Chapter eighteen: secretrooms

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Eli braxton ^^^^

chapter eighteen: secretrooms

So after the free pizza we went home lets just say it was an extremely awkward trip.

First there was laughing from me getting Pizza on my clothes i personally have no clue how that was funny at all.

Anyway then there was the awkward silence and i bet you cant guess what came next.

More awkward silence and to make it worse Kaylem still wont talk to me about him shooting my dad WITHOUT me even knowing anything about this. The thing is it had to of happen not that long ago because i am older then kaylem so that means dad got shot whilst i was there but somehow i still dont know poop.

Argg it makes me irritated when people tell me something then don't explain it. Its Like telling someone a maths problem but not telling them how to solve it.

Anyway right now i am in the shower letting the water wash away most of my nerves and annoyance at the guys whilst they are either downstairs or in their rooms still unpacking.

I hope out of the glass shower doors to be engulfed in a hot steamy mist before walking into my bedroom and towards the closest.

"Mmmm. What to wear, what to wear?" I say tracing my fingers across a few T-shirts.

"Ah ha found you" i say grabbing a pair of nice black shorts with two light blue stripes on either side and a light blue sports singlet to match.

Out of the corner of my eye i notice something odd about the drawer. One of the handles has been pulled out.

Thats not right, Aunt Mindy just brought this house. Noting should be broken.

Slowly i walk towards the dresser's draws afraid that it'll be like a horror movie where a killer clown pops out of the draw and kills me with a balloon.

Don't even ask how that would work because i have no idea BUT it can happen.

Once i am certain no killer clowns are gunna ... well kill me i pull on the door handle to hear a click. I look over at my other handles on the other drawers to notice another handle has popped out of place.

Mmm that's strange

I pull on the second loose handle to watch it fly back into place with another similar click and like i thought another handle popped loose. I reach out to grab the handle but this time i bright light is shone in my eyes but i don't look away.

Instead i look closer and notice its a retina scanner.

"Confirmed identity welcome miss Botòr" a strange computerized voice says before i hear a loud click from behind my clothes

"Aunt Mindy what have you planned?" I think out loud before advancing forward

Once i open the door hidden door i am flabbergasted it was gorgeous and cute and ...well me.

It was small but cosy it had a bed/couch in the right-hand side of the room and a desk at the front. It had gorgeous blue walls that im guessing Aunt Mindy painted her self. She did always love her arts and craft.

Im guessing this is her idea of a safe room. I smile to myself.

"Angie! We need to talk. So... please hurry up and get dressed " kaylem's voice called out

Oh my god i totally forgot im still in my bra and undies

"Yeah just give me a Minnie" i call out

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