Chapter Twelve: Battle Scars

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Chapter Twelve: Battle Scars

Dedication to raks26 for all the votes

Trigger warning!

-attempted r*pe please skip if you can't handle scenes like this  

Lincon's P.O.V (surprise)

"If we know where she is why don't we go get her!?" I half shout at the group of people Infront of me consisting of Antonio, Delphina, jarred (Antonio's head of security) and around ten guards.

"It's not that simpl-"

"NOT THAT SMIPLE!" I shout interrupting Jarred "of course it's simple. We know who took her, we have the men for the job, we have the weapons, we go get her what's not simple about that?"

"My daughter Can take every man in this room, myself included so if she hasn't been able to escape then there is a reason behind it, she could be injured, or they could have drugged her" Antonio says steadily.

"Why are you so calm?" I ask trying not to raise my voice.

"Because I know she can take care of herself I have trained her all these years just in case this happened. I have pushed every muscle in her body, i have trained her brain to think even under extreme pressure, I have trained her to survive the wilderness on her own with no given food or water, i also trained her body to become immune to certain drugs" Antonio says confidence dripping off his Tonge.

"As you all know it is Angelina's birthday tomorrow and i have a celebration that will not be delayed so we will leave to get Angelina tonight" i sigh relieved by Antonio's words.

It's about damn time i think to me we should of left the second, not the millisecond we knew where she was. The damn girl has my hair falling out and i just met her.

"So, here's the plan..."

Angelina's P.O.V

"Angelina?" Kaylem asks looking at me with wide eyes "what are you doing?"

"What's it looks like?" I huff.

"Looks like you're trying to re-open your stitches again" he says mumbling the last part.

Currently i am doing crunches, then next I'll do squats, sit ups followed by pushups if my ankle isn't hurting too much.

"On the contrary i am making myself distracted by the pain and in getting my heart rate up i am boosting my healing process." He merely scoffs.

"You're such a weird girl" he says stalking off towards the TV before flicking through the channels.

After about an hour of me being trapped in Kaylem's room i have finished all the exercises i could do in such a normal room. There was no gym equipment or loads of space to run he just had a basic room.

I guess because i have never actually been in a normal teenage room but i have seen movies.

He has a single bed in the left-hand corner of the room as soon as you walk in then he has a blue couch on the opposite side, He has a small TV (well compared to mine) directly across from the couch. One thing i noticed is that he doesn't have a wardrobe.

"Kaylem?" I ask.

"Mmm" he mumbles eyes still firmly glued to the TV

"Where is your wardrobe?" He turns to look at me with flat expression before he erupts into a fit of laughter.

"It's over here" he says getting up from his seat and walking towards the wooden wall. Suddenly he pushes on a random piece of wall resulting in a clicking sound before a once hidden door comes flying open.

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