Bundle Of Nerves

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Connie stood in reception glancing to her watch before Jacob came rushing out of cubicles. "I'm so sorry sweet cheeks... Five minutes and I'll be out." He kissed her lips quickly before disappearing again. She was left standing alone again until Alicia passed her.

"Hey, thought you were going upstairs?" "We are... Jacob's been busy this morning, he's only just stopped." Alicia smiled sensing the unease from within Connie. "You know you're supposed to be having a bundle of joy, not a bundle of nerves Connie." "I know, I'm just I can't help it. I'm this way every time."

Jacob re-emerged from the staff room to join Connie. "You ready?" She nodded with a smile glancing to Alicia. "Come see me after?" "Okay..." Taking her hand in his, Connie walked from the ED with Jacob before he turned to face her under the shelter. "Now you going to tell me why you're so nervous?"

Connie took a breath releasing it slowly as she placed a hand to her forehead. "Just scared, Jacob... We've always faced so many issues, mostly down to me being stupid and I can't face knowing I've done it again." Jacob sighed taking her hands with a smile. "Charlie and Grace are two very healthy children, and this one... This one's gonna be the same."

She nodded letting him kiss her gently before she broke it off. "Now come on, we'll be late!" Jacob laughed as she pulled on his hand dragging him behind her. Maternity was crowded as they got upstairs. Connie looked about at the people around her beginning to wish she'd cancelled.

Jacob pressed his chest to her back holding her hand inside his. "We can do this... I'm here." He pressed a kiss to her temple as she manoeuvred her way up to the desk. "Constance Masters-" "Okay, take a seat the midwife will be right with you Mrs Masters." She nodded letting Jacob lead her to some seats.

She didn't object when he sat her across his lap, rubbing a gentle hand to her lower back. "Relax... Please..." "Okay, I'll try." He smiled as she lay her head to his shoulder taking a deep breath and letting it go slowly. "That's it, for a doctor you're not always great at this stuff are you?" "Shut up Masters..."

He smiled letting her relax into him as they sat there patiently waiting. Things had been a little delayed to an emergency earlier on but they weren't really waiting very long. "Mrs Masters?" Connie opened her sleepy eyes standing up and taking Jacob's hand. She smiled warmly to the couple letting them step inside, closing the door gently behind them.

"How have we been?" Connie looked to Jacob nervously as he smiled reassuringly. "There were a few issues, but nothing major." She gave a tight-lipped smile as she settled onto the bed. "Okay, any complications Connie?" "No, uh, I don't think so..." The midwife nodded as Connie stuttered. "It's okay, just relax-" "That's what I keep telling her."

Connie closed her eyes taking a breath before looking to Jacob again as he squeezed her hand. "Hey, no matter what... We're okay." She nodded as he leant up placing a kiss to her forehead while the midwife gathered her equipment. "Right, as you know it'll be cold and all that..." Connie rolled her eyes with a smile as she settled back feeling the cool gel across her stomach.

Jacob tried distracting his wife taking her attention away from the monitor. "Boy or girl?" "Huh?" Jacob looked to her with a smile before nodding to her bump. "Boy or girl?" "Jacob I don't know I'm not a mind reader." He laughed noticing the midwife's small smile. Connie closed her eyes before hearing his voice again.

"You know I didn't realise how defined you'd become..." Connie opened an eye glaring at him. "Is that a polite way of saying, ooh you've got fat recently?" "No! Con don't be so negative, jesus... You know I love how you look when you're pregnant just as much as when you're not." She let a smile fall to her lips as the midwife interrupted them. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

Connie panicked as the midwife shook her head. "Why can't I hear-" "Because, your husband distracted you while I checked everything. Your baby is fine, and perfectly healthy." Connie's smile grew before she walloped Jacob. "Ow! What was that for?" "Distracting me." She pouted before trying to stop the smile growing but couldn't.

Both turned their attention to the screen where the image of their little baby was. "Con-" "I know..." She laced her fingers back through his holding onto him for dear life. "Their heartbeat is absolutely fine, and all measurements are looking good. I'd say you'd be lucky to make it to full-term with this one, they are definitely trying to speed up meeting you two."

Jacob couldn't help but laugh as he pressed a kiss to Connie's hand. "Would you like to find out the gender?" His eyes lit up at the prospect while Connie was sceptical of the idea. However when she looked to Jacob she let a smile fall again. "It's a girl..." Jacob frowned looking to Connie as she focused on him. "How could you possibly know that-" "I'm a doctor, Jacob..."

The midwife took that as a reply to her question. "I'm afraid your wife is right... You've got a healthy baby girl Mr Masters." Jacob laughed letting his eyes fall down before looking to Connie again. "A mini you running riot around our house, what could possibly be worse?" "Try two little me's and a little you running riot around our house." He smiled with a nod taking the printed image from the midwife while Connie cleaned herself up.

"So I have no other reason to see you, no worries about anything at all. The next time I see you there'll be a new addition." Connie smiled sorting out her blouse before looking to Jacob and how happy he was. "Thank you-" "It's no trouble, call if there are any problems or worries of your own."

Connie nodded standing up while Jacob shook the midwife's hand. He was quiet as they walked out of maternity and through the hospital corridors. Connie was about to say something when he swept her off her feet. "We're having a little girl! A healthy, beautiful little girl." He spun around with her in his arms as she smiled down at him. "I thought something was wrong, you were so quiet-" "I'm just happy sweet cheeks."

She smiled meeting his lips as Charlie approached them. "I take it it's good news from that little show?" She frowned looking to him before hearing someone's whistling from below. Looking over the railings Connie saw half the department looking up at them. Cal had been the one to get their attention whistling and she glared over at him. "Come on the Mrs Beauchamp, give us the verdict!"

She looked to Jacob who was shrugging too busy staring at the image of their girl. "Well as many of you are aware, I'm pregnant and funnily enough we're having a baby-" "Ha ha Connie... It's a girl isn't it?" Jacob's head snapped up as he ran down the stairs of into the ED leaving Connie watching him. "Yes it's a little girl, look..." She shook her head watching as he excitedly showed off his daughter to everyone in the department.

Charlie was still beside Connie who took out another image. "Here you go Granddad seeing as he's not about to let go of that anytime soon... Meet your new granddaughter." "Aw Connie... I'm happy for you, all of you. Let me take you and the children to dinner tonight. Jacob was included in children there-" "I assumed so. That'd be lovely Charlie."

Jacob continued his parade of showing off his daughter until Connie pushed him from the department. He kept talking all the way out of the hospital. Connie finally got him outside and pushed her lips to his in order to shut him up. Jacob wrapped his arms around her waist responding to her urgently. "Finished?" "Almost... Look at her though, our baby girl. A girl!" Connie laughed shaking her head leaving Jacob to stand alone before he walked after her, still babbling away.

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