Chapter Fifty-One: The Reveal, again?

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Chapter Fifty-One: The Reveal , again?

" Helloo sexy" I say laying my eyes on Artemis

"Hey to you to" Ryder says with a wink

"She was talking to the bike, don't get too ahead of yourself" Lincon say as he leans against the door frame to the garage.

"Oh my poor baby, how have you been!?" I shout hugging Artemis.

" I feel a bit jealous here, the bike is getting more love then I do" Tyler sighs

"Alright, Angie you've said your 'hellos' to arty, now get your butt back into bed" Lincon says

"ART-E-MIS" I groan "not arty!"

"same thing" he complains

"it most certainly is not!" I say " Artemis is a Greek goddess and arty is ... not"

"Breakfast is ready!" Kaylem calls out quickly distracting me

"awe food!" I say getting ready to hobble off towards the kitchen but before I can I'm picked up bridal style

"you're still injured" Ryder says carrying me as Tyler and Lincon follow behind

"you're lucky food is involved otherwise you'd be getting an earful right now" I say

"lucky me" he smirks before placing me down on a chair.

"what's for breakfast?" Tyler comments taking a seat now next to me.

"Angies favourite"

"awe yeah" I say eagerly

"pancakes and Nutella with a smidge of butter" Kaylem says placing them down in front of us "if you don't like it just give them to Angie and I'll make something else"

"oh hell nah, I will gladly eat all of it" Tyler announces with his mouth already stuffed to the brim.

"gross dude" Ryder says in disgust

"hawer gowwn hawe"

"what?" we all ask in confusion

"haters gunna hate" he repeats after he has swallowed

"What are you, a twelve year old?" Ryder asks seriously

"No!" Tyler says defending himself "I'm twelve and a half!"

Taken aback by what he just said I let out a sound similar to a snort caused by me laughing with a mouth full will food "you idiot" Ryder says to Tyler as he pats on my back making sure I don't choke on pancake

"What's the time?"

"It's 8:10am"  Kaylem says looking at his wrist

"I've got roughly 30minutes then" I reply getting up off the stool

"For what?" Lincon growls

"School, obviously "

"Ha you're funny get back to bed" Ryder and Lincon say at the same time before glaring at each other

"Guys I've been cooped up at home for a week now" I whine

"Yeah so only..." Ryder says looking at his imaginary watch "5 more weeks to go"

"yeah... you and I both know that isn't going to happen." I deadpan.

"oh, hate to say it shortcake but it's TOTALY happening" Tyler smirks.

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