Important Authors note, may contain spoilers

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Important authors note,  may contain spoilers

Hey guys sorry to get your hopes up this isn't an update I just wanted to respond to an issue one of my reader had.  She messaged me privately stating that my book wasn't good because it had too many ships, and too many guys.  I love your honesty and I don't mind if you don't like my book,  I personally don't like it either but I'm so thankful for everyone who comments and gives me such positive feedback.

Now the reason why I have so many guys (and girls to come) in my book is because I have one major plan for this, that happens at the end and needs everyone for it to work.  This may be a spoiler and if so I apologize but in the end she does end up with one guy. Only one is getting with her.  She has a moment (not "love" wise) with all the guys and girls so you can see their back stories without it being cramped all into one section. This way you can experience each characters life before the story started.  It's to make the book feel more realistic. 

I don't know if this works or not so please tell me,  I can stop if more people feel that way. 

Another point she made was that I have too many chapters and that I should hurry up and end it or make a second book.  I have a lot of chapters because I have a lot of detail,  yes there are a lot of mistakes as well but I can fix them up.  I won't be making a second book because I fear that I won't finish it.

I have already got plans for multiple books and have started writing them that's why I take so long updating this book.  I am writing the other books so I won't be behind when I do publish it, so I can keep to a schedule because I'll have all the chapters done weeks before hand.

I apologize for all the mistakes I will go through and fix them up after I've finished this book.

I am mentioning this so others don't get confused over why I have so many guys in this story.

one point I would also like to make is that I believe a girl doesn't need a man to be happy or strong. That's why I made Angie a strong independent woman even if she has guys in her life people don't label her as "weak" or " a get around" people will look at her thinking "Holy shit, she's taking charge of her own life and can kick butt while being fabulous on her own way". 

You will see girls cry in my book but it won't be very often.  For example lashana cried over breaking up with Brad but she doest let if faze her for long.  After all this is based on my best friend and she rarely cries.  Also their will be same sex couples in my book because I fuly support that!! Half of my best friends are gay and it's so amazing! Honestly they don't let the gender of a person change the way they feel and I never want them to feel bad about it ever!

I think that's all I needed to mention thank you if you've actually read all this instead of skimming through it or have just didn't read it at all. 

THANK YOU SO SO MUCH EVERYONE THAT READS AND COMMENTS ON MY STORY!!! I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to it.  Every comment makes me smile even if it's not one to smile at.  I smile because someone took the time to comment on my story and it just amazes me how amazing and kind people can be!!! So thank you all so so much,  you all,  each and every single one of you make my day just by reading my story.  I don't mind if your a silent reader im just so thankful to have the opportunity to have over...  151 THOUSAND READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh thank you all!!!

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