Chapter Twenty-six: badass nerd?

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Chapter twenty-six: badass nerd

Dedication to and @somebody_nobody1683

So good news I found Shana,  bad news she was crying and I still have no clue what happened to her sister but I hope it's not too bad even though that is unlikely thinking.

On a weird note I have become extremely popular.  People have been complimenting me on my clothes and other random things they though was okay to point out

Also good news I haven't seen Ryder, Chase, Tyler, Alex or Harley even though I share a few classes with them. 
I have Art with Chase. 
Science with Chase, Tyler and Alex.

Maths with all of them.
History with Chase.
PE with all of them
Cooking with Ryder

And luckily I have English and Dance with none of them. But still I haven't seen any of them since Chase dropped me off at my house.

I wonder if anything Is wrong

Anyway that was yesterday, today's a new day hopefully one with less problems

"Angie breakfast is ready" kaylem calls out

"Coming" I shout back with one last glance in the middle making sure my outfit was alright.  Today I was wearing dark blue jeans and a baggy white singlet since my shoulder still has that massive bruise and the stupid sling gets in the way of me wearing anything nice.

Oh well enough about that I have food to eat and a school to attend

"So whatcha cooking? "I ask kaylem who's back was facing me while he faces the stove

"Pancakes" he said dramatically  as he spins around with a pan full of hot  steamy pancakes

"Mmm smells good " I say sniffing the air.  "Wait where is lincon? " I ask noticing the lack of his presence

" your dad called him in.  Something about him leaving something behind" he says half heartedly while he places a pile of pancakes on a plate in front of me

"Thanks" I say picking up a near by fork before digging in to the delicious food

"Wow you sure were hungry" kaylem laughs

"Shush up,  it's not my fault your a good cook" kaylem smiles in response

"Hey,  kaylem can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure" he smiles

"Can you please tell me more about how you shot my dad?" At first he seemed startled by my question but quickly recovered with a fake cough

"Uh sure what do you want to know" he says still carrying on with washing up the dishes

"How? What?  When?  Why?"

"Well...  I was 12" he says slowly

"So I was 15" I clarify

"Yea... "

"Why are you being so quiet? " I ask noticing the clear difference in his voice

"Well...  Your dad wasn't the actual target.  He kinda jumped in front of the bullet"

"Okay?  Who was it ment for? "

"You have to understand it wasn't my choice and I had to do it otherwise they would of killed me. "

"Yeah I already understood this" I say like it was a simple thing that he should of known

"Since you dad is usually under full body protection we had to wait until he would be distracted or if we couldn't get him we would aim for the next highest threat"

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