Starry Night

532 21 8

Day 2 ~
"Please look after them and don't do anything stupid Jacob." He looked at her raising his brow as she did. He let his hands fall to her waist. "Would I ever do something stupid?"

"Umm would I ever waste my breath?" Jacob acted hurt before Connie smiled slightly, turning as she heard Charlie and Grace returning. "Both of you be good for your Dad and Uncle Cal okay?"

They nodded as Connie kissed the top of both their heads. "I'll see you in the morning sweet cheeks. I love you." He kissed her gently as she responded to him. They parted and she smiled over at him. "I love you too, see you all in the morning."

Connie waved them off as they all wandered towards the woods. She sighed rolling her eyes before stepping back into the cabin. "You okay?" Connie raised her eyes to Alicia with a nod. "Trust Jacob to have the clever idea of camping with the kids-" "They'll love it, anyway gives us grown ups some quiet."

Connie laughed before sinking down onto the sofa with her feet up. Charlie and Alicia sat opposite on the other chairs as they all began chatting.

"Are you sure you know how to put that tent up? You've been trying for half an hour and still haven't done it." Grace sat on a large fallen tree with Amy watching Jacob try and fail with the tent.

"Think you could do better firecracker?" "Actually, yes." Grace jumped up and walked forwards taking poles from the floor and slotting them together.

Amy helped Grace while Charlie passed them things they needed. Cal and Jacob started on another tent while they watched the children. "Still glad you suggested this idea?" Cal glanced over the material of the tent to Jacob who was laughing. "Yeah, I used to go all the time with my sister. It'll be fun." "Whatever you say mate."

An hour later and all the tents were put up. Grace and Amy were in their own, while Charlie and Jacob had another, and Cal had his own. "So what do we do now?" Amy sat down on the floor joining everyone else.

"How about we play some games?" Grace shrugged while Amy nodded. "Like what?" "Liiike... You're it and can't catch us." Jacob tagged Amy before picking Charlie up on his back and running from where they'd been sat.

Grace and Cal were soon following suit sprinting across the woods while Amy jumped up to chase them. "That was totally not fair!" The laughter radiated from the young girls as they continued to chase each other around the trees.

Connie had moved outside for some fresh air before hearing laughter faintly in the distance. A smile came to her face as she lifted her legs up onto the swing outside. She relaxed into the large cushions as she swung gently.

Alicia came happily outside and sat beside her. "Charlie's making something to eat so I thought I'd join you." Connie smiled as they continued to rock. "Can I ask you something?"

Connie lifted her eyes to Alicia who suddenly seemed to have a nervous disposition about her. "When you found out you were pregnant how did you tell Jacob?" She smiled letting her eyes fall. "Which time?"

Alicia laughed shaking her head. "Obviously I remember this one, but what about with Charlie?" Connie sighed closing her eyes as she rest a hand to her head. "Badly. That's how I told Jacob."

They were quiet for a moment before Connie spoke again. "I had an argument with Grace before trying to calm her down and told her. I forgot Jacob was in the room and he disappeared. I didn't deal with it very well and I could have lost Charlie and Jacob."

Alicia felt bad for asking now she saw Connie's emotion change. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" "It's alright Alicia. Anyway why do you ask?" It was the other girls turn to change how she looked. "Let's just say I could do with some tips."

The tents had been set up with all of the blankets and pillows they'd bought with them ready for the night. Jacob was sitting with Charlie on his lap as they all sat eating the chocolate and sweets they'd packed.

"Are you looking forward to having another brother or sister?" Amy sat with Grace who shrugged not having thought much about it. "I hated the idea of Mum having anyone else because I thought she'd forget about me, but Charlie's been the best little brother."

Amy smiled as she looked to Cal. "Do you think you and Auntie Alicia will ever have a baby?" Cal stopped what he was doing and looked towards the girls. "I can't say we've ever thought about it. I don't know, maybe one day but who knows."

"I wish I could have had a little brother or sister but a little cousin would be just as good." Cal smiled across at them before Jacob moved putting Charlie down in the tent.

Within a few hours they were all settled in their own tents asleep. Cal and Jacob sat outside on the fallen tree with a drink each. "This has been an interesting afternoon I'll admit." Jacob nodded in agreement as they remained sitting there quietly.

After another hour Jacob noticed movement from the girls tent before Grace emerged. "Hey firecracker everything alright?" He noticed the solemn look on her face as she answered. "Can't sleep."

Cal moved giving them some space and entered his tent for the night. Jacob moved from where he was sat getting something from his bag. He pulled out a thick blanket before looking to Grace.

She smiled walking up to him and sitting on the grass slightly away from the others with him. She lay down resting her head on his arm before he pulled the blanket across them.

"Want to talk?" They remained quiet looking up at the sky before Grace spoke quietly. "It's about the new baby." Jacob nodded having known this would be what was bothering Grace.

"I hadn't really thought about it before tonight... But Amy's right, with 3 children it won't be easy to find time for us all-" "Hey. You know me and your Mum will always find time for you." Grace smiled as she tucked herself up to Jacob.

They continued to lay underneath the stars looking up at the sky as the moon illuminated the area around them. "We love you Grace, more than you'll ever know. You've been an amazing big sister to Charlie, I wouldn't want anyone else being a sister to my children."

Grace hugged Jacob as he placed a kiss to the top of her head. "Don't worry about it, but know that you can always talk to me and your Mum about anything. Okay?" "Okay."

"Get some sleep princess, I love you Grace." "I love you too Jacob. Night." Grace went inside her tent once again as Jacob packed up before settling down with Charlie.

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