Chapter Thirty-Six: Im The Gingerbread woman!

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Lionel ^^^^

Chapter Thirty-Six: I'm the gingerbread woman!

dedication to @Tori1118 for guessing the song correctly it was lose your self by Eminem

"he's a killer Angie" Ryder repeats

no, no, no I was just got away from a life full of killers I cant let them back in i need a normal life i think in a panic while keeping my face as calm as I could make it but apparently I couldn't fool Ryder

"its okay, you didn't know" he says softly

"I need to get to class" i say not looking up

"ill walk you there we do have cooking together next" he smiles softly

"yeah okay" I smile as he slings his arm over my shoulder as we walk back towards the other guys as I try to calm my nerves

what if something bad happened and they find out who I am? I think nervously as we arrive in front of the guys to be welcomed with questioning stares

"what did you do to her?" Alex asks concerned

"yeah my princessa looks pale" Tyler says coming closer to give me a hug

"I'm fine" I say accepting his hug

"I told her" Ryder says grabbing my books off the top of my locker

"told her what?" Alex asks

"what Skye really is" Ryder says walking back towards me. all of a sudden all the guys look directly at me

"are you alright princessa?" Tyler asks concerned

"yeah I'm fine" I say honestly ...well not completely the title of killer didn't effect me as much as it should have it was more the fact that If things got worse i could be taken back to... no I shouldn't think like that. he wouldn't take me back so soon... would he?

"its okay" Shana says snapping me out of my thoughts while coming in for a hug which I gladly accepted.

please please don't let her be like jasmine i need a friend like her who I can trust


Shana, Ryder and myself arrive at the cooking room a little earlier then we were supposed to mostly because I just couldn't stand being out in the hall way anymore I had to do something and lucky for me... I wasn't aloud to cook. yay can you see the sarcasm dripping off my words? The two idiots thought it was in my best interest if I didn't cook with my hand being injured so they told the teacher and she gladly agree to making me sit out. that's not even the worst part, we were supposed to be making potato bake today *cries dramatically* yes it is devastating you would also cry if everyone ate delicious, mouth watering potato bake in front of you and you had nothing because people decided you were unfit to cook it yourself. I mentally whine crossing my arms

"can believe you guys did this to me" I huff in frustration

"well what else were we supposed to do? let you cook and injure your hand even more then it already is" Shana says while trying the apron around her waist

"yes" I complain

"wasn't ever going to happen but points for trying" Ryder smirked

"you know what else would give me a lot of points?" i smiled "hand me a knife and if I manage to hit you I get fifty points how does that sound"

"that sounds extremely dangerous" Ryder comments moving slowly away from me

"well what do you expect, you drop a bomb on me and expect me to sit down and do nothing i need to get my mind off these things" I whine

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