Chapter Twenty-four: nutella held hostage

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Lionel ^^^^^

Chapter twenty-four: nutella held hostage

Dedication to thestarsinthisgalaxy
For winning the competition.

"Ryder did you bash harley?" He looked into my eyes

"No, i didn't" and the scary part was. He wasn't lying

"Then who did?" I question

"Im not really sure but who ever did let me thank them. he deserved what he got" Ryder say calmly

"Wait im confused why are your knuckles bruised then?" He looked slightly startled by my question but quickly recovered

"It doesn't matter, how about we talk more about how the hell you did that"

"Did what?" I ask innocently knowing he was refuring to me flipping him on his ass

"Dont play with me, i know you know what im talking about" he says sternly but i continue to play dumb.

"You must be confusing me with someone else. And i need to be going" i say getting ready to walk off towards home.

I know i will have to face two really peeved off guys when i go back but its better then answering unwanted questions from four soon to be peeved off guys

"Not so fast" Ryder says loud enough to snap Alex and Tyler out of their fight along with Chase who was silently standing there aware of everything.

I am about to continue walking away when a hand reaches out and is about to grab my sling when at the last second it grabs my nutella jar. Quickly spinning around i see Ryder holding his hands behind his back with a mischievous smirk on his face

"How dare you steal my nutella!?" I ask outraged

"I dont know what your talking about" he says playing dumb Like i did mere seconds ago.

"Hand it over" i said getting more and more angrier by the second

"I dont have it"he said still holding his hands behind his back with a smirk but i could tell he was telling the truth so i didn't waste anymore time on him

I turned to see Alex and Tyler mimicking Ryder's stance even chase had joined in, Wait. He doesn't seem like the type of person to play along with theses silly games. So i turn my attention fully to him before saying

"Hand over the jar"

"How did she know?" Alex asks confirming my theory

"Dont ask me" Tyler replys to Alex letting his hands fall forward

"Give me my precious nutella back" i say not stuttering so they know im serious

"Tell us the truth then"Ryder says walking closer to chase.

"The truth is" i start "i want my damn nutella back and if i dont get it back im going to be seriously peeved off"

"Peeved off?" Alex aks.

"Yes peeved off i dont like swearing and harley learned that the hard way when he got a black eye" i say in a warning tone

"Wait if you bashed harley after school then why did you ask me if i did it?" Ryder questions

"No before then at the mall" i say even though they have no clue what im talking about

"Wait your that girl?" Tyler asks

"What do you mean 'that girl' wait doesn't matter just give me my nutella back"

"Not until you explain that the hell that was before. And dont say 'i dont know' because you do and i sure felt it" he says rubbing the Side of his leg

"Sorry im late i really need to be getting home" i say getting ready to turn around and leave. But one of the guys grab my waist and pull me back.

On reflex i jab my left arm into the person's gut but i only deliver half the force because i topple down on one knee clutching my shoulder in pain

"Shit! Why did you do that?" Ryder says really close to me

"Damn princessa you sure are forgetful" he says causing me to groan in annoyance

"Im fine" i say getting back up "if your not going to give my nutella back im leaving" i say taking a step "i have another jar at home anyway" i whisper before continuing to walk away each step causing me pain

Im about to take another step but the ground seems to take longer to get to then it usually does. Thats when i notice the hands around my waist lifting me up bridal style

"Chase, what are you doing leave her alone shes going to hurt herself trying to fight you" Ryder comments. Plus where was my nutella?

"Where do you live?" He asks slowly and clearly. I am kinda freaked out i have never heard him speak so much in one sentance

"Ummm" i mumble before telling him my address. He brings his attention back to the guys for a few seconds before walking off in the direction of my house

"Thanks" i sigh but he continues to look straight ahead. Okay then i think to myself before drifting my attention elsewhere.

Oh my god he didn't, did he? I think noticing his nuckles were bruised Without thinking i blurt out "did you bash harley?"

Finally he brings his attention back towards me with a tinge of sadness in his eyes but he still doesn't say anything.

"Why?" I ask assuming he answered yes to my first question

"Girl bashers deserve a taste of their own medicine" he growls but it wasn't directed towards me. It was more like he was remembering a sad memory

"Sorry" i say touching his arm with my good one. He flinches at first but after a second his face turns back to the same set in stone one i am slowly getting used to


Hey guys sorry guys that this chapter is short but i have exams to study for. But i hope you like this chapter :)

Dont forget to vote and comment :)

Yours truly
Tahlia xx

Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them
But I hope I never see them again
I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke down car
And four years, no calls
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
And I can't stop
No, I can't stop
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older

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