Time Alone

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It was already Friday night and Connie was feeling a little under the weather again. Jacob had been out with Grace and Charlie all morning before spending the afternoon at home with Connie. By the time they returned she was out of bed wandering around the house.

"Babe? I thought you were resting in bed today-" "And I thought you knew me by now." Grace and Charlie moved to go upstairs before Connie stopped them. "You two, I want to talk to you." They stopped looking at each other worried about what they'd done.

Connie folded her arms against her chest causing even Jacob to frown unsure of what had happened. "What's this I hear about you two causing drama in my department yesterday?" Grace shook her head pointing to Jacob. "It was all him Mum! I swear, we didn't do it-" "Grace!?"

Jacob looked shocked as he looked at them both. "Daddy did it Mummy." Connie raised a perfectly arched eyebrow as she looked to Jacob. Her eyes slowly moved back to them as she didn't break her stance. "Did what exactly?"

"Well first he prank called Jack and made him scream a few times, then we hid in the staffroom before scaring Uncle Cal-" "And then Daddy made the angry doctor angry." Connie looked to Jacob. "Angry doctor?" "Dylan." He nodded as he noticed a smirk appear then disappear from her face.

Grace and Charlie went quiet causing Connie to frown again. "What else have you done that you're not telling me-" "We might have annoyed Dr Gardner-" "Dr Gardner? You annoyed Dr Gardner because?" Jacob looked towards Grace and Charlie as she shrugged. "Because she's a bi-" "GRACE! Do not even say that word."

She huffed rolling her eyes folding her arms as Connie had. "Well it's the truth. She's horrible-" "More of a witch then me?" Guilt spread across Grace's face as Connie laughed. "Oh yeah, you're in big trouble." Grace tried not to laugh as Charlie smiled beside her.

"When I let you go to work with your Father I expect you to know he's stupid and to not join in with his trouble making." Grace nodded while Charlie ran forwards hugging his Mum. "Sorry-" "It's alright baby you're not in trouble. Your Daddy though..."

Grace and Charlie laughed before running to the stairs. "One more thing... Amy's coming over tonight with Uncle Cal and Auntie Alicia so clear your bedrooms up please." They nodded running off upstairs leaving Connie to turn on Jacob.

"Look sweet cheeks, I didn't mean to make such a mess." She nodded dropping her focus to something else. "Are you really that annoyed with me?" When she didn't answer he walked across the kitchen to the counter. "I really am sorry."

Connie looked up at him as she took a few small steps towards him. "You really are something." She pushed her tongue into her cheek dropping her arms to her sides. Jacob smiled as her hands held onto his sides while his fell to her waist. "Tell me that's a good something?" "Hmm..." The smile remained on his face as he kissed her gently.

"Elle?" He laughed as she pulled back from his lips speaking. "Apparently so... That one was nothing to do with me-" "I don't doubt that." Jacob watched as she moved away. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing. Forget it." The frown on Jacob's face remained as he walked towards her.

"No Connie, tell me what you meant. Do you still think something's going on-" "No! No, but it just gets to me how she can't do anything wrong in your eyes. I feel forgotten when you're around her, like she's somehow more important to you."

Jacob sighed moving his hands around her waist again. "That could not be more wrong Connie. You're my world and nobody will ever change that, nobody. I love you and only you." Connie lifted a hand around his neck as she swayed to one side looking up at him. "Well that's not quite true because I love Grace, and Charlie... And I suppose I love-" "Shut up."

Connie pulled him to her lips as he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist kissing him desperately as he pushed her to the wall behind them. "Muuuuum!" "Muuuuummmyyyyyy!" Connie laughed parting from Jacob's lips. He placed them to her collarbone as she looked up.

"Yes darling!?" Jacob lifted his lips back to hers kissing her causing a small moan to leave her lips. "Can Amy stay tonight?" She pulled back from Jacob again to answer. "I suppose so sweetheart, I'll call Alicia!" Jacob pulled her back to his lips desperate for her touch.

Connie moved her hands to his front undoing his shirt. She quickly undid the buttons before pushing her hands into the sleeves so it fell from his body. Moving her hands back to his shoulders she held onto him as he deepened the kiss letting his fingers move across her skin.

Jacob separated from her to talk. "I love you-" "I love you too but right now-" "Stop talking?" "Mmm." He smiled kissing her again moving his hand to the front of her trousers. She felt his hand press against her causing the breath to hitch in her throat. He undid the button of her trousers before running his fingers against the lace material of her underwear.

She moaned against his lips as he began to move his fingers gently. Connie gripped his shoulder as he continued to kiss her trying to muffle her moans. "MUM!?" Connie separated from Jacob's lips to call back. "Yes Grace?" She managed to get her words out before her breath quickened.

Connie moved a hand to Jacob's holding onto him in an attempt to stop him from doing what he was doing. A smirk crossed his face as she glared at him. "Where's my tablet?" Connie looked at Jacob telling him not to do anything while she spoke. "It should be on your ta-ble." Connie's voice faltered as Jacob pushed his fingers into her again.

She had an arm around his neck as she threw her head back against the wall. "Mum? Is everything okay?" Jacob kept moving at a steady pace kissing her neck causing her to moan again. "Mum-" "Everything's fine baby, let me know if you can't find your tablet." "Okay Mum, me and Charlie are going to watch a film!"

Jacob moved his lips back to Connie's as she tried to speak. "Okay sweetheart!" They heard Grace's door close spurring Jacob to carry on as he was. Connie moaned against his lips, her fingers scratching across his shoulder.

Connie pulled away from his lips earning a frown from Jacob. "You heard them, they're watching a film." He smirked lifting her back up again properly and moving through to the living room falling down to the sofa with her laughing.

Her legs wrapped around him as he lay above her smiling. "Certainly a new you I'm seeing here-" "I'm 4 months pregnant and we have no time together, you figure it out." She pulled him back to her lips as he kissed her again. "Won't hear me complaining sweet cheeks-" "Oh I'm sure I will."

She laughed as he began to tickle her waist falling to the floor with her. "God I love you- Yes I know, less talking." He resumed his place above her enjoying every second with her.

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