Good News?

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As they wandered into the ED that morning, they both had huge smiles upon their faces. "So do you think we can start telling people soon? We've had the scan and everything's going well..." Alicia glanced over at him with a smile as they continued walking into the department. "I'll think about it, for now it's pretty funny seeing you struggle to keep it quiet."

Cal nudged her gently as they headed into the staff room getting ready for the start of their shift. Connie walked through the department as Jacob arrived with Grace. "Hey you-" Jacob pecked her lips quickly before parting. "Hey? Grace I thought you were busy today?" Grace shrugged as she sat herself up at the desk.

"I don't mind being here, besides they were busy so I'd have just sat at home anyway." Connie nodded with a smile as she ran a hand through Grace's hair. "Alright sweetheart, can't promise it'll be too exciting though." Grace smiled as Jacob leant down placing a kiss to Connie's temple. "I'm going to get sorted, be back soon." "Alright, see you later."

Once Jacob had disappeared into the staff room Connie looked to Grace passing her some money. "Go get yourself something to eat and head to my office." "Thanks Mum you're the best!" Grace jumped up rushing off to the shop leaving Connie to continue her rounds of the department.

"Please Alicia?" She laughed almost knocking into Connie who was watching them amused. "Everything alright?" "Cal wants to tell everyone about..." "Oh, that conversation is it? Good luck Cal, the hormonal woman always wins." He groaned while she walked away to cubicles leaving them to talk. "Ali-" "Tonight, after work."

His face lit up at the prospect but he checked he had understood her properly. "You mean tell them, tonight?" "Yes stupid, now leave me alone to work please." He quickly kissed her before going to reception meeting the incoming patient.

Despite people not knowing about Alicia's pregnancy Connie had her under strict conditions to remain out of resus. She wasn't willing to take the risk of placing Alicia in any danger, even if it was very early on. Connie however, was in and out resus all day long. Jacob kept a watchful eye over her, as did everyone else around her. She didn't mind though, not anymore.

Grace sat in Connie's office until her mother came charging in with her arms full of folders. "Aren't you supposed to be taking it easy Mum?" "Please Grace, I hear enough of that from your father I don't need you starting too!" Grace shrugged as she leaned back at her desk chair. "Excuse me sweetheart but when was it okay for you to sit there?"

Grace smiled angelically at her mother hoping it would sway her into letting her stay where she was. "I love you Mum-" "Mhm... Right I've got a meeting upstairs, it shouldn't last long but once I'm out how about we go for lunch?" "Pizza?" "Of course, wouldn't have anything else." Connie smiled at her daughter before catching the time. "Right, got to go... I love you." "Love you too."

Jacob kept an eye on Grace but they knew she wasn't about to run off anywhere. Alicia was sitting in the staffroom sinking into the sofa, her hand placed across her stomach. She didn't mind people knowing, after all it wouldn't be long before they noticed anyway. Day by day Alicia was getting bigger and she was already larger than Connie had expected her to get.

"You really don't like me relaxing do you?" "Sorry?" Alicia shot up dropping her hand looking to Robyn. "Nothing." Robyn smiled continuing as she was while Alicia slowly sat back again. "Tell me you're coming tonight, you've not been out for ages!"

Alicia smiled as Robyn joined her sitting down, she was right it had been a while - three months to be exact! "Umm, I'll try get someone to watch Amy for the evening-" "Good because we were beginning to think something was wrong with you. Never out, always disappearing god I thought you were pregnant." "Pfft... No... What- Why would you think that?"

Robyn watched her for a while slowly letting the smile grow. "Oh... My... Go-" "Please don't tell Cal you know he wanted to tell everyone himself-" "Alicia!? How could you not tell us, I'm so happy." Robyn pulled her friend into a hug as Alicia laughed wrapping her arms around her. "How long have you known-" "I found out before we came back from that holiday-" "How'd you stay so quiet!"

Alicia shrugged with a smile getting comfortable again. Robyn was bouncing about excited but Alicia knew this was going to go one way. "Robyn you have to keep it to yourself-" "Of course I will-" "I mean it. Cal can't know I've told you." She nodded as Robyn looked at her. "Does anyone else know?" "Ethan, Charlie and Connie."

Jacob was walking around the department as Robyn almost ran into him. "Woah freckles, careful almost knocked me down there. Everything alright?" "Mhm..." She nodded her head refusing to speak knowing that the first thing she'd say would be about Alicia. "Jacob?" Cal wandered over as Robyn rushed off leaving Jacob frowning before shaking his head. "What can I do?"

The shift was nearing an end as everyone gathered around the nurses' station. Alicia hadn't seen Cal all day despite her trying to find him. "Hey-" "Alicia, let me get my things and then we can go." She caught his hand turning him back round to face her. "I think we need to say something now..."

He dropped her hand rolling his eyes. "You told Robyn didn't you?" He groaned as she held her hands up. "In my defence I didn't tell her, she guessed and I couldn't lie." He smiled watching everyone wander into the staff room before taking her hand and stepping inside. "Drinks are on me-" "Someone's eager to get out." "Well after the day I've had I'm not being stingy with it."

Max, Jez and Ethan continued to talk before Cal caught their attention. "Sorry, guys there's something Alicia and I would like to tell you." She smiled stepping beside him as she caught eyes with Robyn who looked like she was about to explode. "We're having a baby!"

Everyone around them wore smiles as they began congratulating them, some a little more shocked than others that Cal was becoming a father. "Two pregnant women in the department-" "This cannot be a good thing..." Louise groaned shutting her locker as Connie stood in the door way with an arched brow. Everyone resumed what they were doing heading for the pub for a few drinks.

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