Chapter Eight: On The Edge

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Chapter Eight: On The Edge

"Shes got to be here somewhere" i hear someone say waking me up from my light sleep. I look down from the tree making sure i was still hidden "you idiot he knew this would happen he's testing her." The second guy snaps

"Why is he testing her, is she bad at math's? I know I'm bad at ma..." his words were cut off when the other guy slammed his fist onto his head.

"Owww that hurt" he says rubbing the sore spot.

"Well, don't be such an idiot then."

"What did i say?" He asks acting truly dumb.

"Hess not testing her for her math skills you idiot has testing her making sure the rumors were true if she really can fight. Then if she can he has a real nice surprise for her" he said wickedly with a crocked grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Oh dats smart" the dumb one said. Quickly i looked around to see if there were any angles where the two guards could see me. And right on time one of them shouts

"Look its a pretty blue bird" im guessing it was the dumb one because he was looking straight at me

Seriously how did you even become a guard? I swear to god you must be blind if you got me mixed with a bird

"Thats no bird you idiot its the girl"
He looks around for a way to climb the tree but doesn't see any.

"What's wrong am i a little out of your reach" causing a groan to escape the smartish ones lips.

"Uh yes please would you mind coming down" the stupid one says. I really need nicknames for these two in stead of smartish one and dumb one ummm how about the dumb one be called pinky and the smart one be called the brain. I mentally laugh to myself pinky and the brain hahaha

"Sorry no can do im afraid of rats"they look confused by my words

"Did you see a rat down here?" Pinky asks looking grosses out

"Oh yeah there were two big ones' say causing pinky to squirm about. But brain stays still not being fooled.

"You calling us rats eh?" He snarls

"Oh yes definitely because you see i don't know your names so i decided your names are pinky and the brain like the rat show on TV."

Pinky seemed to calm down knowing that there were no actual rats but the brain seemed peeved off. "Get down here this instant" he spat.

"Come up" he didn't look pleased by my words in the slightest.

"Call the boss" the brain said to pinky. He almost instantly pulls out a phone dialing a number.

This is my chance i think to myself while moving from branch to branch.
"Eh stop that" brain grunted.

"No can do" i say smartly. The two rats watch me move swiftly through the trees so glad i have shorts on under my dress.

As i am about to take another step a gunshot is fired hitting me in the ankle agonizing pain shooting up my leg.

"Arghhhhhhh" i say misplacing my footing as i start to plummet towards the ground quickly i grab ahold of a nearby tree branch.

"You fucking idiot! Why the fuck did you shoot" i hear venomous filled words say. "Someone get the fucking doctor now others find away to get her down"

I could feel my hand slipping when suddenly a flash of memory filled my vision

"Daddy daddy im gunna fall" my eight year old self says holding tightly on the monkey bars

"No you wont all you have to do is find your wings"

"How do i find my wings daddy" i groan sweat dripping down the sides of my face.

"Think of something that makes you happy or a moment where you felt strong and in charge"

As quickly as it came the memory faded and i was brought back to the terrifying reality. Me hanging for my life while blood dripped out of my leg

I try and find my wings by thinking about all the good memories i have. I think about daddy finally agreeing to let me go to school and how i was not gunna let that slip through my fingers

Miraculously strength burns my veins as i heave my self back up ontop of the branch.

Once i am secure all my energy is instantly drained out of me as i let the unknown nothingness take me away


OH MY GOD GUYS 700!! READS thats amazing thank you so much


I wanted to know if you guys wanted Kaylem to stay. (The 15 year old kid that Angelina helped)

If he does stay, he will become an important character but I'm not sure yet. So please tell me what you think.

Yours truly
Tahlia xx

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