chapter twenty-three: nutella flips

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Chase ^^^^

Chapter twenty-three: nutella flips

So nobody got the challenge thats probably my fault i think i made it too hard any way it was "roger rabbit by sleeping with sirens"


So right now i am walking home from school it was actually pretty great for the rest of the day especially because i saw harley in the nurses office with, what looked to be a black eye, broken nose, split lip and a cut on his eyebrow.

I kinda felt bad because it looked painful but he deserved it. Do you know how painful a dislocated shoulder is!? Its seriously painful for those who dont know. But that wasn't the biggest question on my mind, it was who the hell bashed him? I thought people were scared of him because his dad is the sheriff or something.

Anyway at this very moment i am walking to the gym since i cant ride Artemis one handed. Yeah i know what your thinking 'what the hell is that girl doing? Going to a gym witch a recently dislocated shoulder blade' well thats simple i get over injuries by 'walking it off' as jarred usually says whilst im sparing against him and getting

Its how i have always delt with pain my ankle still hurts but i ignore it like nothing even happened and i will do the same with my shoulder.

Does that explain why im going to the gym? Speaking of which i can see the gym now

"Its about damn time" i sigh to myself

"Hey shortie" i hear someone call out

'please don't be calling me' i groan

"Oi Angie"

'Yep its me alright'i sigh before turning around with a fake smile to see Eli and my fake smile quickly turns into a real one

"Eli" i smile "what are you doing here?"

"Going to the gym you?"he smiles giving me a soft hug being careful not to hit my shoulder

"Umm ... the same actually" i kinda whisper

"Your doing what!?" He asks even though im pretty sure he heard exactly what i had said

"Going to the gym"

"No your not" he orders

"Yes, yes i am"i clarify

"No, no your not" he said copying my tone

"And why not?" I question whilst raising my eyebrows

"Did you really just ask that question?" He said in a your-so-a-natural-blonde aslo known as the your-stupid tone. I slightly nod my head telling him i did and whats his point.

"Your arm" he exclaims

"So?" I question not thinking. Shoot they dont know. Every one thinks im a weak girl.

"So... why are you going there?" Eli ask stealing my eye raise look

"Ummmm " i was honestly stumped i didn't know what to say

"How about we go both go somewhere else?" He offers

But-but i really want to go i menatlly cry

"Where would you like to go?" He asks

"Umm i can't. I kinda dont have any money on me" i say embarrassed that the rich girl doesnt have her damn wallet on her

"Thats fine, I'll pay. Its not like were going to a fancy restaurant"he teases

"You sure?" I ask knowing i would pay back every cent.

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