chapter twenty-one: one great first day huh?

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Dedication to Tater_tot98 for both reading and winning the competition congrats :)

Chapter twenty-one: one great first day huh?

"How longs it been now?" Someone questioned bringing me closer and closer to the surface of my sleep

"Well about two minutes sinced you last asked miss parry please try and calm down its only been half an hour if shes not awake in another half an hour it is our duty to send her to the hospital" an unknown voice replied to whom i was guess to be lashana

"There well be n-no need for that" my dry voice says referring to the hospital.

"Ahhhhh" lashana squealed excitedly "your awake, your awake"

My eyes shot open as i was engulfed in a bone crushing hug that literally cause me pain.

"Mmmm" i groan

"Oh my god im so so so sorry i forgot about your shoulder" she says quickly with a guilty look on her face

"Nar its all good" i say recalling the events from earlier.

"Miss Botòr i will need to examine your shoulder before you can leave to your next class or home. I recommended you go home but it is your choice your lucky you have only missed part of one class." A nurse says from besides me.

"What type of examination?" I ask worried

"Just your normal" she states like i actually know what the normal is. I have never been in this situation before and never have i ever been in an infirmary its usually just dads medical team that are always at the house.

"Whats the normal?" I question

"Its the same as you would of had at any other school miss"

"Umm well i have never actually been to another school before so if you please dont mind i would like you to tell me what the normal examination is?" I say quickly kinda getting agitated that i actually had to say that for her to tell me the dam protocol

"Oh sorry i wasn't aware"she appoligize

"Yeah well not something i would like to share so please just tell me already" i say feeling annoyed

"I have to look at your shoulder, see if you have put it in properly and make sure it is secured by a brace and or a sling" she states

"Do you have to? Cant i just leave if i tell you its okay?" I basically beg. if lincon and kaylem see this they will go on a killing rampage till they find out who it was then they would probably torture harley until they both die of old age.

"No its this or hospital time for you"she says sternly

"Fine" i grumble

"Now i need you to remove your shirt" luckily i have a sports bra underneath so it's not just my boobs half on display if I was wearing a normal bra.

Slowly i lift up my good arm with the fabric of my shirt in between my fingers as i pull it up.

"Here let me help" lashana says taking the cloth out of my hands and over my head carefully before pulling it off completely

"Oh shit!" A male voice exclaims behind me. "That looks really painful" he says cringing and by he, i mean Ryder.

"Mr james what are you doing here? Your supposed to be back in class" the nurse calls out irritated

"Well i did go to class and for some strange reason when i told her the nurse would like to see me she was more then happy to get me out of her class" he smiled "who knew?"

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