Chapter Nine: Deals

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Chapter Nine: Deals

"If she dies your fucking dead" I hear a loud voice say quickly pushing the fog away from my mind.

"Shes waking up okay so calm down."

"Calm down! You fucking shot my only chance at getting Diego back so don't fucking tell me to calm down."

I am debating whether or not i should open my eyes or play dead like a dog. After very little thinking i open my eyes to a blinding light quickly shutting them again. The light burning causing an instant headache.

"Get the light off her you dipshit."

The redness scorching through my closed eyes fades away. I Risk opening my eyes again and to my luck the light has disappeared. Once my eyes have adjusted i notice five guys standing around me. I recognize two Kaylem and jasmine's dad from the ball. What was his name again? Peter, i think.

"Angelina, can you hear me?" One of the guys standing next to peter says if i had to guess i would say him and one other guy were doctors but the last guy the one next to Kaylem didn't look familiar at all.

"Angelina?" The same guys says again in a panicked tone. I nod in response not having the energy to speak. He sighs in relief "okay good I'm going to ask you a few things to make sure you okay is that okay with you?"

I don't answer instead i whip the blueish red cloth of my dress off my legs i look down at my ankle and notice it was a through and through bullet lucky ... ish

I have been shot before, so this isn't anything knew although it still hurt like a ... B I kind of don't want to swear. Oh, that reminds me.

"Don't swear in front of me again" i say peeved off. It infuriates me when people swear a lot of course there are times when it's okay but saying it just for the sake of saying it was horrible and always caused rage to build up inside me.

"Excuse me?" Peter asks shocked "who are you to make demands you've just been fucking shot, and we have you out numbered" him swearing again after i just told him not to fueled me enough.

I pushed my legs off the bed before attempting to stand up blocking away the pain which is an extremely hard task to do even with my high pain tolerance.

Everyone in the room looked shocked to say the least "what are you doing sit back down your going to rip your stitches" one of the doctors says in a worried tone but i ignore still pushing my way towards peter who keep backing away.

"Don't swear around me again, its foul and not needed" i warn. Before turning back around towards the gurney and sitting down i also happened to notice a small blood trail mark my previous steps

"Okay, okay i won't swear ... in front of you if you help me get my son back."

"Diego? Am i right?" I ask recalling him saying something about needing me to help him get Diego back.

"Yeah, how did you? Never mind "he says brushing it off "he has been taken by Another Gang and everyone we send in either doesn't come back out alive or wishes they weren't alive from the torture they were put through."

I take his words letting them seep in before agreeing to his terms.

"Then will i be able to go home?" They look skeptical "we don't really know if that's possible "the guy next to Kaylem says finally speaking.

"And why not?"

"Because as soon as you tell your dad he'll come at us with the whole.
Red dragon's force "what he said was true but i had to get home.

"What about a deal?" Peter raised his eyebrows as if I'm joking. I look around quickly trying to think of something that would work.

"Let me have that kid in the corner" i say pointing at Kaylem "he looks young my father can put him to good use and in return i won't say a word."

"How do we know you'll keep your word?" Peter asks in interest.

"A Botòr always keeps their word" i state which was true.

"Fine" he eventually agrees.

"Can i talk to the kid alone for a second i want to see if  he's actually worth all this" skeptically they all leave slowly mumbling a few words i wasn't able to catch.

"Kaylem" i say asking him to come forward.

"So, you do remember my name."

"Of course, it's not very often you make a friend on the enemy's side after fighting. but we don't exactly want them to know, or they could kill you" He stays silent giving me an understanding look.

"Why?" He asks, "why would you help me?"

"Because i could use a friend" i say smiling.

"What will your dad do to me?" He asks scared.

"Nothing" i laugh "because you'll be my personal friend that means you get the benefit of doing what you want when you want" a small smile creeps up towards his lips.

"Really?" I nod in response "you just have to know one thing" Kaylem states with a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"You can't go and get Diego until your leg is healed that means you'll be staying here for a while."

Wait what that means ill be having my birthday in this hell hole and worse ill be missing the first day of school

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