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2 Months Later
No POV overall narration for now..

So far I'm the past 2 months KC,Pharaoh and Jay are planning taking over more places in Texas. Of course Santos is helping them with it all. But KC been thinking about leaving all this shit and live a normal life but can she. After the death of her actual father her mother recently been dating. Her mom is like 40, but she ain't got shame in her game. KC thinks is a traumatized on what her mom said about her pussy. India been helping with a lot of shit that they have been going through. Bree and Christen planning there wedding and they are loving every moment of it.

KC been out a lot and India is quite worried about what she is doing. It's been 2 weeks of Kingsley leaving early in the morning and coming home late at night.

India POV

Ugh I'm hating this I don't know what she is doing leaving that early and coming home so late. I swear she gets like 4 hours of sleep and leave in the morning.

"Kingsley Taylor Cortes where in the fuck are you." I said as she picked up the phone.

"India calm down I handling business." She trying to calm me but no I'm tried of being at home alone.

"Fuck no you've been leaving out so fucking early in the morning your making me think it's another girl involved with you" I yelled at her. But you would be pissed to if you think your being replaced.

"There is no girl baby damn. I'm just working a lot." She said in the background it's alot of talking and one that really sticks out is a girls voice. Not Pharaoh and Jay because there voice are kinda deep for girls.

"Not this much. Even if you did you still make time for me but this bullshit you trying to pull over my eyes is going to get you killed by me " I threaten her.

"India you are not going to kill me so quit saying that I'll be home at 10" she laughed and the line went dead.

Did this bitch just hang up on me!!

That's it if she wants to play games like that then it's on. I be damned if I get played.


"What's going on man." Santos asked.

"Your daughter is flipping her shit. She thinks I'm cheating on her and shit." I laughed

"Well are you?" Christen asked.

"No I'm not I couldn't do that. This is pretty much the best relationship I've had since Mia. I can't do that to her. I'm in deep shit because I just hung up on her so I know it's an argument wait for me." I said sounding a tiny bit serious.

"Kingsley I love you like a daughter and a son but it's India. If you love her like that then spending time is way more important than this. When I was doing all this and was with Georgina, she wanted to spend time with me. But I was so busy trying to make money and gain respect and shit our relationship was going down hill. She stabbed me and shot me and multiple break ups and fighting. We damn near called it quits for good. India loves you more than anything but you also have to do your part. Not only spend time with her but making sure she straight before you. It's been 2 weeks and you barely spend time with her, she is going to think and accuse you for all types of shit but it's all on you. YOU have to make it right not her. Put her first before everything. She can be your forever,  this here isn't make the right choices." Shit did I like struck a nerve or something.

"Damn that was deep " Jay said

"Your right. I'm gonna call her." Now that I see I've been fucking up.

"Nah you don't never want to call a girl when you just hanged up on them and haven't been with them in 2 weeks you just asking for death. When you say you were coming home." Pharaoh grabbed my phone out my hand

"At 10? Why?" I a questioned

"Do something special I'm gonna hit up Bree to make sure India get all dressed up and your gonna take her out tonight to make it up." Pharaoh suggested

"Y'all the best y'all know that right " I said

"Well you know how I do." Hey said in unison


I'm fucking nervous as fuck. I know she is probably still pissed off at me. Hopefully tonight can make up for like everything. Which it's probably not but it's a start.

"Hello" I answered my phone because Bree was calling

"Hey King, India is ready you want me to send her there now." She asked me

"Yeah thanks Bree I owe you one." I said and hung up

Pacing back and forth in the restaurant I'm nervous as shit. She might just look at me and turn around. I hope not, if I lose her it's pretty much all my fault.


So Bree sent me to this restaurant which spells "This is Kingsley way of making it up to me" type. I'm not going to forgive her, two weeks of barely talking and spending time with me doesn't gets forgiven easily. This better be nice enough to at least make me like 25% happy.

I walk in there and nobody is her expect Kingsley and a few people working there. She better hope I like this.

"Baby let me just say this real quick." I cut her off.

"No let me say this Kingsley, you think just because you did this is going to make me automatically forgive you. I gonna tell you it's not, if you would of just did that for like 3 days I would've been fine but 2 weeks though." I said to her

"India I know I fucked up with not spending time and shit like that with you." She sounded like she really didn't give a fuck .

"It's not all because of that Kingsley, that shit hurts me deep. Every time you left without even telling me and not coming home makes me think you found someone better than me. You telling me you love me and shit did you actually mean it?" I started to tear up.

She stood there trying to figure out what to say. Not even trying to say a word.

"That's said it all the way your really don't love me. Goodbye Kingsley."

"Wait wait India I do love you. With everything in me. Honest, like I have felt this way I so for you in years. There isn't no one better than you trust that." She grabbed my arm, "I know what I did was wrong . But I would never cheat on you nor even look for someone. I don't even hug or touch another girl."

"Words are just words that doesn't mean anything. It's actions that speaks louder. " I snatched my arm back and walked away.

"India wait please. Let me make it up to you. That's all I want to do is make it right, just let me please." I can tell she was extremely sorry by her eyes.

"Then why put me to the side and everything else comes first." I asked

"I honestly don't know. I've just been worrying about business than just laid up with you. Like I've been trying to expand but you know it ain't worth it if I lose you." Kingsley spoke like it was the last time she would ever speak to me "All that can wait to be for real. And maybe sometime soon I could make you my wife."


We sat and talked out the entire issue. Kingsley don't open up as much. Sometimes it's bits and pieces but tonight was different. For her to sit and tell me all her feelings was remarkable. Seeing her at her most vulnerable point was eye opening.

I wasn't up for that baby I'm sorry routine. That shit is dead. But in this case it's different, dealing with someone with more issues and also in control of a huge gang is alot of baggage. I'm willing to continue being with her but it's some rules that has to be set.


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