphine and get an echo organised." She nodded placing the chart back at the end of the bed, replacing her stethoscope around her neck. Moving from resus she wrung her hands together removing the traces of the gel she'd just squeezed onto them.

Looking around, everything already seemed a little less hectic than when she had arrived but she was yet to witness cubicles and the staff room. Max, Alicia, Robyn, Ethan and Cal were all in there sitting about talking. Cal and Max were throwing a ball back and forth seemingly ignoring the demands of the workplace outside of those walls.

Connie entered cubicles as a patient pushed their way past, quickly falling to the floor. She rushed forwards bending down to help lift them back to the bed. "Nurse Tyler! Care to explain why there's a patient currently on the floor-" "They won't accept any treatment from me." "Right well, then you should have got someone else... I'm Mrs Beauchamp, what is the problem here?"

Louise stood beside her biting her tongue before doing as she said. They were quickly joined by someone else causing Connie to glance up. "Ah Dr Hardy, can you take over here please... I'm sure Nurse Tyler will update you." Connie left the cubicle closing the curtain behind her.

As she did so, a smile graced her face seeing who was looking at her a little confused. "Hey, I didn't think you were back for another few weeks." Connie grinned accepting a hug from Charlie before standing back. "Well you know me, had a feeling the department was in turmoil." Charlie chuckled beginning to walk with her through the department. "How is Daisy?"

Connie smiled just at the mention of her daughter's name. "She's doing really well... Jacob wanted to take a little longer away from this place to be with them. I couldn't complain about that, I guess I've always just had the need to be in this place." Charlie smiled as they came up to the nurses station.

Elle was standing there after coming out of resus. "Dr Gardner-" "Ah Mrs Beauchamp, it's good to see you back again." "It's good to be back." Elle nodded letting her gaze fall back to the notes she was signing. "I just wanted to say I appreciate you attempting to keep the department running in my absence." Elle smirked nodding before looking back to the space that Connie had vacated. "I think that was best attempt at a thank you I would ever get from her." Charlie smiled leaving Elle where she was returning to cubicles.

Connie strolled past the staffroom before pausing and stepping backwards to see Max and Cal throwing something across the room. Alicia was sitting on the sofa with her feet resting to the table. She remained in the doorway with an arched brow and a hand on her hip waiting to be noticed.

Max quickly dropped the ball as Connie smirked. "Don't mind me, this is just a hospital." Alicia smiled as Connie came further inside while Max hurried out. She lifted Alicia's feet to sit on the sofa beside her with a smile. "Glad to be back?" "Oh it couldn't be any better could it?" Just as she spoke there was a crash from outside in the corridor, where she could see a tray overturned and Lofty on the floor. "I spoke too soon..." Alicia laughed as Connie rolled her eyes leaning further back on the sofa with a small groan.

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