Chapter Ten: Faking It

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Kaylem ^^^

Chapter Ten: Faking It

Okay so i have been here one day and i am already hating. They have made me go through physio after i had rested for a few hours. I didn't actually get to sleep because Kaylem stayed with me. He said he was my 'personal guard' even though i could easily kick his butt i let him believe that he was doing a good job.

We sat there talking about the weirdest stuff like what we'd do when we get back to red dragon territory. I told him all about me finally getting dad to let me go to school and how school started in three days. He generally seemed interested like he'd never spoken to someone like this and sadly enough I could understand. He told me about how both of his parents were apart of this gang before they got killed during an ambush when he was 7 and how he had no choice but to join.

He was so excited but nervous to finally be free of this place and peter. Kaylem told me all about how Peter is a cold blooded killer and how the only reason he was nice to me was because of the rumors he heard plus the fact that I was cooperative to help him get Diego back.

"Is there any way I can go get Diego now?"i asked bringing kaylem's attention up from the tv. We were currently watching hitman agent 47

"Ha your funny" he said turning back towards the tv


He looked back at me like i had gone mad "you were joking right?"


"Are. You. Mentally. I'll?" He questioned slowly like he was talking to a person who didn't speak the same launge


"Yep, okay its official you need to go to a mental ward. Why on earth would you try to go rescue Diego with a busted-up ankle?"

"Because..."I said leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

"Come on you can tell me even though we only met like less then 24 hours ago" he smiled at me.

"I have never been away from my parents on... on my birthday" he looked slightly startled at first before composing himself.

"When's your birthday?"

"Tomorrow" i said looking down at my hands playing with the silver bracelet mum gave me.

"Oh" he said unaware "kind of bad timing, eh?" He questioned with a small smirk trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah, i guess you right" i say still entwining the bracelets dangling heart within my grasp.

"Can you even walk?" Kaylem asked me breaking the silence.

I pushed myself so that my legs were now hanging off the bed before taking a deep breath getting ready for the pain. I lift myself up so that my entire weight was now both of my legs sending an extremely painful shoot up my leg. But i steadied myself trying not to look weak.

"See told ya" i say not looking at Kaylem.

"Oh really" he said in such away that i knew he was smirking without even having to look behind me.

"Walk then if your so pain free"

I mentally groan to myself why did i have to have such a strong sense of pride. Damn you dad

I slowly lifted my right leg (which happens to be the damaged one) before placing it back down again and started to walk around wanting to burst into tears

"Sit you ass back down" i was about to scold Kaylem for his language when i found out he wasn't the one who spoke it was the guy back at the infirmary.

"Mike its fine she was just testing it out" Kaylem said in an annoyed tone.

"She needs to sit her ass down we can't be wasting time re-stitching her leg" mike? I think his name was snapped at me

"Oh, just shut up and pull that stick out of your ass Mikey."

"Don't fucking call me Mikey" He spat at Kaylem. While the two of them kept on exchanging insults i became more and more infuriated and mike's swearing.

"You're just pissed because i am a better fighter then you" Kaylem said.

"Oh, shut the fuck up" Mike growled.

I got up groaning at the pain but i kept on walking closer and closer towards mike before lifting my fist and bringing it down colliding it with his cheek.

He staggers back after a few seconds of staring at me gob smacked he finally recovered "what the hell is your problem!?"

"I have told you people before. No. Swearing. Infront. of. me" i say the last bit slowly in between breaths so he can understand.

"What's going on here?" We all turn and face the voice which came from the door.

"Peter" Kaylem says in realization.

"Do i have to repeat myself or is someone Gunna answer me?" Peter groaned.

"She punched me" Mike says from down on the floor.

"Good then she's ready" peter says looking me up and down.

"Ready for what?" I ask

"Your going to get Diego"

Wait i know i wanted to go as soon as possible but how the hell am i gunna do this?

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