Chapter seventeen: Shopping and smack downs

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Angelina's secret room hidden in her actual room ^^^

Chapter seventeen: shopping and smack downs

"Lincons going with you"

"What no i wanna go with Kaylem it is my reward after all and plus lincon and Kaylem dont even like each other so making them spend an entire day together is just cruel"

"Sorry Angelina you are taking lincon or your not going end of discussion" daddy says with a stern voice

With a grunt i turn and walk away. Stupid Lincon Stupid shops.

So if you haven't realized yet i wanted to take Kaylem out to buy clothes and stuff That he can decorate his room with but im not allowed to go to the mall without Lincon. Argggg pain in the toushie.

"Sorry you both have to come" i groan to Kaylem

"But that dic-"

"No swearing" i interrupt

"But that ... donkey hit me, and im still sore from the last punch i received" he says sending a playful glare my way

"Hey, at least i popped it back in and said sorry"

He gives me a look saying yeah-you-gotta-point-there-but-it-still-hurt.

"Well are we gunna go or not?" I say giving him the baby face

"Arggg ...fine" he grumble the last part under his breath.

"Thanks Kay" i smile even though i am still confused and angry about him shooting my dad then telling me to drop it. I asked dad if hes ever been shot and he said no but hes had a few close calls. I dont even know who to believe.

Maybe i should just try and drop it for now but i WILL talk to him about it again when we are alone.

"Kay?" He asks snapping me back to reality

"Yeah sorry if you dont like it but i do need a nickname for you in it was either kay, alem or lemmie so pick your choice"

"No kays fine its just i haven't been called that in a long time" he said with sadness in his eyes.

"Okay .... well um lets go you can have shot gun" i suggest playfully.

"Oh yeah umm thanks"he mumbles

"Well then now its time to get Lincon"


"Well here we are still in once piece" i say to the guys i haven't forgiven lincon yet but it will only be a matter of time because i cant hold a grudge for the sake of my life.

"Yayyyyy" lincon says sarcastically

"Come on you two cheer up or for one i wont forgive you" i point to lincon "and two i will punch you in the face again" i point at kaylem.

Lincon expression changed to show me we was willing to have fun but kaylems stayed the same; straight deep in thought probably knowing all to well i wouldn't hit him again. Hell i still felt bad from the last time.

"I'll by you cookies" i try to bribe him

"What are you talking about im fine" he says giving me a small smile

"Lying wont help your case" i say honestly

"Yeah shes like a lie detector" lincon adds in

"I realized that" kaylem says in a pissed off tone towards lincon

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