Chapter Forty-one: meeting the family

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Chapter Forty-one: meeting the family

Angelina's P. O. V

Slowly I can feel my dreams fading away bringing me closer and closer to reality. I can hear heavy breathing and as curiosity consumes me and i wake up. Opening my eyes slowly as I try to give my eyes time to adjust as my room was always really bright of a morning but something felt off. Once my eyes are wide open I look around to notice I'm not in my room this room has blue walls the same as mine but this blue is a deep shade like the ocean. The black curtains are closed with a single beam of light shooting out from behind them. I unconsciously follow the light with my eyes until they land on a sleeping boy and not just any sleeping boy but a sleeping chase who looked like he was having a nightmare. That's when I noticed I was in his bed and he was left with the couch.

quickly I jump out of the bed and kneel down beside chase "hey it's okay" I cooe quietly trying to calm him down "it's okay I'm here" I say stroking his hair back out of his face. But a second later my hand is grabbed in a firm grasp "chase" I say looking at a startled guy with sweat dancing around his forehead and is grey eyes were wide open

"Charlotte?" he asks

"n-no" I say quietly "it's me Angelina" I say bringing him back to reality.

"Angie?" he says letting go of my wrist that was currently starting to bruise but it's not his fault I do bruise easily and I wasn't going to make him feel guilty

"a-are you okay? " I ask

"I'm fine" he says sitting up off the couch as the blanket that was covering him slips down.

"You don't have to tell me or anything but I would like you to be honest I don't like people lying to me." ironic huh, since I'm lying to everyone about my past well all except Alex because he's the only one who knows

"sorry" is all he says before getting up and walking towards a set of drawers where he pulled out a hoodie and through it at me "put this on"

"why? "

"because" he said mysteriously as he disappeared out of his room leaving me behind. I do as he says and Chuck the hoodie over the top of my clothes that I wore last night. The jumper is really big on me and covers my but going down to the back of my thighs.

Not knowing what to do I make the bed and tidy up what little was out of place, his room was almost completely spotless apart from the bed where I was sleeping and the couch where he was sleeping.

Within 10 minutes chase is back with dripping wet hair and he had fresh clothes on. A converse t-shirt, dark blue jeans and socks. Telling me he just had a shower. Plus the fact that he had a small towel on his shoulder.

"sit down" I tell him

"huh? " he looks at me completely confused

"I said sit down" I say again pointing to the spot on the floor in front of me and the bed

"why? "

"because I said so" I say again

"why should I? " he asked staring at me like I was crazy

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