Part 5

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Saara's POV (Point of View)

On the phone

"Ya ... it's ... it's really nice to know him ... you know he's a truly down to earth person. He's loyal. And ... he cares with everyone around him. Aku bersyukur sekali bisa bertemu dan dekat dengannya. He's one of my close friends now."

Hari ini aku diwawancarai oleh majalah V melalui telepon. Aku bersandar di sofa apartemenku.

"Did Justin ever told you about his past life?" Tanya kru majalan ini.

"Yes. Dia sering bercerita tentang masa lalunya. Bagaimana dia melalui semua itu. Bagaimana orang terdekatnya dulu mengkhianatinya. I feel bad about him. Dia masih terlalu muda untuk merasakan semua ini. He through a lot of bad things in his life. He got a bad friends that used him for money. I know that not because he told me, but ... i'm one of his beliebers. I grew up with him. I'm so glad he's recovery now. Terlalu banyak yang dia ceritakan. And he talks a lot about his past love life."

"Really? What was he talked about?"

"Haha ... i can't tell you. I promise him not to tell about this to everyone. But i'll give you a hint; he loves her so much. I'm not gonna tell her names. Everybody knows it. But things didn't work on them anymore. Ya he's hurt at that time and he wrote a lot song inspired by her. She sometimes hurt him but he still forgive her. And now he's 100% moved on from her. Nothing can ever bring him back to her."

"He trust you so much, huh?"

"Yes ... i can't believe that," jawabku malu-malu.

"So ... about your love life, we just heard you broke up with your lover Calum Hood. Is that true?"

"Oh god ... no no, we're not dating okay? Yes we're close but no he's not my lover," jawabku sedikit sedih. Aku jadi teringat lagi dengannya.

"But you and him go vacation together?"

"Ya ... as a friend not a couple. There's something made us saparate. It private. Sorry. But i still love him like a brother. I can't build a love relationship with him. I can't."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Saara. Um ... apakah kau berencana mencari pacar baru?"

"Yes, definitely. With a man similar to Justin."

"So if you have a boyfriend now, are you a type jealous girlfriend?"

"Indeed. I'm a super bitchy jealous type. I always get annoyed when 'if i had a boyfriend' get close to another woman, like 'yo gurl that's ma man so get the fuck off from him'. But i never showed him that i jealous. I'm never gonna talk about that. I just keep it with myself. I'll show him with an actions. Like ignore him, give him a silent treatment ... something like that. I'll do that until we argued and he apology. Is that weird? Because i feel weird. I'm just gonna stalked the 'victim' all day long and then cry out loud. So just be carefull with me. Don't mess with me. Haha sorry. Well i just hope i'll find a good boyfriend, like Justin. Or maybe Justin."

"I think it's normal, Saara. Terima kasih sudah mau ku wawancara! Tunggu wawancara ini di artikel majalah bulan depan!"

Panggilan pun terputus dan aku sangat lega. Aku sama sekali tidak menyesal sudah memberikan banyak sekali hal kepada majalah V.

Drrtttt ... drrtttt ...

Aku langsung mengambil handphone ku dan terdapat 1 pesan dari Justin.

From: Justin Bieber

You're not at studio? Can i visit you? Kinda miss you.

Fuck Bieber, you just make my heart race.

* * * * * *

End of Part 5. Wait for Part 6!

Trivia: Saara is love Justin so much. Not just like an idol-fan, but like a strong feeling between woman and man.

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