Sleeping Beside The Fire

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Day 8 ~
The sun was sitting low in the sky as evening began to take over. Connie walked through the cabin pausing in the living room realising Grace was sitting there alone. "Sweetheart? Are you okay?" Grace didn't answer or look towards her prompting Connie to move closer.

Connie sat crossed legged on the floor before Grace placing her hands on her knees. "Baby what's wrong?" "I'm being stupid." Grace looked up when Connie didn't answer to see her with a raised eyebrow watching her. "I miss Dad, but I know he doesn't miss me. He hasn't called me since I came home from America."

She sighed kneeling up placing a hand at the back of her daughters head. "Oh baby that's not being stupid. I'm sure your Father misses you... Come here." Connie enveloped her into a hug. "You know Jacob and I love you so much don't you?" Grace nodded as she sat up with a small smile.

Connie stood back up from the floor and held out her hand. "You coming?" "What's everyone doing?" They wandered outside where Amy, Alicia and Charlie were sitting around a small fire. "Jacob's idea?" Grace questioned at the same time Connie made the statement leaving both girls laughing.

Grace slumped down on the pillow beside Cal. "Hey, you alright?" Grace nodded with a smile before talking to Amy. Jacob lifted his eyes to Connie who was nodding her head towards the cabin. "Right, I'll go look inside, I'm sure we have some food hidden away somewhere for you lot."

Jacob climbed up following Connie inside after making his excuse. "Everything aright sweet cheeks!?" She stood with her back pressed against the counter while Jacob reached up into a cupboard. "Sam's not bothered speaking to Grace for months, she's feeling really bad about it. Why would he do that to her?"

Twisting around Jacob watched as Connie became irate speaking about him. "Hey, calm down... She'll be alright, she knows she's got us-" "But she hasn't got her Dad has she?" He backed down as Connie closed her eyes shaking her head. "Sorry, that came out wrong. I didn't mean that-" "I know."

Connie wandered closer to him wrapping her arms around him as she rested her head to his chest. She let go of a deep breath as Jacob rubbed soothing circles on her back. Connie felt her eyes becoming heavy as she stood with Jacob. "You're shattered sweet cheeks, why don't you go to bed. Get an early night?"

Jacob stroked her hair as she objected. "I don't want to miss out on time with you." Jacob kissed her hair gently as she lifted her head to look at him. "I'll go when I put Charlie down." "Okay." He nodded in agreement knowing that was probably the best deal he was going to get with her.

Connie wandered back outside sitting down next to Cal. Grace had shuffled over to Alicia and Amy where they were laying stretched out taking pictures with each other. Charlie was sitting on Charlie's lap when Jacob returned with several items of food.

Everyone had settled down roasting marshmallows and eating chocolates. Jacob and Charlie helped the children not letting them get too close to the open fire. Connie was becoming cold so Cal picked up a blanket pulling it over her shoulders as she leant into his shoulder.

Connie placed her head to his chest as his arm settled around her. They were silently watching for a few minutes before Connie spoke up. "Tell me you're finding this weird too." Cal chuckled lightly as he nodded looking down at Connie. "It's been a while... But I never thought we'd be sat like this again."

She smiled briefly before Cal lowered himself down so he was almost laying beside her. There was history between them, but it was well and truly buried. "I'm glad you're happy though Connie. I don't think I ever told you that."

Connie lifted her head to look up at him seeing him watch her. "You too. Promise me something?" Cal nodded as she rest her head to his chest again, his hand running loosely through her hair. "Look after her, stand by her and never break her heart." They both looked towards Alicia who was laughing with Amy.

Cal couldn't bring his eyes away from her. Alicia's light brown hair was highlighted from the glow of the fire. Her light blue eyes sparkled as she smiled at Amy. She really was beautiful and in such a short amount of time had come to mean so much to him.

Connie watched him looking at her. "You really do love her don't you?" Cal scoffed dropping his head. "I promise you don't have to worry about me hurting her." "I know." Connie smiled as she rest into Cal again before Jacob stepped over to them.

"Mind if I step in here?" Cal laughed sitting up as Connie lifted her head. "She's all yours." Jacob smiled placing a friendly hand on Cal's shoulder as he passed. "Someone getting jealous were they-" "Of course I was."

Connie frowned as Jacob sat beside her. She sat herself looking at him. "Really? You know that you don't ever have to-" "I know. It doesn't mean I don't think I'm still not enough for you. You'll always be out of my league Connie." She shut him up by pressing her lips to his.

She sat back not moving her eyes from his as she pressed her hand to his cheek. "Stop there, okay? You'll always be enough for me. You always were, I just didn't want to open my eyes and accept that. And I'm so thankful to you for being a Dad to Grace."

Across the fire Charlie had fallen asleep with his head resting on Alicia's lap. Cal had an arm wrapped around her waist as she stroked his head gently. "You're good with him." Alicia smiled looking down at the sleeping toddler as Cal rest his chin on her shoulder.

"You're good with all of them... You'd bean amazing Mum Alicia-" "You think so?" Cal nodded with a smile. "I know so." She lifted her head with a smile looking at Cal. He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek before she rest back against him.

Connie was laying across Jacob's lap in a similar manner to her son. Her eyes had fluttered shut earlier, Jacob smiling as he watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest slow even more. Grace wandered over to where they sat causing Jacob to lift his eyes from Connie's sleeping form.

"Hey firecracker." "Hey..." They spoke in hushed whispers so as to not disturb Connie. "Your Mum said you weren't very happy, anything I can help with?" "Can you make my Dad suddenly care about me?" Jacob sighed moving his arm around her shoulders. "I don't know about that, but I know I can tell you I care."

Grace smiled hugging into Jacob's side before sitting back up. She seemed to play with her hands in front of her. "What else is it?" Jacob could see through Grace just like he could Connie. "I..." Jacob watched as she struggled to say what she wanted. "I wish you were my Dad."

Jacob sighed pulling Grace back towards him placing a kiss to her head. "I'll always be your Dad if you need me to-" "Really?" Jacob laughed looking at Grace's suddenly hopeful face. "Of course I will." "You really mean you'd be my Dad? Like properly?"

Jacob glanced down at Connie before looking back to Grace. "I think this is conversation for another day with your Mum... But nothing would make me happier than having 2 beautiful girls to call my daughters-" "2?" He nodded smiling as he placed a hand to Connie's stomach. "For the record I think it's another boy." Grace laughed sinking into Jacob's side. "I love you firecracker-" "I love you too, Dad."

A feeling of warmth rushed through the pair at her words but neither mentioned it. Instead they remained curled up together beside the fire until it burnt out. That's when Jacob realised he had 2 sleepy girls. "Need a hand?" Jacob laughed as Cal moved around lifting Grace from Jacob's lap while he lifted Connie.

Jacob hadn't noticed that everyone else had already retired to bed. Things had been cleared up and the cabin was silent as they moved inside. Jacob lay Connie down before going through and checking on Grace and Charlie. He leant down placing a kiss to Charlie's head before doing the same to Grace.

As he did she moved her arms up to hug him. He smiled hugging her back before she let go and rolled over falling quickly to sleep. Jacob was left smiling wandering back to a tired Connie. She moaned as he closed the door before climbing into bed beside her. She lifted her head moving closer to him as she rest down on his chest. "Night muscles-" "Night sweet cheeks..."

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