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I look around to see the guys staring at me with jaws dropped open. "What?" I try to say innocently. The new guy was the first one to snap out of his trance "y-you just"

"just what?" I say with a small smirk making its way to my face

"you just knocked Ryder on his ass" the new guy says still not believing what his eyes just saw.

"yeah" I giggled "he should learn not to mess with a girl and her Nutella" the next to come back to reality was Tyler who burst into a fit of laughter.

"You are one heck of a girl, you know that right?" His comment caused a small blush to make its way towards my cheeks. I look behind me to see a still stunned Ryder on his butt.

Well, what do they expect to happen, you steal a girls Nutella, she will turn violent.

"I like her" this time it was chase who spoke which surprised me because he is usually a quiet person.

"So short cake would you mind telling us how the hell you, a five-foot girl just knocked a six-foot two guy on his ass?" Tyler asked staring straight into my eyes.

"My daddy taught me" all of a sudden Ryder jumped to his feet and looked at me like I had lost my mind " your what!?"

I should probably introduce myself, my name is Angelina Botòr. I am actually five foot two unlike what Tyler said, I have medium length dark brownie black hair with emerald green eyes and as you may of noticed I LOVE Nutella. So fair warning you touch my Nutella I break your hand just joking but you would get a small injury that's inevitable.

How did I knock the famous Troublemaker/bad boy on his butt? You ask well that's simple when you have a father like mine. He taught me how to protect myself just in case one of his "business" partners tried anything like kidnapping me or stuff like that. Oh, sorry you're probably confused right now well hopefully this will clear it up.

My father is the leader of one of the biggest gangs in the World.

Trouble makers (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now