Repairing What Was Broken

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Connie got out of the car looking across the top to Jacob as he looked over the fields. "So... Want to tell me why we got rid of the children to come here?" Jacob looked back to her with a smirk on his lips. "We needed sometime to get back to us Con, don't deny it." Sadness etched across her face as she stood up.

Jacob was standing before her as he took her hands in his. "I wanted you to see how much I love you again Con because I truly don't believe you understand that." He placed a hand to her cheek as she looked across at him. "Come on... I want to how you something." Connie went to wander forwards while Jacob grabbed something from the car.

"What's that?" "Nothing-" "Liar." Connie watched him as he shrugged putting the bag on his shoulder. He smirked taking her hand again as they wandered over the field. The sun was brightly shining and it was pleasantly warm. Connie could hear the water from the stream before they got there.

They stood looking down into the water before Jacob looked to her. "Jump on-" "What?" He sighed rolling his eyes. "Well last time you complained about getting your feet wet." Connie laughed thinking back to when they'd come here all the years ago. "That was different!" "How?" "I had heels and a dress on." Jacob nodded. "Right. So you're going to... Walk..."

He trailed off as Connie made her way across the water, stepping carefully from rock to rock. "Guess you are sweet cheeks-" "Don't fall behind muscles!" He pushed his tongue into his cheek with a smile as he hurried after her. Connie had made it to the other side and kicked up some water over his front. "Believe you did that to me last time too? Payback I guess..."

Jacob looked at her before rushing across the final part of the river, climbing onto the bank and running after her. Connie's laughter bought a smile to his face as he chased after her across the field. Despite being nearly six months pregnant, the woman could run!

Connie turned on her heel facing Jacob as he approached her, his arms making their way around her waist as she laughed. He kissed her quickly before taking her hand as they kept walking. She found herself laying her head to his arm as they walked until she lifted it back up. "Come on liar, what's in the bag?" "Nothing!"

Jacob separated from her a little before she tried grabbing the bag from his arm. He dodged her before lifting it up above her head so she couldn't reach. "Jacob!" She laughed as his other hand grabbed her waist beginning to tickle her before he spun her around. Connie stopped trying to get the bag and held onto him instead. "Finished sweet cheeks?" "Depends if you're done with trying to get me to talk."

She nodded in surrender letting him lead her to the edge of the field. "Are we not sitting down?" "Soon, I want to show you somewhere." Connie took his outstretched hand, following him down the gentle slope. They walked through the small stream of water into what she assumed was a cave. She stopped herself from asking him why, and decided to trust that he was doing it for a reason.

Sunlight hit the water in front of them as it opened up again. Looking about Connie noticed the green field beside them, white flowers sprouting randomly through the blades of grass. Beside them was a small waterfall providing the only sound you could hear. "Jacob..." He continued walking through the water noticing how it was beginning to get deeper. He threw the bag up onto the grass before turning to Connie.

"Where's your phone?" "Here-" "Let me..." She passed it over as he threw it up next to the bag. "Hey! That could break." She was cut of from saying anything else as he wrapped his arms around her waist falling backwards, down into the water. Connie moved with him, the cool water coming up to her shoulders.

Rather than argue she lifted her arms up around his neck letting him pull her closer. "Care to explain how we're getting home soaking wet?" "The bag, I'm not entirely stupid." Connie sighed letting her eyes fall to the water. It was so clear that she could see to the bottom where the Jacob's feet pressed to the stones.

Letting herself float she pushed her heels to Jacob's back as her legs went around his waist. Jacob placed a hand to her bump gaining a smile from her. "What?" "They started kicking me as soon as you touched me." Jacob laughed rubbing his hand across her tummy gently. "Guess they know Daddy already, hey sweet cheeks?"

Connie smiled leaning forwards and kissing him gently. "What was that for?" "Because I love you and you're amazing." Jacob shrugged as he watched her. "Can't argue with that..." She rolled her eyes before he drifted backwards into the lake, closer to the waterfall. "This really is beautiful, thank you-" "No problem sweet cheeks, I love sharing my secret spaces with you."

A warm feeling filled her as she looked over Jacob. "You hungry? I bought food too-" "You know me too well Mr Masters..." Connie laughed as they swam to the edge of the water, Jacob getting out first to help Connie. "Well, after this many years of marriage I expect to be good at it."

The couple settled down on the grass making up for lost time. Chatting and laughing while they ate everything he had packed for them, while the sun helped to dry them off from the dip in the lake. "You know we have to head back and get the kids soon?" "Nope." Connie frowned as Jacob lay down on the grass nonchalantly. "Jacob?"

When he didn't answer, she moved from where she was sat to straddle his waist. "Mr Masters, explain now." "Charlie is having them over night, we've got as long as we want here." A warm smile came to her lips as she lay her head to his chest getting herself comfortable. "I love you-" "I love you too..."

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