Chapter Forty-Six: The Slip Up

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Chapter Forty-Six: The Slip Up

"Hey Angie?" I hear Chase say bringing me back to reality.


"Want to go for a walk?" He asks pushing himself up off the ground.

"Where to?" I ask taking his hand as he helps me to my feet.


"Why inside?" I ask confused.

"It's about to rain" he says I look up at the sky seeing only a few clouds but I agree to go inside anyway. I follow Chase to his cabin but it ends up being locked so instead we go to my cabin which happens to be unlocked.

"Just sit on the couch I'll be back in a Minnie" I say disappearing into Rae and i's room I sit my backpack down on the bed before walking back out and sitting on the opposite side of the couch to Chase so I could put my feet up without touching him "want to play a game?" I ask becoming a little bored.

"Sure" he says. I pull out my phone but then hesitate realising I couldn't do what I wanted to.

"Umm Chase do you know how to download games?" I ask feeling a little embarrassed but instead of pointing out my awkwardness when it comes to phones Chase just smiles and takes my phone.

"Come here I'll show you how to do it" he says before pulling my legs closer so that they now lay on his lap "okay click onto that" he says giving me my phone back and pointing to a blue square. It doesn't take long before we've downloaded some 2 player games.

After about 15 minutes Of playing games I notice the sound of raindrops hitting the roof.
"How'd you know?" I ask

"The wind" he says simply I laugh in reply not wanting to believing his words but I knew he wouldn't lie about it.

"Who taught you that?" I ask curious.

"My little sister" he says lowering his voice.

"I didn't know you had a little sister" I say surprised.

"I don't anymore" these words caught me off guard.

"W-what?" I stutter knowing all to well what he meant "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up memories" I say tilting my head down a little bit.

"Her name was charlotte" as soon as I hear that name my checks go bright red. I can't believe I thought that she was some type of ex girlfriend I'm such an idiot "what's wrong?" He asks dipping his head to he could look me in the eyes.

"I-I'm such an idiot" I mumble.

"Huh?" He asks completely confused.

"Back when I was at your house you were having a nightmare and called out charlottes name then your mum said I had the same eyes as a girl called charlotte I-I thought she was some sort of ex girlfriend" I say feeling embarrassed but a mere second later all the embarrassment disappears when I hear Chase laugh it was the type of laugh that could light up a room. It was deep but at the same time it was Calming, Like a deep river washing over a path of stones.

"You doofus" he chuckled "why on earth would you think that?" He asks sobering up.

"I don't know it was the first thing to come to mind" I admit.

"Well you don't have to worry I don't have any ex's" he says casually.

"You don't!?" I ask shocked.

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