Chapter Thirty-five: feeling weak

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Chase ^^^

Chapter Thirty-five: feeling weak

dedication to kablessyaonfleet for once again being the first person to comment the right name of the song thank you for being a consistent reader 

Ryders P.O.V
I woke up to be engulfed by a sweet mouth watering scent that smelt like bubble-gum and watermelon lip gloss. hey don't judge I've made out with my fair share of girls I know my scents. Opening my eyes i realize that Angies head is resting in the crook of my neck as my arms are wrapped around her little body.

Man she's so cute as soon as i think that she hiccups in her sleep causing her warm breath to hit my neck like a ton of bricks. what adorable idiot hiccups in her sleep!? oh god I've got to get away from her before I do something stupid I think to myself as I slowly manoeuvre my way out of the cubbie house we built.

"stupid idiot" I say rubbing my neck trying to get the sensation of her off me.

"who's a stupid idiot?" Alex asks "well apart from your self and Tyler of course" he smirked

"hey! I heard that" Tyler says exiting the sheet made fort

"your both idiots one just happened to be smarter then the other" I comment knowing all to well that it would cause an argument between the two of them

"obviously that's me" Tyler says stretching

"idiot it was me he was talking about anyone would see that" Alex says defending his honour as a full fledge golden boy

they continued for what seemed like hours before chase knocked their heads together

"why did you do that!?" they shout causing Chase to punch them in the gut hard before he pointed at Angie who looked to be having a nightmare

"is she okay?" they both ask insinc

"no she's not and its probably caused by all of you making such a ruckus" Lincon says coming out of what I'm guessing to be his room "any idiot could see that the noise is messing with her sleep so why don't you do something useful and make breakfast or something" he says getting a glass of juice but before he drinks it he pours the liquid out of a small glass jar into it.

It looks to be more serious then just a cut to the thigh I think recalling how long Angie's been going to our school and how long a cut would take to get used to. I think Angie was covering for him, but why?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard Angie mumble something but I didn't quiet catch what she said. Apparently Kaylem did because he starts to laugh "what did she say?" I ask

"she said Nemo" he laughs " I bet she wont remember saying it"

"she does have a tendency to talk in her sleep about the weirdest things" Lincon says while looking as if he is recalling a memory

"yeah I don't even think she knows about it" Kaylem laughs

"what don't I know about?" I hear a small barely audible voice ask. I look over to see Angie crawling out of the blankets

"morning" I say once she's fully out

"morning everyone" she says with a yawn as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes "what's the time?"

"5:30am" Alex states looking at his phone

"why is everyone up so early?" she asks walking towards the kitchen

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