Chapter Seven: Kick-Ass Time

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Chapter Seven: Kick-Ass Time

Lincon's P.O.V

Where did she go? I'm rushing around the ball room trying to find Angelina I'm supposed to be her guard i rush towards the last place i saw her.

I look around frantically no Angelina im about to turn away when some thing catches my eye

Her lotus hair clip shit i think to myself. Quickly i rush out towards her mother and father.

"Lincon what's wrong you look distressed" Delfina asked me.

"It's Angelina Shes missi..." i didn't get to finish that sentence before Antonio rushes off towards the exit.

"Call everyone" i hear Antonio say as i follow him out towards the car.

"Yes sir" i say.

Angelinas P.O.V
"Wake up" i hear a rough voice say waking me up. My head feels like i got hit with a baseball bat at full swing. I try and open my eyes, but they seem to heavy. Slowly i try again this time succeeding.

"It's about time you got up, you lazy bitch" i internally scold him for his language. I look down noticing my arms and legs are tied to the chair that im sitting on

"Wow with the way you treat guest im surprised they aren't all lining up at your front door" i say with attitued.
If i can distract him he wont notice me looking for an exit i think to myself

"You better watch your tone, you little brat or ill kill you with my own hands" he snarls at me

Okay so first i need to untie my hands, easy. Second i need to knock the rude guy out, should be easy. Third escape quietly not to draw any attention towards me not as easy but here goes nothing.

*whack* "i was talking to you bitch" he snarled at me once again. I felt the small throb of pain in my left cheek caused by him slapping me.

Girl i think to myself.

I look directly at him knowing that i will enjoy knocking him out. "Sorry I'm surprised i didn't pass out because your breath is like a rotten pig" i say trying to divert his attention so i could untie my wrists.

"Excuse me" he says angrily, before bringing his fist into my stomach causing me to lean forward as much as i can in this stupid chair.

"You hit like a girl" i state with a smirk. I almost had my hands free.

"O'really is that what ya think well how about this?" He says landing a punch directly on my jaw making it crack.

Allllmost theeeerrree! Done! I think to myself causing a full-blown grin to form on my face that was currently hurting.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks cautiously.

"Oh nothing" i say "just this" i lean forward putting my hands on the cold hard ground before lifting my legs and the chair with a quick and deadly force i let my legs come back down smashing into the rude guy. It almost looked like i was doing a handstand.

The wooden chair smashes into pieces. Quickly i untie the now small piece of wood attached to my legs and make a run for it out the front door.

How stupid are these guys that they don't put security outside the door?

I run as carefully as i can making sure my feet can't be heard. holding my high heels was an obvious thing to do otherwise i would be heard from a mile away. This damn dress is not Gunna make it easy for me to fight in. But i can't ruin it because daddy handpicked it.

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