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Connie was sitting on the sofa with her legs curled up beside her, Daisy fast asleep in her embrace. Jacob couldn't pull his eyes away from the two girls as he leant against the kitchen counter. Connie had barely left her daughters side after getting home at the beginning of the week. They had gotten out of the hospital the day after Daisy's birth as there was no reason to have them stay any longer.

Grace and Charlie had been just as infatuated with Daisy, finding everything she did entertaining. As Jacob watched now though, he watched Connie lovingly looking at Daisy. Connie caressed her cheek causing her to turn her head in her sleep towards her mother. Small whimpers came from her lips bringing a smile to her face.

Leaning down Connie placed a kiss to Daisy's forehead. "I love you baby..." Jacob wandered into the living room perching beside her causing Connie's eyes to flicker up to him. He sat in joggers and a tight shirt extremely close to her. Jacob lifted a hand to Connie's face pushing her hair back behind her ear. "How's my favourite girl?" "You can't say that, you have two daughter's."

He smirked leaning in and kissing her sending a tingling sensation through Connie. Parting from him she got up walking towards the moses basket in the corner of the room. She carefully placed Daisy down with a smile and another kiss as she tucked her in. Returning to the sofa she walked right up to Jacob straddling his waist.

Jacob was sitting forwards, his hands on her hips about to speak as her lips fiercely collided with his. Her hands pressed to his shoulders, a fire building within her at their contact. She grasped at his neck deepening the kiss with each movement. Jacob groaned against her lips feeling her push her body against him.

Her hands dropped down his chest until they reached the base of his shirt. She sighed at the loss of contact from his lips while pulling the shirt from his head. Her lips resumed their place on his as soon as they could, her hands roaming his body. "Con-" "Don't speak..." He wanted to rationally put an end to this but he didn't have the will power.

Connie pushed his shoulders until he was falling down to the sofa. She shuffled forwards, leaning with him so that she sat over his torso. Jacob's hands ran across the strip of skin he'd revealed between her vest and shorts. The smoothness of her skin driving him crazy as she continued to cave into each kiss.

This was the most privacy they had had since Daisy had been born and also the most energetic Connie had been. Things had been blissful, neither with a complaint of how life was seeming to pan out. The moment was becoming heated as they both continued with their advances.

Connie ran her hands over his toned chest until she reached the waist band of his trousers. She felt Jacob try to take a breath breaking from her lips before she covered them again. He pushed his hands underneath her shirt, skimming her waist wanting nothing more than to let her do everything she wanted to but he had to think of her health before anything else. "Con we can't..." "I know but you don't have to ruin it for me just yet."

He smirked feeling her hands resume their position just above his trousers. Her hands on his body felt like no other feeling ever had. She kissed him hungrily as she lay herself flat against his chest. He rolled over pinning her to the sofa, his knees dipping either side at her waist. "I love you." Connie sat herself up, an arm around his neck as she pushed her lips onto his again cutting him short.

Jacob was about to lay her back as a loud knock at the door caused them to separate. Connie dropped down to the sofa groaning while Jacob climbed off of her with a laugh heading for the door, grabbing his shirt on the way. Connie stayed exactly where she was staring at the ceiling before seeing Alicia appear with a smirk. "Oh... And there's me thinking you'd be too busy with the new baby-" "Funny."

Connie sat herself up as Alicia came further inside wrapping her arms around her. Cal followed shortly after with Amy while Jacob made everyone a drink. "She's gorgeous Connie, she really is." Alicia stood over the basket stroking her cheek while Amy stood beside her. "Are you having a girl?" "We don't know yet sweetheart, I'm not sure if we'll find out or leave it a surprise."

Cal stood in the kitchen with Jacob chatting. "How's she been sleeping?" "Dais or Connie?" Cal watched Jacob sigh rubbing a hand over his face. "That bad?" "Mmm... I think Daisy is sleeping more than Connie, but she's happy so for now I'm letting it slide." Cal nodded as they returned to watching the women. "Excited for your arrival?" "Excited. Worried." "Same thing isn't it?"

They were interrupted by another knock at the door to which Connie disappeared to answer. "Charlie?" "Connie..." She pulled him into a tight hug before Daisy could be heard crying from the living room. "I think she knows her granddad just arrived." He smiled letting the door close behind him entering the room. "Jacob, congratulations!" "Thank you." He shook his hand before dropping it and hugging him instead.

When Charlie spun around Connie was moving towards him with Daisy in her arms. "Meet Daisy Masters..." Charlie couldn't help but smile as he looked down. "She's adorable, definitely got some of her mothers looks." "Tell me about it." Jacob rolled his eyes before wrapping an arm around Connie's waist.

They spent the afternoon talking and cooing over Daisy. Connie sat beside Jacob with her head resting to his chest happy with having company and others to hold her baby for a while. Of course she loved her daughter but it didn't half become tiring.

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