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Connie and Alicia were laying on the sofa's outside under the shelter of the patio. Both women became comfortable continuing their conversation. "Come on, you don't still have sex with Jacob while you're six months pregnant?" Connie smirked across at Alicia who shuddered. "What? You telling me you haven't wanted to?" "Well no... I'm waaaay too tired for that right now."

Alicia stretched out before rolling onto her side to face Connie. "Seriously though?" "Mhm..." "You're crazy I swear." Connie laughed as she glanced to Alicia. "Anyway, how have you been feeling? Anymore sickness?" She shook her head placing her glass back down on the floor. "No, it's been alright, whatever that was you gave me seriously worked." "It was supposed to, I used it for Grace. God that girl made me sick from start to finish!"

"I heard that Mum!" Connie glanced up at the window where she could see her daughter with Amy and Jessica. "And I'm glad you know what hell you put me through sweetie." Grace responded by pushing her tongue out before disappearing back inside. "Do you actually trust those two with the girls to paint that room?" Alicia sighed resting back down. "No... But they're not going to let us help either way."

Cal and Alicia had agreed to let Alicia redecorate her room as she wanted, entailing the help of Jacob. Grace and Jessica had come along to help too while Charlie was at nursery. "Right girls, get some paintbrushes and let's get going." All three grabbed the paint brushes before beginning to apply the pink paint. Cal and Jacob were doing most the work while the girls laughed and chatted.

"You finally stopped gushing over having a girl yet?" "Nah... I'll never stop, come on you telling me it doesn't excite you to find out what you're having?" Cal smiled continuing to paint the far wall. "Yeah, course I am but you took excited to a new level for the last two weeks." Jacob laughed as he painted the parts of the wall that the girls couldn't reach.

Outside Connie and Alicia were laughing with one another. "Has Emilie been around much?" "No, it's been getting harder for her to get out but we try to see her as much as we can. I never knew Cal could be so caring and responsible until I saw him with his mother. He's totally different with her." Connie nodded with a solemn expression.

"It's amazing what an ill parent can make you do... Sometimes it doesn't matter what's happened in the past, you still wish that you could make everything better for them." Alicia nodded as Connie stared into the distance before someone appeared at the gate. "Knock knock..." "Hey Ethan, come in."

Ethan wandered into the garden with Lily as Alicia sat herself up. "Can I get either of you a drink?" Ethan stepped into the kitchen with Alicia while Lily perched at the end of the sofa Connie was on. "How are you feeling?" "I'm alright thank you... You and Ethan?" Connie's arched brow caused Lily to shake her head. "No, no we're just friends." "Right and I'm not pregnant just been eating too much."

Lily smiled as Connie watched her. "He's a good guy Lily." She nodded accepting the glass from Alicia before she relaxed back down onto the sofa. Ethan sat down as Alicia lifted her legs onto his lap getting settled again. "Where is Caleb?" "Upstairs painting, can't you hear them?" Connie scoffed as there was a load of noise on cue.

After a few hours they'd managed at least one coat of each wall. The girls had done nothing much except get in their way but they'd enjoyed it. Grace had the paintbrush loosely in her hand as she bit her lip. "Amy..." Turning around she glanced to Grace before being flicked with the pink paint. "Grace!" She giggled before receiving the same treatment back. Jessica tried keeping out of it before being attacked by both girls.

Cal turned to see the mess they had made holding his hands up as he took the bucket of pink paint. "Okay, you girls are finished... Outside to clean off!" "But Uncle Cal..." "No but's-" He would have continued talking but as he held the pot up high Jacob stepped backwards bumping into him. Cal lost grip of the paint, tilting the bucket over himself.

Amy, Grace and Jessica covered their mouths simultaneously trying to stop themselves from laughing at the mess. "Jacob... Wh-" "Why were you holding the bucket in the air!?" "To try and stop the girls from making a mess!" Amy scoffed rolling her eyes. "Yeah that worked didn't it marshmallow man?" He turned to look at her before Amy dropped her brush. "Time to go..."

The three girls ran from the bedroom and down the stairs heading for the garden. Grace tripped over as they reached the garden causing Connie to jolt up. "Gracie?" "I'm fine Mum!" She stood up running down the garden with the other two girls before all of them turned to see Cal absolutely covered in pink paint. "Cal? I think you were supposed to paint the walls, not yourself."

He snidely smiled at Alicia before Jacob appeared behind Cal. "Hey babe-" "Hey, were you to blame for this?" Jacob held his hands up in surrender as Cal looked between the swimming pool and the girls. Moving closer he managed to grab Amy before scooping her up and throwing her into the water. Jacob caught Grace doing the same before Cal picked up Jessica dunking her in.

All three of them splashed the water about until Cal jumped the side of the pool causing a splash. Alicia watched shaking her head as they all turned the pool water a light shade of pink. "Can't trust you to do anything can we?" "One simple job, that's all you had-" "HEY! It's not our fault the girls were useless."

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