Jail Free?

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I'm beyond pissed off. Police just gonna bust in my house and arrest me and not telling me what I'm being arrested for. I'm suing the hell out this police department. I know my rights more than any one I this world. I know every amendment and most of the cases before to prove my rights been violated.

"So your behind all the killings that's been happening " one of the policemen said

"I want to speak with my lawyer. Im not saying anything to you." I simply said. My lawyer is the top lawyer out her. Won 98% of all his cases.

After sitting in a orange jumpsuit on some shit in have no idea I've done. This is going tonne interesting. Its time to put my knowledge out there now.

2 days later

I'm sitting her behalf the court and the judge under unknown charges. After the policemen said their reasons for me to be put behind bars its time to please my case.

"Your honor if I my speak I was unaware of everything they are saying. In was simply with my girlfriend watching a movie until the barged in my house cuffing me." I said professionally.

"Your honor this is the killer KC that everyone is so afraid of the description of the killer is her. She must be put behind bars of all the murders and homicides she had done. We've found guns and drugs in he house." One of the police officers said.

"If I may speak I have lineces to carry and conceal that pistol and take shotgun. If you want further proof ask Mrs Stone the owner of an gun range and shop from where I purchased these guns." I said dumb asses. Low-key in would never shoot my actual gun at someone in going to kill that's dumb. That's how you get caught up.

After the judge saw I have legal rights to both guns that charge was gone now for the others they claim.

" So you claim she fits the description. The description is 6'5, Miss Cortes isn't 6'5. Yes she has dread, several tattoos. But there was not part of piercings not being a female. Secondly it described the killer as buff and built, no offense Miss Cortes but you are not buff and built as the description say." The judge said

"I have a clean record if I must say. There was not warrants on me and they didn't show papers signed by a judge saying they can search my property." I said. Yes I know I'm a smart ass thug.


I'm so scared right now but Kingsley is so calm. Plus she sound super sexy defending herself. So smart and educated and just wow. The words coming out of her mouth make her seem like she been studying law all her life.

"Also I was never informed of these alleged charges. My right of the 5 Amendment right to due process was violated. Also my 4th Amendment right of search and seizure." Kingsley said
(When AP Government comes in handle for a book)

Damn my baby is smart. I looked at my dad and he looked impressed as fuck. Hell I am too, she don't need that lawyer she basically got this on her own.

"But your honer she have drugs in her house." The policemen said all at once

"I've seem the evidence. I be honest that's not enough for a single joint. That's way to small and not even convincing to charge her with drug possession. All the evidence I've heard today doesn't tie her to anything." Damn hip ass judge.

"She goes by KC , the killer goes by KC" one of the policemen said

"Okay Officer Williams there is a lot of people who go by KC or have those initials. This is a waste of time. You all have nothing to prove that she is the killer. You just don't. Not to mention you didn't tell her what she is being charged for. You all came in my court room today accusing her for drug possession and to deal , homicides, murders, illegal possession of firearms and cruel and unusual punishment. I couldn't blame her for suing you all." The judge said.

"Your honor, here's somethings I may say. Yes I have and expensive house and cars and clothes but I've worked for it. As you see my ex Mia who is dead may her soul be at rest. She left me alot of money along with her family. Just because I look a certain way doesn't mean I'm the killer. Clearly it the description is a male and I am not." even though she is the killer but I don't think of her as that. All the people she done knocked off was low lives.

"Ive heard enough. Miss Kingsley Cortes you are free to go and will get the 100k you sued the police department. Sorry for everything they have put you through he past couple of days have a great day. For you officers I see to it your suspended without pay. Court adjourned" the judge say.

That was a close one my baby would of been behind bars if she wasn't so smart and shit. I still can't believe she can talk like that. She just literally talked her way out of getting into jail.

"Where was she back in the day for me" my dad whispered.

We all got back to our house and relaxed. I can't believe what just happened in like 3 days.

"Kingsley how in the hell you did that?" My dad asked her.

"Easily I know my rights and laws. Also paid attention in school. Never would of thought that class would come in handy. It's was a close one though. I probably need to lay low for a while since they are gonna be on me. " And she is right.

"Only on that stuff babe. "I kissed her.

"Well I'm gonna shower. I'm too pretty for jail y'all." She went upstairs.

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