Chapter thirty: Battles part one

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Chase ^^^

Chapter thirty: battles part one

Dedication to somebody_nobody1683 for participating in my challenge and also being the first person to comment the correct name :)


Okay so here's the deal first up i have English then i have pe where i will be versing two of the four guys then I'll be refilling my energy at recess hopefully without those idiots following me. Then i have art with chase after having to verse Alex at lunch and last but not least chase ... dun dun daaaa in the after school match.
I am still confused why they chose him for speed and not strength, i mean just look at the guy ... he's well built in all the right areas. Not that i was looking or anything

"Hey, sweetkins" Eli says hanging his hand over my shoulders but a meer second later i don't feel his weight. Looking behind me i see chase plucking Eli's arm off my shoulder

"No touchy" Alex says scolding him while walking besides chase

"Seriously!?" I ask astounded that they are taking this so seriously it was just stupid notes from a sicko that has nothing better to do.

"Yeah guys you are acting like over protective jelous boyfriends" shana adds. The scariest part was the guys didnt deny it.

"Unbelievable the least you could do is deny her, since silence is confirming" i state. Suddenly Ryder, Tyler and alex turn and look at chase

"Do you love me?" Alex says messing around hoping he would stay silent

"No"  i instantly feel a smile on my face watching Alex's reaction. He looks shocked he actually thought chase would play along.

"Someone got rejected" Tyler and Ryder say insinc causing them to laugh even more

"You love us right" chase doesn't answer giving the silent conformation that they wanted

"Ahh"Alex cant believe it he looks heart broken with his mouth hung open "i thought we were close bro"

Unexpectedly i see a ghost of a smile play on his lips

Oh my fudging god, chase enjoyed messing with him!! He is actually enjoying something.

"Come one Angie we gotta get to class before the idiots cause us to be late"Eli says dragging me away.

before the guys could notice i was gone i was already in class taking my seat. Someone tapped on my shoulder before handing me a note thanking them i turned back around allready  knowing what it would be i open it.

How is my little princess?
Make sure you dont eat i have heard
There are a few witches on the loose wanting the princes all to themselves

Wouldn't want someone to get to you before i have a chance.
Be careful
Xoxo -S

So now he wants to protect me? Please make up you bloody mind already please.

Looking around the class room i hold a strong smirk as if to say bring it, im not afraid to whom ever wrote me this note

Quickly i shove it into my bag before the guys could see And by guys i mean chase and Ryder since the other two are in a different care class

"Class here are your permission slips you need them to be signed by a parent or guardian before you are allowed to go on the trip" the teacher said handing out slips of paper to each and every student

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