Chapter Four: Up Close

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Chapter Four: Up Close

This early damn it I'm going back to sleep.

Unlucky for me i was cursed, once i was awake there was no way i would get back to sleep. So instead, I decided I would get up and have a shower. Slowly I made my way to my bathroom. Reaching out the tired limbs of my body I turned on the shower before stripping out of my pjs and into the nice warm shower. Standing there letting the hot steamy water wash away all the sleep that still lingers. I was in the shower for a good half an hour before jumping out to be engulfed by a warm steam that had been trapped in the bathroom.

"Angelina?" I hear a panicked voice say wait what I think to myself did I just hear something? "Angelina?" I hear the same panicked voice repeat. Okay so I must be going crazy who's up this early. Well part from me.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly before the bathroom door swung open almost knocking me out. I step back making sure not to get whacked with the door, but I slip on some water and fall "ahhh " I quietly scream.

"Angelina!?" The voice asked surprised and slightly scared. I look up to see Lincon standing in the door way.

"Wait what's Lincon doing here?"

"Your father as assigned me your personal bodyguard and ..." He says reading my mind but cut his sentence short when his eyes started to drift towards my attire. Slowly I follow Lincon's eyes to notice that I'm only in a towel. "Ah... Ah ...ah" Lincon stutters with bright red cheeks "sorry" he says turning his eyes away but staying firmly in place.

"it's okay" I say embarrassed that he's the first guy around my age to see me half naked. Not for the fact that it's him but for the fact that I'm almost 18 and this is a first for me.

"I... I would m... move but I'm k...kind of frozen with em...embarrassment" he stutters.

"it okay, it's okay" I say truthfully "I'll go into the other room and get dressed" I tried to get up while still holding my towel on tight, but the floor is extremely slippery, and I can feel my legs start to give out from underneath me "ahhh"

"Angelina!?" he says panicking his way closer to me in hope to catch me before i fall, For the second time today.

Everything seems to go in slow motion i can feel his hands wrap around my waist before he too slips on the water "oh shit!" he exclaims and before i know it I'm back on the bathroom floor with Lincon on top of me.

He looks into my eyes with a rosy colour staining his cheeks. I can feel his breath tingling down my neck. Sending an unknown feeling down my spine. His eyes slowly drift towards my lips then back into my eyes i want to break away but something in his eyes pulls me back. Slowly Lincon leans forward closing the already small space between us.

I can feel my own cheeks flush red, not with embarrassment but also with excitement. I had no idea why i was excited but, i was.

Lincon's lips were now mere millimeters away from my own. "Angelina are you okay i heard a loud thud?" I hear a voice say snapping both Lincon and i out of our trance. We both look over to see jarred standing in the doorway staring down at the two of us.

My excitement was overcome by embarrassment. Jarred stood there not knowing what to say let alone think. Lincon pushed himself off my body taking all his heat with him. "Sorry" Lincon says not meeting my eyes.

"no I'm sorry it was my fault" i say try not to get him in trouble with jarred.

"What did i just see?" Jarred asks in an extremely agitated voice.

"oh, its all a miss understanding you see" i began "i was in the bathroom and slipped on some water once Lincon heard he ran to the rescue fearing the worst but due to him running he to slipped and ... well you saw the rest" i say quickly. It may not be exactly true but it still made sense.

Lincon's head snapped in my direction with a confused look on his face. I quickly responded with a just go with it look. Hesitantly he agreed. "Yes, sir my apologies i shouldn't of run in like that."

Jarred looks between the both of us before responding with "no its alright Mr. McCall you were doing your job" "Angelina your father is insisting you join him in the kitchen" i looked over at Lincon. So that's what he wanted to tell me ...before, well you know what happened.

"Yes, tell him I'll be down straight after i get dressed" jarred nods in agreement before grabbing Lincon and leaving my room. I slump down on my bed releasing a breath i didn't know i was holding in.

What on earth just happened!?

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