Chapter Forty-Three: Cabin Catastrophes

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Chapter Forty-Three: Cabin Catastrophes

"stop it you idiot" I hear someone half yell in a hushed voice "if you wake her your dead"

"awwee lil Ry got himself a girlfriend" someone cooes trying to annoy Ryder I shuffle around trying to get comfortable as I lay my head on something soft but at the same time boney. Which I can only assume as Ryder's shoulder

"shut up idiots she's not my-"

"all of you shut up before she wakes up it's only been an hour and a half she will be cranky" a voice says that I am too tired to recognise

"so what, she's just a normal person there's nothing special about her why should she get special treatment" a new female voice adds in

"shut up, just because your jealous and the simple fact that she doesn't have to lie and sleep her way to get what she wants"

"fuck you" she replies

"don't swear" I mumble a second later every thing goes quiet I think because they were all making sure I was still asleep and when I don't open my eyes a few of the guys laugh clearly amused.

"that's our Angie not allowing swearing even in her sleep" Ryder says laughing. I'm tempted to fall back into a deep sleep but that's denied when I feel the need to sneeze I try to hold it in but I fail only causing a chain reaction in sneezes that go on for what feels like forever

One sneeze, two, three, four, five, six and finally seven I opened my watery eyes to see heads turned in my direction with a strange look and Ryder's face bright red

"what?" I ask getting self conscious

"that was... so... adorable" Ryder says

"that was the cutest thing, it was like tiny puppy sneezes" someone says who I don't know. Then I hear someone laugh I turn my head to see Alex

"of course you would sneeze yourself awake" he laughs

"oh shuush up" I say with a slight smile on my lips "how far away until we get to camp?" I ask yawning

"were about half way there" Alex says looking out the bus window to see a sign telling him where we were.

"urrrrgg" I groan sinking back into the seat "I didn't even sleep that long"

"blame him" Ryder says pointing to a random person beside us.

"heyyy I didn't do nothin" he says raising his hands in the air innocently.

"mmmhhm" Ryder says Annoyed

"where's Tyler, Chase, lashana and Eli?" I ask noticing they weren't any where to be seen. Or heard in Tyler's case he's always so noisy

"Tyler got put on another bus because this one was full, and I think the rest are at the front somewhere" Alex says looking around

"thanks" I say before I hear a buzzing sound coming from my pocket and I fish out my phone "I forgot I had this" I mumble to myself I swipe my finger on the phone to unlock it and I see that I have a message from an unknown number

   Unknown : Help

Me: who's this?

Unknown: it's Eli

Me: oh hi, wait how did you get my number?

Eli: Alex, that's not the point tho I need help Shana is crying

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