Chapter sixteen: Room mates

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Angelina's new house^^^

Chapter sixteem: Roommates

Cant believe those guys fighting over something so stupid punch

Why were they even fighting punch

They are stupid stupidheads punch.

If you haven't realized yet i am in the gym taking my stress out on the punching bag.

"Angelina" i hear my name being called out.

"Hey jarred" i say politely

"Your Aunt is calling for you" he says making his way towards me

"Oh thanks where Is she?"

"Loungetoom, westwing"

"Thanks" i say as he turns around to leave

"Oh angelina" he says stopping in this tracks


"Happy birthday"

"Thanks" i smiled at jarred before he continued to walk away.


"Will you please tell me where we're
Going?" I ask for about the tenth time. Once i had left the gym and went to see Aunt mindy she said we're going on an adventure.

And here we are in the car going ro who knows where.

"We are here" Aunt mindy smiled

"Where is here?"

"Your new house" i felt my mood instantly grow when i heard those words

I look out the car window to see a three storie modern house that looked absolutely amazing.

"This is my new house?" I ask astound

"Yep it sure is" she said looking at it with awe "i have had it already furnished for you and the kitchen is fully stocked" she paused with a cheeky smile "i also snuck in a few bottles of alcohol"

"Of course you did" i tease "thanks Aunt Mindy"

"Now come on lets go check out your room" she said excitedly before runing of towards the house

When we entered the house to be welcomed by warm lights i noticed it was set out perfectly to my liking. The colours were a nice modern black and white with a set of matching red appliances. The light grey couches yes you heard me right thays plural for more then one. Sat opposite from each other with a nice wooden table in between had to brightly covered pillows in each corner of the two couches.

"Oh my gosh" i smiled "i LOVE it!" I squeal

"I knew you would" she grinned proudly "i know you to well"

"I dont knkw whether that should be a good thing or not"

"Oh sush" she hushes me "okay now this is obviously the loungeroom and over there is the kitchen, fully stocked like i said" she said pointing towards a large fridge

"there are three sets of stairs, two on the first floor one leading down to the basement while the other one leads to the second floor which holds five rooms, two suites, two guest bedrooms and a bathroom then on the third floor it your personal room that aslo has two balconies one with a view of the back yard and the other the front-"

" whoa whoa whoa" i say interrupting Mindys detailed tour of the house without us even taking a step "hold ya horses there Aunt Mindy" i smile

"This house is big enough to hold like ... ten people" i pause smiling "and if you haven't noticed im not that big "

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