Chapter Forty-Eight: Arvon

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Chapter Forty-Eight: Arvon

Right now I was attached to Ryder, as he gave me a piggy back ride back to the ambulance because the grounds are too rough for cars to drive along. "Thanks Ryder, you didn't need to carry me though" I say trying to hide the fact that I am in a decent amount of pain.

"Oh yeah, I should just let you walk on your broken leg" Ryder replies sarcastically as his grip on my lower thighs just above my knees tightens "I'm not letting you get injured again" he half growls. I look behind me to see all the guys and Lashana trailing behind even a few people looking like lost puppies, wanting to know what was going on followed.

"Okay you need to listen to what ever Alex and the doctors say otherwise you'll get an earful from me and a free ass whooping to the local hospital, got it" mrs k growls at me

"Go it" I reply not wanting to peeve her off

"Good girl" she says nodding in approval.

Within half an hour the ambulance had arrived and I was placed gently inside "don't worry we will all be right behind you in our cars as soon as they arrive alright" Ryder says brushing a strand of hair out of my face

"Yeah princessà don't worry we will be right behind you" Tyler says, wait a Minnie He doesn't really have a Spanish accent anymore, and I rarely hear him speak in anything apart from English. I'll have to ask him about it later.

"Guys your acting as if I'm going into surgery and I have. 10% chance to live, I'm fine honestly you all need to chill. Also how are cars getting here we took the bus and it's hours away?"

"Don't joke about that" chase says suddenly speaking up

"Joke about what?" I ask no clicking onto what I had just said

"10%" is all he says instantly making me feel guilty

"Sorry" I mumble

"Alright are you ready to go?" A nurse asks kindly, I'm about to reply but Alex cuts me off

"Gardner residents" he says simply while showing his ID card before the nurses face turns into shock

"Y-yes sir"

"See ya everyone, and stay until the camp is over, please" I plead "I don't want to ruin everyone trip. So please just this once listen to me"

"Alright" Tyler says but he's not happy about it. Then I look over at Ryder, at first his face showed frustration but then it suddenly broke out into a smirk

"Alrighty we won't show up until camp is over" he says holding his hand up in surrender . I'm about to ask him what he meant but the nurse closes the door cutting off the others. Mmm...but why was he smirking?

Ryder's P.O.V

"Stay until the camp is over, please" Angie pleads. How on earth can we stay and enjoy anything without her here let alone with her injured and on her way to Alex's place.

Wait! Loophole, she wants us to stay until camps over then I guess we will just have to make sure camp can't continue "Alrighty we won't show up until camp is over" I say not being able to suppress the smirk on my face. She's not able to say anything else because the ambulance doors slam shut as they drive off.

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