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The sky was dull and Connie found herself traipsing back and forth across the bedroom in the darkness. She hadn't been able to sleep no matter how hard she tried, and Jacob wasn't able to say anything to help. Instead she moved to the wardrobe pulling out a smart black dress before heading into the bathroom.

Jacob was beginning to wake before seeing Connie walk across the bedroom fully dressed. "Con?" "Mmm..." He sat up rubbing his eyes before looking to her again as she lay Daisy on their bed. "Con, look at me-" "I can't unless you want our daughter to fall off of our bed." He rolled his eyes as she continued with what she was doing. "Where are you going?" "You know where."

He sighed knowing there'd be no changing her mind. He had hoped she wouldn't be like this, not today. "Okay, then let me at least look after Daisy today." Her eyes lifted to Jacob and he hadn't expected to see what he did. The fear, worry and angst behind her eyes scared him. "I- I... No- I can't-" "Con, I'll take Daisy." She desperately shook her head refusing to let any tears fall as he got himself out of the bed to stand beside her.

Jacob placed a warm hand to her back as she took several quick breathes. "Jacob I can't, I need you to come with me. Please don't make me go alone-" "Hey, hey, hey... Of course I'll be with you if that's what you want." She nodded frantically before she picked Daisy up from the bed. As soon as she had, he pulled her into a hug as best he could. "I love you... We'll get through today, alright?"

The hospital was gloomy as people dragged their feet behind them. The general mood of the place was glum with nobody really wanting to be there. Alicia had been sitting at the table in the staff room for the last forty minutes without so much as a flinch. Her eyes were glazed and her breathing slow. Cal didn't know how to talk to her, he had never seen her quite like this.

Ethan strolled out of cubicles seemingly distracted as Lily walked beside him, neither attempting to say a word. Charlie was standing behind Cal as he watched the pair walk straight past without acknowledging him. "They're just finding a way to cope, don't take it personally-" "I know. I just wish I could help you know?" Charlie smiled warmly as they remained at the nurses station accepting that today would just be one of those days.

Connie had put on a brave face as she got out of the car. Jacob insisted on carrying Daisy while she walked off ahead of them and into the ED. Only when she reached the entrance did she stop. Her eyes falling to something else in the distance while someone stopped beside her. Connie turned her head looking to Iain who didn't say anything as she placed a hand to his arm with a tight lipped smile. All he did was nod before she laced her hand with Jacob's tightly walking inside.

On any other day staff would have swarmed Connie with comments on Daisy but today was different. Solemn smiles, and lowering of peoples heads was all that greeted them as they came inside. Jacob smiled to those around him seeing how much support there was within these four walls for Connie and the others.

Connie let go of Jacob's hand as she reached the staffroom door seeing Alicia. Everyone had avoided the room not wanting to upset her at all. Her eyes lifted upon hearing Connie's heels on the floor. She pushed up from where she sat rushing across the room and into Connie's arms.

The tears finally began to fall as Connie encased Alicia in her arms. "It's gonna be okay-" "Connie..." She placed a hand to the back of the younger woman's head, stroking her hair soothingly. "It's okay..." Connie forced the tears back needing to stay strong for those around her.

Seeing Alicia so broken but knowing he could do nothing to help hurt. "It's not you, you know... Con's been the same all morning. They were together when... They went through the same thing, we didn't." Cal nodded with a saddened smile thanking Jacob. When they looked up Connie and Alicia were wandering out of the staffroom towards them.

As they did, the doors to resus flew open followed by Dylan storming out. "Dylan?" "Leave it... I'll go." Connie left Alicia walking in the direction Dylan had just gone with a look of anger across his face. Her heels clicked across the floor giving the otherwise quiet hospital some form of noise.

"Dr Keogh?" "Mrs Beauchamp, I didn't know you were returning so soon." She closed the door stepping further inside. "I'm not... I'm back for the memorial, I didn't want to miss it or not be here for my staff." Dylan swallowed with a single nod before re-fixing his gaze on the wall. "You know, I don't expect you to be fine right?" "I don't know what you're talking about-" "Come on Dylan don't treat me like I'm stupid."

He looked to her as she stood with her arms beside her shrugging. "Tell me your coming-" "Someone needs to stay here-" "And that someone isn't you. Elle can stay, please not just for yourself." He didn't speak for a while before he glanced to the time. "You should probably go, you'll be late." Connie sighed realising it didn't matter what she said. "Well, you know where we'll be if you change your mind."

Connie left the room quietly seeing people slowly making their way outside. She looked about before wandering out behind them seeing Jacob beside Alicia and Cal. Lily and Ethan looked up as she approached them but she didn't say anything. Just enveloped Lily into a hug who reciprocated silently. Looking to Ethan she tried to smile. "How are you?" "I'll be alright."

Turning back to Jacob she let him take her hand before glancing around at all the staff who had gathered out here. Iain stood in front of them all smiling to try and make the moment lighter. "10 years... I can't believe it's been that long since you treated us all to your 'princesses' and bad jokes." Connie smirked before letting her eyes drift to the ground. "I know Dix would kill me if I just continued to laugh at you, but I think it's the best way to think about you... Happy. Smiling. Doing what you love."

Connie looked up noticing Dylan slipping into the small crowd beside them. "You're a great man Jeffery... Keep on making people laugh up there." Iain looked up at the clouded skies before smiling towards Connie. Alicia had tears rolling down her cheeks while Lily and Ethan stood huddled together.

"To Jeff." All eyes fell to Dylan who had stepped forwards speaking. It was repeated all around as they remembered one of their own 10 years on from his departure. It only became harder with each year, but slowly with the help of each other, they got through it.

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