Somewhat Back to Normal

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So currently we are still in Richmond Virginia. I really just want to go home I've been up for the past 2 days. Not one minute of sleep. Just the image of India seeing me in a way that I never wanted for her to see. A cold heated killer of course. I mean when I'm trying to prove that I'm not a person to mess with but Jason took me out of my character. I know what I did was some creep, horror movie type shit but that's what had to happen. India is my world and if I have to keep going into that side of me I will.

"Baby you need some sleep you've been up for almost 72 hours." India said.

"Please be honest with me. What you saw back there, do you think I'm no better than them?" I said.

"You had to do what you had to do. I'm not gonna lie what you did scared the living shit out of me. I never seen you like that, I mean you were laughing killing them like it was fun and funny." India replied "like my dad was legit scared and he doesn't scare easily. But I knew that wasn't you in there. I believe you had a lot of hatred and feeling bottled up and it was your breaking point. I also know for sure if we ever have a family you would protect them. I seriously thought I was gonna lose you once you walked in there. Seeing you badly beat up and tied to a chair broke my heart but soon as I seen you just get so fed up and turned into the Hulk and shit I was scared but was also like that's my baby."

"I scared your dad" I'm surprised by that.

"That's all your heard wasn't it" She laughed

"Yes." I laughed with her.

"Come on we got a long drive back home and friends to catch up with. Now let's get some sleep baby." India said

"Yeah your right. This chapter in my life is closed, I'm not gonna lie not all of this family was sick but I can't risk it." I wrapped her in my arms.

"Yep and also change your last name and get married which I'm so excited. Hopefully your sexy face will be healed up." She grabbed my face.

"You know these scars make me look dangerous and sexy all at the same time." I kissed her.

"Yes it does." she bit my bottom lip.

10 Hours Later.

Man it feels so good to be home in my own bed. Have you ever just had that one smell that reminds you of the good times where everything was stress free and fun. I took a long shower with India just enjoying her company. I feel like a large weight has lifted off my shoulders but the memories would never fade. Every one has their own demons that will come after them but when you take life by the wings and go into a head on attack with them you can come out victorious. I laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling thinking about starting a family with India. Just me and her with at least 2 kids maybe 3.

Just one week before our wedding.  Every one is coming to the club for the wedding, invites only of course. We settle on the colors gold, dark purple and white. I think those colors are mad sexy and India thinks so too.

"Did you send the invites baby?" India asked

"Yep I did." I said. A while back I did talk to India about inviting Mia's family and she was cool with it. But the shocker part about it was that she brought the topic up about.

"Good I can't wait to be Mrs.Bennett." she rubbed my abs like she normal does.

"I know this wedding is about to be lit." I said.

"So our honeymoon where we going?" India asked.

"Its a surprise baby girl. Just be prepared for the fun and be wore out too." I kissed her forehead.

"Sounds like so much fun, lets get some sleep baby we." She held on to me.

The Next Day

Me, India and the squad was up at Mr.Stone's restaurant eating and talking. Bree is 6 months pregnant with the twins. Everyone can sense that I feel better than usual.

"So things ended for good now." Christen said

"Yeah pretty much. Jason is gone for good." I said.

"Yeah babe I got to tell you, I looked in the room when you told me not to. You are gruesome. Like the decapitated head on the hook, babe that's some scary movie shit." India said

"What" Jay and Christan said at the same time.

"What he put his hand on India and years back on Mia. Soooo I pretty much lost it, this was the final straw the broke the camels back. Nobody touch whats mine, that a crime that should automatically equals death." I shrugged.

"Okay enough out the horror movie crap, y'all getting married in a week, every thing planned." Bree said

"Yep its invite only, probably gonna have some extra security around the place just in case some niggas wanna act up and shit." I said.

They continued to talk but I couldn't help and zone out completely. I sat there rubbing India's thigh like I normally would do.  She knows I'm not paying attention. She grabbed my face and kissed me giving me a worried look but all in all I was fine though.

"So what yall doing after you two get married?" Jay asked.

"Well I don't know about India but I'm thinking about moving out of here." I said

"Where too." Lilo asked

"Miami." I said

"Sounds good baby." India laid on my arm.

"Shit I've always wanted to move there. We all should. Start somewhere new." Jay said.

"Make the move after the wedding and shit." Christan asked.

"Pretty much if that's cool with India." I looked at India.

"Fine by me baby." India said.

A/n... Sorry for the long wait. Been sick af..

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