chapter twenty-two: silent type

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Dedication to @ OMGITSlena101 for winning rhe competition again :)

Chapter twenty-two: silent type

Aslo you should go and read lashanaCooper's book because it is amazing and it is also a gang book  she is a better author then me and she will update more and more every time she get more reads so please do me a favor and go read her stuff i will also dedicate chapters to the first person to comment on her stuff just to help support her i really hope you will enjoy her book

So after Mrs k gave me the green piece of paper i left towards art you'd think i would be walking alone but sadly not both Ryder and Tyler are walking me to class making sure harley wont "hurt" me again they dont even know that he is the one that needs protection from me

"Okay this is you art class chase will be in when the bell goes since your first class of the day hasn't finished yet it has about 5 minutes left also whats your phone number?" Ryder asks kindly

"Dont have one" i state calmly

"What do you mean you dont have one?" He asks confused

"I dont actually have a cell phone i have my home phone but i haven't memorized the number yet"

"You. Dont. Have. A. Phone?" He says slowly and skeptical

"Yes. Doofas. I. Dont. Have. A. Phone" i say mimicking his tone

"How can you not have a phone?" Tyler asks reminding me of his presence

"Never needed one" i say remembering when ever i needed something a person was within shouting if not taking distance would run to my assistance asap but its kinda hard to explain that to these guys

"How have you nev-" Tyler's sentence was cut short by the bell saving me once again

"Anyway" Ryder says brushing it off "sit where ever you want chase will sit next to you"

"Wait how does he know what i look like?" I ask

"Sweetie you new, do you know how rare it is to have new people at this school plus its chases thing he always remembers faces and if he doesn't know yours he will know your the new chic" Tyler adds in kindly but still a little rudely

"Anyway good luck we have to go now see ya" Tyler waves me off but Ryder doesn't even say goodbye he just walks off in the opposite direction from Tyler with clenched fists

Noticing the lack of Ryders presence Tyler stops and runs after him

I wonder what that was about?

"Umm students? Can you please help me for a second so i can umm open the door" a young lady says struggling to hold a large some of boxes

"Yeah sure" i say on instinct but im not the only one surprisingly a person from our class who was running late stops in the hallway and rushed to help the young lady with the boxes

"Let me help you there" he says kindly taking a box from her pile but one slips out and is about to hit the ground quickly i catch it one handed before it has a chance to  crash

"Wow that was fast and lucky to" the young lady says kindly "im miss steel your new art teacher" she says not only adressing me but everyone

"Oh and thank you both for helping but miss your arm is it okay? Are you sure you should be caring that box?" Miss steel asks concerned

"Yeah thanks also i have to give you this green piece of paper that the nurse gave me it's  right ... here. ... somewhere"i says trying to reach around the box to grab small paper
Tucked into my sling

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