Chapter Thirteen: Restraints

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Chapter Thirteen: Restraints

Lincons P.O.V

"Where is she? where is she?" I say frantically looking around for Angelina currently i am sneaking through the Peterson's Territory also known as the night howlers they were given this name because they do all their work during the night like nocturnal humans and the howlers part well if you hadn't already guessed that was given to them because of their way of torture was guaranteed to make you howl.... in pain

Im just hoping they, no actually they should be hoping they didn't lay a finger on her or else I'll make them howl until their vocal cords no longer worked

"Damn girl, stupid ahhh" i hear someone mutter to them selves as they walk out of a room i take a peak around the corner and recognise the figure as Peter, leader of the night howlers gang. I recognised him from the masquerade.

"Hey you! What are you doing?" Someone says from behind me. I slowly turn to notice he has a gun pointed at my face

"Ah you know i just got-" i cut my sentence short when i step forward and lung towards the gun but not before he fires off a couple rounds one hitting me in the leg.

I cower in pain falling towards the ground "shit" i curse out. I think about staying down letting myself bleed out but then thought of Angelina runs through my mind. About how strong she is how she would never back down not for any reason. So now its my turn to stand tall and fight.

I push up with all my strength and take down the first guy that comes my way by colliding his face with my knee then flipping him over my shoulder. I suddenly hear a faint cry for help. I followed the voice untill it became clear to me that the sound originated from Angelina i rush in with all my strength to see her tied up on a table and a guy on top of her, Rage instantly fills my veins.


He slowly gets off of Angelina as her face comes into view i see that she has a black eye, bruises on her jaw and cheek bones. I swear if anger was fire i would be an inferno. I stormed towards him grabbing him by the shoulders before flinging him across the room without a second thought i rush towards Angelina to notice her eyes slowly opening and closing with a pool of tears that seeped onto her hair below.

"Angelina" i cooed softly "Angelina" i am about to untie the restraints on her wrist and legs but I'm thrown away from her.

I turn and face him but before i can respond he lands a few punches in the left side of my head. Once i am able see a blurry opening i punch him back twice as hard.

"I told you to stay away from her" i snapped as i continued to punched him in the face as blood squrits out of his nose.

"S-stop" i hear Angelina say, her voice rough and dry "stop" she says again louder but i continue to ignore her plea "he'll d-die" this time i stop my fist in midair before getting up and rush towards her not wanting to waste another second on this piece of shit.

I untie the restraints on her arms and legs noticing purple and blue bruises underneath. I quickly pick her up off of the table and place her down in my lap closing the little space between us.

"I found you" i say making sure this was real and not a dream "i finally found you."

Gently i rock her back and forth hushing her as i wipe away the stray tears. I don't have enough time to calm her down completely because well... i am here to break her out.

"Come on we got to go" i say brushing a strand of her damp hair out of her face. Making sure i didn't touch her bruises.

"Lincon" she says with a smile "you didn't dance with me at the ball" her smile quickly turns into a stern expression. I look at her blankly really you were just kidnapped, hurt and when i come to save you, you scold me for not dancing with you?

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