Now Who's Being Difficult?

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Jacob sat on the chair beside Connie's bed. She was asleep and had been since they had decided to admit her over night. She hadn't spoken to Jacob, nor had she asked for him since coming around. There was nothing seriously wrong other than being extremely dehydrated.

"Jacob?" He looked up to the doorway where Cal was standing nodding outside. Glancing back to Connie and seeing her fast asleep he wandered outside with him. "When was the last time you saw her sit down and drink something?" "Umm, we've not really been in the same room for very long. Maybe 2/3 days ago."

He watched the frown on Cal's face before he passed over some test results. "This looks like she has barely been drinking anything for over a week... Glucose levels are low too, she's not eating properly either." Jacob sighed running a hand across his head as he looked back through to Connie. "Well talking to me isn't going to get anywhere, someone else is going to have to tell her. Maybe Lily?"

Cal nodded watching as Jacob moved back inside taking a seat beside her bed. He wasn't sure of what her reaction to him being there would be but he wasn't going to let her wake up alone. Charlie had offered to get the children from play scheme and look after them for the night telling them that Connie and Jacob were held up at work. He didn't want to panic them unnecessarily.

Jacob sat nervously in the chair watching Connie as she slept peacefully. He ran his thumb back and forth across his lip as she took a deep breath lifting her hands to her face. Jacob dropped his hand sitting forwards looking at her. Connie sighed rolling her head backwards, her hands covering her face.

"Here drink this-" "Jacob?" Connie's head shot round to see him sitting beside her holding out a glass of water. "Didn't expect me to seriously go home when you'd been admitted did you?" She didn't say anything but shook her head. "I'm not thirsty-" "I don't care if you're thirsty or not Con, you're dehydrated." The frosty look returned to her eyes as she looked away from him.

Jacob was ready to shout and scream at her as someone came in through the doors. "Mrs Beauchamp?" Lily walked in with a small smile which seemed very forced. Jacob glanced up to see Cal and Alicia by the door offering a smile to Jacob. It hadn't gone unnoticed by Connie but she chose to ignore it for now.

"Mrs Beauchamp, how are you feeling?" "Fine, care to explain why I'm still here?" Lily looked down at her results before looking back to Connie. "You're very dehydrated, we needed to get some fluids into you-" "I appreciate that Dr Chao but I am perfectly capable of looking after myself." That was it, he had had enough of standing back and letting her do this to herself. "Are you!?"

Jacob looked up at her as Connie dropped her head a little. "Are you really though? Because from where I'm standing all you've done is put my baby in danger!" "I would never do anything to risk that, how dare you say that!" Jacob scoffed shaking his head taking the results from Lily. "Really? You've not eaten for days, I had to give Charlie food to make sure you ate here. You haven't drank anything for at least a week! You come in at stupid hours, to leave early Connie from where I'm standing you couldn't care less about your baby."

He threw the results down onto the bed beside her in anger. "I've had enough of treading on eggshells around you. Grow up Connie and look after yourself because this isn't just about you anymore! Think of someone else for once in your selfish life." He turned away from her getting to the doors before turning back. "You've had everyone here worrying about you, wondering if you'd be okay. You screamed at Alicia for caring, treat Lily like she doesn't know what she's doing. You don't deserve any of us being here for you right now."

Jacob pushed the door open with some force before walking straight out of the room not looking to any of the several on lookers who'd heard his outburst. "I'll go..." Cal moved from beside Alicia running outside after Jacob to make sure he was okay.

Connie sat embarrassed in resus looking down at the results that lay beside her. They weren't lying, everything was at rock bottom yet here she was claiming to be absolutely fine. Lily remained quietly beside the bed as Alicia came into the room. "It's okay Lily, I'll stay with her." She nodded leaving the two women to it.

Not a word was said as Alicia sat down on the end of the bed. "Connie what are you doing to yourself?" Alicia watched as a few tears began to roll down her cheeks. "I can't say I'm sorry about it all because I'm not... I never meant to hurt my baby, but the way things are between me and Jacob? I can't apologise for putting my job before our relationship here-" "But you can apologise for putting your relationship last at home too."

Connie looked towards Alicia sighing attempting to stand up. "Where are you going?" "I need to find Jacob... Look if I drink that will you take this thing out of me. Please?" Alicia rolled her eyes moving around the bed. "I know you'll only do it yourself otherwise. Be nice, he's worried about you."

Outside Cal had found Jacob leaning forwards with his head against the wall. "You alright?" Jacob huffed looking around. "I've lost her. She couldn't care less and I just said the worst thing I could have ever said to Connie." Jacob ran a hand over his face as they wandered back inside towards the staff room.

Jacob sat on the sofa while Cal leant against the counter opposite him. "Want to talk about it?" He shook his head looking up at the ceiling as he dropped his head back. Neither noticed Connie beside the door listening as they spoke. "It can't have been easy finding her like that. You sure you don't want to talk?" "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Cal nodded before noticing Connie from the corner of his eye. "I best get back to work." Jacob looked up before clocking Connie stepping into the room. He looked away from her as Cal left the room. She wandered across the room sitting on the sofa beside Jacob before laying her head down across his lap surprising him.

Jacob glanced down as she played with her hands, sensing she was nervous he spoke first. "I was scared today... I thought... When I found you on the floor all that was running through my head was that I was going to lose you." He let a hand fall to her hair gently running his fingers through it.

Connie eventually lifted her eyes to his face, she could see the sadness etched all over it. "I am so sorry." She placed a hand to his cheek which he covered with his own. "I never meant for it to get like this, I'd never want to hurt-" "I know. I was wrong, I had no right to say that. Your children are everything to you."

She could see the hurt behind his eyes as she pulled her hand away from his to move it to his chin. "You're everything to me Jacob... I can't lose you." "Then don't push me away. I know this place is important, but so are we." Connie nodded as she dropped her hand back down to her stomach.

Sitting herself up she rest against the sofa looking to him. Jacob laced his fingers through hers as she forced a smile. "I'm sorry for what's happened today... But I can't say I'm sorry about the rest of it. Jacob I need to act more professional around here, and if that means being Mrs Beauchamp it's what I have to do."

Jacob nodded keeping hold of her hand before looking down at their entwined hands. "Then I guess what you have to think about, is how important are we to you? I can't stop you from being this at work, but I don't have to stay quiet about it at home." He leant forwards placing a kiss to her temple before letting go of her hand and leaving the room.

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